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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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14 minutes ago, Padders said:

Not long now ANNA, hope your tireless campaigning pays dividends, I always read your excellent posts and agree with you 100%.

If labour win a majority, then the drinks are on me...……..      (only kidding)

Thanks Padders. Fingers crossed eh?🙂

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Corbyn's taking the moral high ground is putting him at a disadvantage. All very worthy, but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

The Tories play dirty and lie through their teeth all the time. There were points in the debate last night  when I thought Corbyn could have landed a killer punch, but he refuses to stoop to their level. Big mistake, sometimes you just have to. I think all the negativity he has endured for the past 4 years has made him very guarded. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

Corbyn's taking the moral high ground is putting him at a disadvantage. All very worthy, but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

The Tories play dirty and lie through their teeth all the time. There were points in the debate last night  when I thought Corbyn could have landed a killer punch, but he refuses to stoop to their level. Big mistake, sometimes you just have to. I think all the negativity he has endured for the past 4 years has made him very guarded. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

In effect You are suggesting that Corbyn plays dirty and lies through his teeth.!


Corbyn is an okay fella. Not PM worthy by any means. Nor is the buffoon Johnson.


The whole Gov't is a complete and utter a mess.


I think it's high time we did things differently. Get rid of the lot of them and start from scratch.


What we have now are Old Cronies with vastly outdated views. 


What we need is a Brand New system of Gov't.....With YOUNG mp's who have some foresight and are fresh to the game.


Introduce an Age limit of 50 years old for all Mp's. 


50 years old and your out.


Okay some great minds of the over 50's are in government...but we seldom see them ACTUALLY do any good in the REAL world.













Edited by FinBak
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4 minutes ago, FinBak said:

In effect You are suggesting that Corbyn plays dirty and lies through his teeth.!


Corbyn is an okay fella. Not PM worthy by any means. Nor is the buffoon Johnson.


The whole Gov't is a complete and utter a mess.


I think it's high time we did things differently. Get rid of the lot of them and start from scratch.


What we have now are Old Cronies with vastly outdated views. 


What we need is a Brand New system of Gov't.....With YOUNG mp's who have some foresight and are fresh to the game.


Introduce an Age limit of 50 years old for all Mp's. 


50 years old and your out.


Okay some great minds of the over 50's are in government...but we seldom see them ACTUALLY do any good in the REAL world.













he doesnt have to lie, his policies are sound, but he is far too polite to stick the boot into Doris, he could have made it personal and scored some real goals, but he doesnt have that nature in him, he is far too polite to make it personal, which makes him appear weak

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53 minutes ago, FinBak said:

In effect You are suggesting that Corbyn plays dirty and lies through his teeth.!


Corbyn is an okay fella. Not PM worthy by any means. Nor is the buffoon Johnson.


The whole Gov't is a complete and utter a mess.


I think it's high time we did things differently. Get rid of the lot of them and start from scratch.


What we have now are Old Cronies with vastly outdated views. 


What we need is a Brand New system of Gov't.....With YOUNG mp's who have some foresight and are fresh to the game.


Introduce an Age limit of 50 years old for all Mp's. 


50 years old and your out.


Okay some great minds of the over 50's are in government...but we seldom see them ACTUALLY do any good in the REAL world.



Actually, if you look back at the upheavals, protests and discontent of the last few years (since the financial crash really,) you will see that a lot has changed. Corbyn is the Revolution that people were shouting for, but without the blood on the street. He is trying to correct the balance / damage that the last 40 years of controversial right wing politics, Corporate power, and vast wealth in few hands have done. 


 I can see why you might think as you do, and some of it I agree with, but I do think we need a perspective and overveiw of the past to see how we got to where we are today, and why the world seems to be in such a mess. Runaway, deregulated Capitalism has a lot to answer for - 'Love of money is the root of all evil.'  So I think we need a few oldies in the system who have this knowledge. 


Countering greed and encoraging equality is a noble aim but not easy in a world where money equals power and is admired by many. You don't need to go very fardown that road before the word 'Communist!' is shrieked and people back away   The answer in my book is usually somewhere in the the middle, and can be achieved if people work together.  


But unfortunately it's not just about the politicians. For some, equality is the last thing they want, and unfortunately these are often the ones with all the money, power and everything at their dosposal to keep things in their interest and just as they are. They have the money to buy and sell governments,  These are the one's we're up against, and they didn't get where they are today by playing nicely. They have more than their fair share of manipulative, ruthless psychos, sociopaths and megalomaniacs who will stop at nothing.


Until these people are tamed and their power and influence curtailed, I doubt whether any new system can flourish. 



