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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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7 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Come on - we know Momentum are the 24 hour party (meeting) people who know the rule book inside out and willl get anything overturned that doesn't suit them. And it's farcical that they used the old Stalinist / Trotskyist "election" method - ie this is the choice of Central Committee - you agree don't you.


Corbynism was a dead end and resulted in the worst election defeat for Labour in our lifetimes - "more of the same" just isn't an option - unless the aim is continued Tory rule.

can you give an example on this because i dont have a clue about any of that? i will repeat it once again, the members decide who the party leader is, momentum can say and do what they want, they do not get to choose the party leader, i know this may disappoint you, but they are the facts

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11 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

can you give an example on this because i dont have a clue about any of that? i will repeat it once again, the members decide who the party leader is, momentum can say and do what they want, they do not get to choose the party leader, i know this may disappoint you, but they are the facts

Stop hiding from the fact that this was Labour's worst defeat in living memory and more of the same won't wash.

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4 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Stop hiding from the fact that this was Labour's worst defeat in living memory and more of the same won't wash.

stop moving the goal posts Longcol, lets keep on track...you were talking about........" we know Momentum are the 24 hour party (meeting) people who know the rule book inside out and willl get anything overturned that doesn't suit them".....all i did was asked you to explain what you were talking about, and to back it up with facts.....if you cant do that then thats fair enough, but if you make such outlandish claims, expect people to pull you up on it

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Just now, banjodeano said:

stop moving the goal posts Longcol, lets keep on track...you were talking about........" we know Momentum are the 24 hour party (meeting) people who know the rule book inside out and willl get anything overturned that doesn't suit them".....all i did was asked you to explain what you were talking about, and to back it up with facts.....if you cant do that then thats fair enough, but if you make such outlandish claims, expect people to pull you up on it

You've been in denial ever since the catastrophic defeat.


Corbynism is dead and buried - continuity Corbynism under Long-Bailey (or any other leader) will only condemn Labour to a further 10 years of Tory government (making 20 in total).


Let's talk about that rather than the "rule book" - slighly more relevant I think.

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1 minute ago, Longcol said:

You've been in denial ever since the catastrophic defeat.


Corbynism is dead and buried - continuity Corbynism under Long-Bailey (or any other leader) will only condemn Labour to a further 10 years of Tory government (making 20 in total).


Let's talk about that rather than the "rule book" - slighly more relevant I think.

Still no facts then? so why make the silly claims if you can not back it up with facts?

okay...lets put it to bed, i think i have made my point

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14 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

Still no facts then? so why make the silly claims if you can not back it up with facts?

okay...lets put it to bed, i think i have made my point

Here's a fact. Corbyn lost - heavily - against quite possibly the most incompetent government this country has seen, off the back of 10 years of austerity etc etc. And he lost the election before that too.


Actually there's more than one fact in there.

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2 minutes ago, Longcol said:

The fact that Corbynism was a disaster, is dead and buried, continuity Corbynism isn't the answer unless we want another ren years of the Tories.

erm....is that running away because i dont agree with you? you seem to be using a strange,  or even bizarre choice of words tonight...

as i said in a previous post, i dont believe Corbyn lost because the people disliked his policies, i think he lost because he chose the wrong strategy on brexit, in short he should have been up front and gone along with the vote, in the previous election he increased labours vote share on the  same policies.....

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