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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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20 hours ago, Brooker11 said:

I will never vote Tory, I'm struggling with Corbyn's Labour but could be convinced, a couple of questions:


  1. What are Labours plans to save the NHS, they've not shone in Wales where they have control?
  2. How are they going to build all the hospitals and housing they've promised when there's a chronic labour shortage in the construction industry?


1) Labour will allow Diane a free hand in doing the NHS accounts, problem solved. Billions and billions and billions will be pumped into it. At no cost to the voter.


2) Doubtful the labour shortage will be the main concern, the money to build the Hospitals and houses will be the main worry.


3) Diane may be able to do these books 2) as well as number 1), problem solved. Billions and billions and billions will be pumped into it. At no cost to the voter.


Wow, solving the money problems we have is so easy to remedy, if you have a Diane in reserve.



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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

This is what I mean about inbuilt snobbery in UK. I think you mean the ones who weren't accademic, rather than 'not gifted.'  Some people who work 'in trade' are extremely gifted in their own field, and we are all the richer for it. It is not and should not be regarded as second class occupation.

In my many hours of need I find that I get much more assistance from a competent builder,electrician,plumber etc than any number of university graduates.

Theres a place for both,but craft apprenticeships have been sadly neglected for years.

By the way Anna,can you direct me to the poem that was somewhere on here ,each verse ending “I don’t like Jeremy Corbyn “I can’t find it.



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