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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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1 hour ago, convert said:

Newsnight  were in Wakefield last night, and interviewed several people, who had voted Labour all their life. A lot said they'd be voting Tory. One chap even said that his parents would be turning in their graves if he voted  Tory, but for the first time in his life he felt he had to.

More fool him then

21 hours ago, convert said:

The Labour party claims that its policies will save the average family £6700 per year 




However,  it would appear that they've let Diane Abbott loose with the calculator again.




'This figure is not credible and does not represent what an average family would save."

Isn't that like averages that normally get bandied about?

i always see things like an average workers pay is 23000 or so,but everybody I know is closer to 12000, 13000

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1 hour ago, convert said:

Newsnight  were in Wakefield last night, and interviewed several people, who had voted Labour all their life. A lot said they'd be voting Tory. One chap even said that his parents would be turning in their graves if he voted  Tory, but for the first time in his life he felt he had to.

I said on the General Election thread last week that it’s the political version of Stockholm Syndrome. Some people have developed a psychological alliance with their political captors by being in denial of the consequences of voting for something that is so obviously against their best interests. I saw a bloke on the local news at a foodbank in Grimsby the other day saying he was voting Tory. 

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58 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

I said on the General Election thread last week that it’s the political version of Stockholm Syndrome. Some people have developed a psychological alliance with their political captors by being in denial of the consequences of voting for something that is so obviously against their best interests. I saw a bloke on the local news at a foodbank in Grimsby the other day saying he was voting Tory. 

I think you are right, but someone at a food bank voting tory..Wow, just wow

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1 hour ago, Mister Gee said:

I said on the General Election thread last week that it’s the political version of Stockholm Syndrome. Some people have developed a psychological alliance with their political captors by being in denial of the consequences of voting for something that is so obviously against their best interests. I saw a bloke on the local news at a foodbank in Grimsby the other day saying he was voting Tory. 

I think that's a very good analogy. 


People are also very sheep like and will follow the crowd rather than think for themselves, even if it's leading them over a cliff. 

Edited by Anna B
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2 hours ago, melthebell said:


Isn't that like averages that normally get bandied about?

i always see things like an average workers pay is 23000 or so,but everybody I know is closer to 12000, 13000

I'd say not. If you read the Full Fact report, it says



Labour today released figures that they said showed that costs to the average family had risen by almost £6,000 since 2010, while Labour policies would save the average family £6,700.

Very few of these figures represent what “average families” will save under Labour’s policies, or how much more those families have had to pay under the Conservatives.

More than three quarters of the supposed “savings” come from just two large costs, rail season tickets and childcare, neither of which comes close to reflecting what an average family actually pays. In England, two fifths of families don’t pay anything for childcare; only 5% of people use a train more than three times a week."

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On 04/12/2019 at 11:27, hobinfoot said:

We are in debt no doubt.  Labour under Corbyn and McDonnells policies will shove us deeper and deeper into the mire. And I’ve not heard anything about everything being rosy from any politicians. You can’t just borrow yourself out of debt simply because the more you borrow the more you owe and the deeper and deeper you sink.

We couldn't really get any deeper in the mire.

EVERYTHING (apart from rich boys bank accounts) gets worse day by day, minute by minute.

We're worse off now, even after all the austerity,  than we were 10 years ago, and without doubt, we'll be even worse in 2020, 2021, 2022 and for decades to come, unless someone takes the country in a totally different direction. It won't suit the Establishment that's for sure.

GOOD. It's them that's ruining the world for everyone else, but millions of people are too stupid to realise it.

There's far too many £10 an hour 'Middle Class' Tory voting, deluded people. 

Edited by Hotmale 1954
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58 minutes ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

It's them that's ruining the world for everyone else, but millions of people are too stupid to realise it.

There's far too many £10 an hour 'Middle Class' Tory voting, deluded people. 

Ah, the old "millions must be wrong because they don't agree with me" point of view.


There's more to Tories than the rich, ten bob millionaires and "£10 an hour 'Middle Class'" as you put it.  Its a shame you can't see that with your blinkered point of view.


Chip on your shoulder perhaps, or something else?

Edited by alchresearch
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6 hours ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

We couldn't really get any deeper in the mire.

EVERYTHING (apart from rich boys bank accounts) gets worse day by day, minute by minute.

We're worse off now, even after all the austerity,  than we were 10 years ago, and without doubt, we'll be even worse in 2020, 2021, 2022 and for decades to come, unless someone takes the country in a totally different direction. It won't suit the Establishment that's for sure.

GOOD. It's them that's ruining the world for everyone else, but millions of people are too stupid to realise it.

There's far too many £10 an hour 'Middle Class' Tory voting, deluded people. 

I agree for the most part, and It's incredibly worrying.


How did these psychos and sociopaths end  up running the world? And can people not see it's all for their own benefit and no one else's. There is a whole history of crimes against the people; everything from genocide and wars, false flags,  to simply lying through their teeth to get their own way. It's a world run by the rich for the rich. All the man in the street is for, is as a means to make them richer. 


'Trickle down' hasn't worked. We have a society with 4 million children now living in poverty, the working poor needing benefits to live, homelessness and food banks. We have a dearth of public services and insecurity for all, where once there was a good working safety net for those who needed it (which could be any of us.) We have lost control of our infrastructure, The North in particular has lacked investment for years. Social mobility is grinding to a halt and life expectancy is falling. We have huge divisions over Brexit, and the government who started it and got a pasting, haven't been able to sort it out. They have cynically muddied the water by combining it with an election which has confused all the issues.

40 years worth of chickens are finally coming home to roost, and it's not going to be pretty. 


This country is not what it was after 40 years of Conservatism and LabourLite.

Do you feel valued? Do you feel secure? No? Then let's have someone who is on the side of the people for a change. 




Edited by Anna B
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3 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I agree for the most part, and It's incredibly worrying.


How did these psychos and sociopaths end  up running the world? And can people not see it's all for their own benefit and no one else's. There is a whole history of crimes against the people; everything from genocide and wars, false flags,  to simply lying through their teeth to get their own way. It's a world run by the rich for the rich. All the man in the street is for, is as a means to make them richer. 


We have a society with 4 million children now living in poverty, the working poor, homelessness and food banks. We have a dearth of public services and insecurity for all, where once there was a good working safety net for those who needed it (which could be any of us,) Social mobility is grinding to a halt and life expectancy is falling. 40 years worth of chickens are finally coming home to roost, and it's not going to be pretty. 


This country is not what it was after years of Conservatism and Blair. Do you feel valued? No? Then let's have someone who is on the side of the people for a change. 




Not long now ANNA, hope your tireless campaigning pays dividends, I always read your excellent posts and agree with you 100%.

If labour win a majority, then the drinks are on me...……..      (only kidding)

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