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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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2 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Jeremy isn't the saviour of politics.   Others have said similar things over the years.  I think Clegg did in 2010.


I agree that the choices waiting in the wings to replace Corbyn are poor.  I can't stand McDonnel, Rebecca Long-Bailey or Emily Thornberry.


Jess Phillips would be my stand out choice.


And whoever wins, there's no need to abandon Corbyn's ideals.  I just hope it ends the hate that dogs the Labour party.  Antisemitism aside, there's always been a core of "hang the Tories", "kill the Tories", "Smash the Tories" for decades.  

We all know that 'Saint Jeremy' is a myth/joke, but he has had the strength to push his agenda (like it or loath it) to the fore, and hold it there against the most ferocious opposition. I can't think of anyone else who could have done that successfully. The man seems to have no personal ego, has no skeletons in the closet that can be successfully used against him (how many in public life can say that?) is honest and has long formed principles that won't budge. He is a very unusual man in politics.

On the downside, his seriousness and  incorruptability can come across as him being a bit poe faced, and his sense of humour and charisma (which he has in spades) don't come across on television where he has to watch every word or get slaughtered. Off screen he is much more relaxed.

Boris on the other hand is seen as a lovable buffoon, says the first thing that comes into his head and gets away with it, and has a very flawed character which people seem to like as it makes him more human. I can understand that, he is likable, but for me, as a sharp minded, hard working politician and connected man of the people JC wins every time.  


I agree Jess Phillips might be a good choice. I like her, but will she be tough enough to not fold to pressure.


As for 'hate' thing - you should get my facebook feed and see what the Tories say about Labour. There are plenty of very uncivilised people in the Tories saying the same things, and worse about them.  But more important, and more telling is the contempt they seem to have for the ordinary 'little' people .  

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19 minutes ago, Anna B said:

We all know that 'Saint Jeremy' is a myth/joke, but he has had the strength to push his agenda (like it or loath it) to the fore, and hold it there against the most ferocious opposition. I can't think of anyone else who could have done that successfully. The man seems to have no personal ego, has no skeletons in the closet that can be successfully used against him (how many in public life can say that?) is honest and has long formed principles that won't budge. He is a very unusual man in politics.

On the downside, his seriousness and  incorruptability can come across as him being a bit poe faced, and his sense of humour and charisma (which he has in spades) don't come across on television where he has to watch every word or get slaughtered. Off screen he is much more relaxed.

Boris on the other hand is seen as a lovable buffoon, says the first thing that comes into his head and gets away with it, and has a very flawed character which people seem to like as it makes him more human. I can understand that, he is likable, but for me, as a sharp minded, hard working politician and connected man of the people JC wins every time.  


I agree Jess Phillips might be a good choice. I like her, but will she be tough enough to not fold to pressure.


As for 'hate' thing - you should get my facebook feed and see what the Tories say about Labour. There are plenty of very uncivilised people in the Tories saying the same things, and worse about them.  But more important, and more telling is the contempt they seem to have for the ordinary 'little' people .  

Worse than they should be killed, hanged or lynched? 

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3 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Jeremy isn't the saviour of politics.   Others have said similar things over the years.  I think Clegg did in 2010.


I agree that the choices waiting in the wings to replace Corbyn are poor.  I can't stand McDonnel, Rebecca Long-Bailey or Emily Thornberry.


Jess Phillips would be my stand out choice.


And whoever wins, there's no need to abandon Corbyn's ideals.  I just hope it ends the hate that dogs the Labour party.  Antisemitism aside, there's always been a streak of hatred running through supporters  who chant and write things like "hang the Tories", "kill the Tories", "Smash the Tories" for decades.  


Image result for smash the tories

Can you imagine Jess Phillips in trade negotiations with trump? I'd pay to watch that.  She's a bit blunt, but she seems like a straight shooter and I like that.

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8 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Can you imagine Jess Phillips in trade negotiations with trump? I'd pay to watch that.  She's a bit blunt, but she seems like a straight shooter and I like that.

I don't think the Labour Party would ever need to talk with Trump about trade negotiations. Their preferred brexit deal would mean we would be unable to strike our own trade deals. 

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5 hours ago, Robin-H said:

I don't think the Labour Party would ever need to talk with Trump about trade negotiations. Their preferred brexit deal would mean we would be unable to strike our own trade deals. 

Given the number of number of deals negotiated so far,  the time it takes to negotiate them and the lack of skilled trade deal negotiators in the UK (a little harder than David Davis pretended), probably no bad thing.

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11 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Given the number of number of deals negotiated so far,  the time it takes to negotiate them and the lack of skilled trade deal negotiators in the UK (a little harder than David Davis pretended), probably no bad thing.

We haven't negotiated any trade deals yet have we? We can't until we've left the EU. I think we've signed some things with countries so that existing trade deals we have as part of being in the EU will just carry on regardless, but haven't negotiated anything new. 

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3 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

We haven't negotiated any trade deals yet have we? We can't until we've left the EU. I think we've signed some things with countries so that existing trade deals we have as part of being in the EU will just carry on regardless, but haven't negotiated anything new. 

We've only managed to roll over a handful. Is anything better than tarrif free trade?




Of course as soon as Brexit is done we'll be signing up left right and centre to export unicorns at premium rates.

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6 minutes ago, thorphanger said:

Anybody anything to say about the attempt at vote rigging. Registering students without their knowledge and many underage in Plymouth and other Labour marginals. Unreal and hopefully sorted before election day.

Evidence please.

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