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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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29 minutes ago, beefface said:

Apparently, Labour now feel strongly that their next leader should be a woman


Isn't that sexist?


From Telegraph:

The claim, made by defeated Don Valley Labour MP Caroline Flint, was quickly denied by Ms Thornberry but it fuelled a growing row over Corbyn loyalists blaming the public for last week’s historic defeat.


They're quite right, it was the publics fault!

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17 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Why not just pick the best person for the job instead of this box ticking exercise.



This exactly.


Unfortunately until the party removes it's head for it's arse they'll continue to foul up and be as useless as before.

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1 hour ago, beefface said:

Apparently, Labour now feel strongly that their next leader should be a woman (various interviews with party representatives). Do these people not learn? Do they seriously believe that on the council estates, working men's clubs, Wetherspoons etc disillusioned Labour voters are banging fists on tables, muttering to themselves “If only we had a female leader!”. They may do, because they wouldn’t be seen dead in such places!


Although I didn't vote for Labour, I find it totally patronising that they simply believe that they can win their northern heartlands back, simply by selecting someone who first & foremost a Northener & a woman.  


Will she also be required to wear a flat cap & have a whippet in one hand while propping a kestrel up on her other arm? 


Smacks of a London based focus group to me. 

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2 hours ago, Ridgewalk said:

Given that centrists since at least Kinnock have ruled the roost, and considering the neo-liberals had a fairly long run surely you wouldn’t begrudge socialists a run at it.

No one seems to refer to the loss off 55 regular Scottish Labour MPs that are now lost to nationalists as contributing to Labours absence from office

No I wouldn't want Socialists having a run at it,  having a presence within is fine as all voices are needed, but certainly not dominating the party.

That said, I would be very wary of those minority power hungry militant Trotskyist types the party has behind the scenes reappearing to create more chaos. 


As to those Labour MP losses,  its sad to see decent hard working  dedicated politicians losing their seats, even some of those from other parties. 




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1 hour ago, alchresearch said:

Interesting stirrings on Twitter today from Corbyn supporters and Pro-Corbyn MPs, talking about setting up their own "new" socialist party (a bit like Socialist Labour then?) and taking their support there.

Sadly, I fear that if this happens it will be the end of Labour as a political force in this country., if they aren't already that is.


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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:

Although I didn't vote for Labour, I find it totally patronising that they simply believe that they can win their northern heartlands back, simply by selecting someone who first & foremost a Northener & a woman.  


Will she also be required to wear a flat cap & have a whippet in one hand while propping a kestrel up on her other arm? 


Smacks of a London based focus group to me. 

They just voted for a posh Old Etonian. I think they are barking up the wrong tree if they think the problem is working class credentials.

4 minutes ago, convert said:

Sadly, I fear that if this happens it will be the end of Labour as a political force in this country., if they aren't already that is.


I would have thought that would help Labour - the electorate has just rejected the socialist project. Jettisoning them  might make Labour electable again. If Boris serves his full term it will be 50 years since any Labour leader, except Blair, has won an election....



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7 minutes ago, nightrider said:

They just voted for a posh Old Etonian. I think they are barking up the wrong tree if they think the problem is working class credentials.

I would have thought that would help Labour - the electorate has just rejected the socialist project. Jettisoning them  might make Labour electable again. If Boris serves his full term it will be 50 years since any Labour leader, except Blair, has won an election....



erm, but they didnt reject socialist policies, they kicked labour ass because of brexit, if it was a straight toss up between labours socialist policies and the Tory ones, i am not so sure we would be having a tory government in power, a lot of labours policies were quite popular, its just that all the media wanted to talk about was antisemitism and brexit

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7 minutes ago, lottiecass said:

There were some good in labours policies but folk aren't so stupid not to realise it would lead to massive debt. I would like the utilities back in public hands and was pleased to see that, but free wifi ?

The free broadband idea was actually an attempt to close the social divide by giving the poorer in society access to tools that are very applicable to education nowadays. It is unsurprising to see that the uneducated don’t see the internet as a natural extension to education. 

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