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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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58 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I am not Jewish or a member of The Labour Party although I have certainly voted for them for the majority of my voting life.

Nor do I consider myself anti semitic.

Is this really a trait more evident in The Labour Party than any other, or could it being used to counter any argument against those who support,or have sympathy  for the Palestinian people ?


Do you mean this?



but if you scroll down the article it states


South-African born Mr Mirvis became chief rabbi in 2013. In a Facebook post in July, he congratulated Boris Johnson on his election as Conservative leader, describing the new prime minister as a "long-standing friend and champion of the Jewish community".


so hes not exactly politically neutral then?, saw the facebook post on facebook but couldnt grab a link off google to post :(


and a tory withdrawn for antisemitism, oops


Edited by melthebell
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36 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Don’t you find that just a little bit suspicious? 😵

My thoughts exactly. 

Another stick to beat Corbyn with.


Meanwhile the Muslim Council of Great Britain says " Islamaphobia is particularly acute in the Conservative Party."

Bet we don't hear that quoted and discussed ad infinitum for years and years...

Edited by Anna B
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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

I am not Jewish or a member of The Labour Party although I have certainly voted for them for the majority of my voting life.

Nor do I consider myself anti semitic.

Is this really a trait more evident in The Labour Party than any other, or could it being used to counter any argument against those who support,or have sympathy  for the Palestinian people ?


I agree. When religion gets involved it is usually a mess.

It's difficult to separate Islam and Palestine and almost impossible to separate Israel and Judaism. They are different things. 



Btw -

It was a close run thing when they came to decide the name of the land now known as Israel.

The second choice was ZION.   If chosen the negative connotations of Zionism would  have been understood in a whole different way.

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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:

Well I don't remember there being any previous mentions of anti-Semitism in the UK's mainstream politics before Corbyn was elected Labour leader unless you include the old National Front or BNP? 

It was levelled against the Labour Party when Ed Miliband was leader.

32 minutes ago, Anna B said:

My thoughts exactly. 

Another stick to beat Corbyn with.


Meanwhile the Muslim Council of Great Britain says " Islamaphobia is particularly acute in the Conservative Party."

Bet we don't hear that quoted and discussed ad infinitum for years and years...

I doubt whether the BBC will accord the same publicity to the ruling of the MCB about The Conservative Party as they do to anti semitism in the Labour Party.

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19 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

How many of these can be proven to be false?



no idea, the trouble with all this is theres that much fake news and time passing, and the mass media posting stuff on it, its hard to dig deep for actual facts on the matters.

take a random case from this, renaming holocaust day..........just done a quick google and unless you dig VERY deep everything comes up from 2018, and its media supportive or part of Jewish interests or tabloids just giving this basic story...NO FACTS, so its hard to base if its true or false. What i do believe is these accusations should be checked out and anybody caught lying should be done for hate crime as its using the holocaust as a fake history and tarring the legacy by using it falsely.

Edited by melthebell
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25 minutes ago, melthebell said:

no idea, the trouble with all this is theres that much fake news and time passing, and the mass media posting stuff on it, its hard to dig deep for actual facts on the matters.

take a random case from this, renaming holocaust day..........just done a quick google and unless you dig VERY deep everything comes up from 2018, and its media supportive or part of Jewish interests or tabloids just giving this basic story...NO FACTS, so its hard to base if its true or false. What i do believe is these accusations should be checked out and anybody caught lying should be done for hate crime as its using the holocaust as a fake history and tarring the legacy by using it falsely.

If Jeremy Corbyn was leading a racist party then I just wonder why Tommy Robinson has declared his support for the Tory Party?

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2 minutes ago, Mister M said:

If Jeremy Corbyn was leading a racist party then I just wonder why Tommy Robinson has declared his support for the Tory Party?

Best chance of brexit since farage has stopped most of his candidates from running, thought robinson was a "member" of UKIp so to speak

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