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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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I've been posting on this site for over 10 years, and with a few honourable exceptions, most right winger on this forum haven't given two hoots about racism. Except to make silly comments about 'political correctness gone mad', and lampooning those on the left as complaining about racism.

It's almost as if they only started caring about those on the receiving end of racist abuse since some in the Labour Party have been exposed for making anti-Semitic statements.

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14 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I've been posting on this site for over 10 years, and with a few honourable exceptions, most right winger on this forum haven't given two hoots about racism. Except to make silly comments about 'political correctness gone mad', and lampooning those on the left as complaining about racism.

Those were my thoughts exactly when I saw film of that appalling attack on two young Jewish boys on the tube in London last week.


The fight against antisemitism is not helped by using the issue to score political points and the Chief Rabbi using the plight of his own people to gain a few more grubby votes for the Conservatives should hang his head in shame. 


He’s a disgrace. 😡

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1 hour ago, banjodeano said:

Tell me why he should apologise? what has he actually done wrong?

it was a loaded question, if Corbyn said sorry then it would be an admission of guilt (and there is none)...

if he ignored the question then it would be splashed all over the papers that Corbyn refuses to say sorry (as they did)...it was a no win situation, its a shame the sheeple like yourself cant see through the sham

I don’t think Corbyn is a racist but has a leader of he should have clamped down on anyone who is it’s a leadership thing.

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44 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

I don’t think Corbyn is a racist but has a leader of he should have clamped down on anyone who is it’s a leadership thing.

Yes, clamp down on any genuine racism, certainly, but pandering to a campaign which has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with an attempt to undermine his party is not real leadership. 

He should have told Andrew Neil to do one and called the Chief Rabbi out for using his position for personal political reasons. That would be real leadership and go some way to dispelling his image of being indecisive.

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2 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Its always someone else's fault with Corbyn isn't it?  The media, the Tories, the Blairite MPs in his own party.....

I don't think I've heard or seen Mr Corbyn blame anyone.

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