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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

Because the Daily Mirror is more of a comic than a newspaper. Nobody takes it seriously.


People who read the Mail (hiighest circulation I believe) think it's  honest, quality journalism, and to be fair, it does run some interesting, well written articles. But where politics are concerned it is just a mouthpiece for the Tory party. It now doesn't even bother to disguise the fact. The bile and villification of Corbyn has been massive, vicious and unrelenting, and has certainly played its part in him losing the election, as it was always intended to do. 

The Daily Mirror is the only working class Labour supporting newspaper, and it's seen a steady decrease in readership since the 1980's, when right wing newspapers saw an increase. 


Is it 


a) Because the readership thought 'this quality of this newspaper is poor, I'll buy the Sun instead'




b) The editorial political direction of this newspaper is no longer something I agree with, I'll buy the Sun instead'


I'm not sure why you think the Daily Mail, a well known right leaning Conservative supporting newspaper would do anything but criticise Corbyn. The owners of the Mail are a business, they make money, they aren't there to provide an unbiased public service to the politically uneducated. They know their market, in the same way the Daily Mirror does. It's just that in the case of the Mirror, the market isn't there anymore (their readership is down to the 500k mark) because fewer people identify with being 'old-new Labour left wing' working class than ever before.


As has been shown by multiple traditional working class communities voting Conservative. What is now the 'left wing' isn't something they can identify with anymore. That meme of 'Labour 1975' of a miner compared to 'Labour 2019' of Eddie Izzard in drag springs to mind.

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9 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Just think what her dad is sitting on.

What a totally vacuous way of using your good fortune.


9 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Just think what her dad is sitting on.

What a totally vacuous way of using your good fortune.

If you can afford that much jewellery you can afford  to lose it

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11 hours ago, janie48 said:

To a large extent I quite agree. 


I've never objected to Labour being a broad church party as they have always been, but lately the radical left seem to have gained far too much power and influence over the leadership. That's why I'm not entirely convinced  Brexit was the only reason Labour lost. 


I voted for Labour but I did so half-heartedly, almost voted for the Lib Dems. 


As I've said before the country needs a strong challenging opposition party with an inspiring moderate centrist leader, one that is capable of winning an election.


So something needs to change because a lot of the public must feel as I do, that they are living  in a one party state. 




Given that centrists since at least Kinnock have ruled the roost, and considering the neo-liberals had a fairly long run surely you wouldn’t begrudge socialists a run at it.

No one seems to refer to the loss off 55 regular Scottish Labour MPs that are now lost to nationalists as contributing to Labours absence from office

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Apparently, Labour now feel strongly that their next leader should be a woman (various interviews with party representatives). Do these people not learn? Do they seriously believe that on the council estates, working men's clubs, Wetherspoons etc disillusioned Labour voters are banging fists on tables, muttering to themselves “If only we had a female leader!”. They may do, because they wouldn’t be seen dead in such places!


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18 minutes ago, beefface said:

Apparently, Labour now feel strongly that their next leader should be a woman


Yep, a Northern woman too.  Why not just pick the best person for the job instead of this box ticking exercise.


But will it be Thornberry?  She's started legal action.  And the party continues to implode.


Emily Thornberry takes legal action against Labour colleague Caroline Flint


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