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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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5 minutes ago, Anna B said:

We so used to criticise countries like Russia for rigging the system like this.


When did we become a banana republic. . .? 

AFAIK in Russia you could vote for the Communist Party or nobody,


Since Putin came into power the opposition leader is usually in custody.

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1 hour ago, Longcol said:

AFAIK in Russia you could vote for the Communist Party or nobody,


Since Putin came into power the opposition leader is usually in custody.

Well, you could vote for different candidates but all Communists, and they have been selected by the party head office. So a bit like the elections between Conservatives and Blair's Labour, basically the same party. Thank goodness Corbyn came along to offer a real alternative choice.

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7 hours ago, Anna B said:

We so used to criticise countries like Russia for rigging the system like this.


When did we become a banana republic. . .? 

Most tellingly, when Boris was appointed Prime Minister.


But objectively, long before that, e.g. when the Leave.EU lot escaped the Met's criminal investigation mandated by the Electoral Commission scot-free, because the Police has been sitting on it ever since (look up the Police brass interviews about it).


There are many other, earlier instances of course, and I've called out the UK exactly that in posts going back a couple years at least, but you know...it's quite hard to get through posters' misplaced nationalistic pride ;)


Ironically enough, speaking of banana republics...you remember that 'Russia interference' report, which Boris decided to suppress the other week? It's just come out that the wife of Putin's ex-Minister of Finances gave the Tories £200k a week later...


...and then you've got all those Leave-voting "traditional Labourites" hell-bent on voting Tories in around 3 weeks'time ?!? 


Hahahahahaha! :lol: 


(I hope they re-do that hilarious Spaniard/TV show meme about the GE2019 after 12 December, gonna be solid platinum hilarity)

Edited by L00b
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10 hours ago, Longcol said:

None of them mention;


Registering students without their knowledge

Registering underage voters



0/10 - Fail

I don't know why he posted the wrong links.  Googling "plymouth voting" brings up plenty of news articles from the past few days:

Plymouth students registered to vote without consent



Plymouth City Council in fresh row over 'illegal' student votes ahead of General Election



Hundreds of Plymouth students 'mistakenly added' to electoral register


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On 20/11/2019 at 13:21, Anna B said:

We all know that 'Saint Jeremy' is a myth/joke, but he has had the strength to push his agenda (like it or loath it) to the fore, and hold it there against the most ferocious opposition. I can't think of anyone else who could have done that successfully. The man seems to have no personal ego, has no skeletons in the closet that can be successfully used against him (how many in public life can say that?) is honest and has long formed principles that won't budge. He is a very unusual man in politics.

On the downside, his seriousness and  incorruptability can come across as him being a bit poe faced, and his sense of humour and charisma (which he has in spades) don't come across on television where he has to watch every word or get slaughtered. Off screen he is much more relaxed.

Boris on the other hand is seen as a lovable buffoon, says the first thing that comes into his head and gets away with it, and has a very flawed character which people seem to like as it makes him more human. I can understand that, he is likable, but for me, as a sharp minded, hard working politician and connected man of the people JC wins every time.  


I agree Jess Phillips might be a good choice. I like her, but will she be tough enough to not fold to pressure.


As for 'hate' thing - you should get my facebook feed and see what the Tories say about Labour. There are plenty of very uncivilised people in the Tories saying the same things, and worse about them.  But more important, and more telling is the contempt they seem to have for the ordinary 'little' people .  

No skeletons in his closet, said with tongue in cheek I hope. Their are photos too numerous to post of Corbyn cosieing up to and pictured with people who are an affront to humanity, and the Country is expected to  vote for this man. He is a joke, a bad joke at that.



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A question for maybe Mz Abbott to answer. Labour intend to raise 80 billion by taxing the top 5% more, anyone on £80,000+ as it happens. I assume this extra tax will be pro rata, but it throws up an interesting fact if just equelled out for all. There are 32.54 million workers in the UK, 5% of this figure gives approx 1600000. So £80 billion divided by the 5% figure gives a £50,000 extra  tax bill each. The 150 billionaires in the country can easily afford the tax that will be levied, but what about those on 80k up, what will their extra tax burden be, pro rata, any one costed that yet.




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