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41 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Actually, if you look back at the upheavals, protests and discontent of the last few years (since the financial crash really,) you will see that a lot has changed. Corbyn is the Revolution that people were shouting for, but without the blood on the street. He is trying to correct the balance / damage that the last 40 years of controversial right wing politics, Corporate power, and vast wealth in few hands have done. 


 I can see why you might think as you do, and some of it I agree with, but I do think we need a perspective and overveiw of the past to see how we got to where we are today, and why the world seems to be in such a mess. Runaway, deregulated Capitalism has a lot to answer for - 'Love of money is the root of all evil.'  So I think we need a few oldies in the system who have this knowledge. 


Countering greed and encoraging equality is a noble aim but not easy in a world where money equals power and is admired by many. You don't need to go very fardown that road before the word 'Communist!' is shrieked and people back away   The answer in my book is usually somewhere in the the middle, and can be achieved if people work together.  


But unfortunately it's not just about the politicians. For some, equality is the last thing they want, and unfortunately these are often the ones with all the money, power and everything at their dosposal to keep things in their interest and just as they are. They have the money to buy and sell governments,  These are the one's we're up against, and they didn't get where they are today by playing nicely. They have more than their fair share of manipulative, ruthless psychos, sociopaths and megalomaniacs who will stop at nothing.


Until these people are tamed and their power and influence curtailed, I doubt whether any new system can flourish. 



What can i say to an argument like that, very well put Anna.


You are right of course.


But i still think a NEW kind of system and thinking is needed..


With a MUCH younger set of Mp's and their take on things relevant to TODAY'S society.





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1 hour ago, FinBak said:

In effect You are suggesting that Corbyn plays dirty and lies through his teeth.!


Corbyn is an okay fella. Not PM worthy by any means. Nor is the buffoon Johnson.


The whole Gov't is a complete and utter a mess.


I think it's high time we did things differently. Get rid of the lot of them and start from scratch.


What we have now are Old Cronies with vastly outdated views. 


What we need is a Brand New system of Gov't.....With YOUNG mp's who have some foresight and are fresh to the game.


Introduce an Age limit of 50 years old for all Mp's. 


50 years old and your out.


Okay some great minds of the over 50's are in government...but we seldom see them ACTUALLY do any good in the REAL world.













Lets start here shall we.  "Get rid of the lot of them and start from scratch."




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1 minute ago, banjodeano said:

what does age have to do with anything?, age and wisdom that comes with age are all  thats needed,  the youth of today are in tune with what Corbyn  is saying, he must be doing something right

Corybyn is well past being a PM.


Age and wisdom are wasted in parliament.


I'm not against the fella...all I am saying is that we need YOUTH in parliament...Not the old fuddy duddy tits of old.



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3 hours ago, FinBak said:

What can i say to an argument like that, very well put Anna.


You are right of course.


But i still think a NEW kind of system and thinking is needed..


With a MUCH younger set of Mp's and their take on things relevant to TODAY'S society.





Tony Blair was a young Prime Minister. I think he was about 45 and considered to be a breath of fresh air at the time. He modernised the Old Labour party, moving it to the centre ground and calling it 'New Labour.' He assumed all the battles had been won and old Labour wasn't needed any more. He was wrong. He also led us into the Iraq war, a mistake we are still paying for. So youth is no guarantee of quality.


I do agree however that there is massive room for improvement in our current system. We need fresh ideas and a new approach. For a start I'd like to see the old Parliament building turned into the museum it is, and a proper, state of the art, purpose built structure made for a new system of government, which looks like a proper place of work, not a place of archaic traditions, fancy costumes and oozing entitlement.


I'd like to see the number of MPs cut, and a regional government for the North. I'd abolish the House of Lords, and replace it with a meritocratic second house. I'd like to see full public involvement and opinions sought more often than just putting a cross on a ballot paper once every 5 years. I'd make MPs shadow real workers in frontline jobs for a certain period every year and commit to consultations with them, rather than getting well renumerated second jobs on the board of a bank or some such.


I'd like to see more cooperation and working for the common good of the country, than party politics which turn important issues into political footballs, and long term future planning that extends beyond the life of a Parliament.   


I'm sure yound people could supply many more ideas.

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21 hours ago, banjodeano said:

he doesnt have to lie, his policies are sound, but he is far too polite to stick the boot into Doris, he could have made it personal and scored some real goals, but he doesnt have that nature in him, he is far too polite to make it personal, which makes him appear weak

I agree. However I don't see him as weak. Anyone who can put up with the media battering he's had for the last 4 years must have a backbone of steel. But you're right that it can come across that way if people don't understand he's trying to clean up politics, and is practising what he preaches.

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