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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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14 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

No, it didn't "today" at all. That article is from last October.  Just like this one:

Chris Williamson loses legal bid over Labour party suspension




I've got some more recent Chris Williamson news though:


Ed Balls launches Twitter attack on ex MP Chris Williamson



And RLB recently:


Rebecca Long-Bailey subjected to vicious attacks after revealing she met JLM


Glad you have joined us...So can you point out what Williamson said that was antisemitic..??

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14 hours ago, Pettytom said:

We are talking about the Chris Williamson who said that the party had been too apologetic about antisemitism, aren’t we?


We can talk about the Jackie Walker thing later, or his re-tweeting.  For now, let’s just focus on the notion that he thinks that Labour should be less apologetic about antisemitism.


Do you endorse that view?

Chris Williamson said that  Labour as the party that has done more to tackle racism and anti semitism than any other should  stop apologizing all the time. 


A Yorkshire Post journalist who was at the meeting then reported that he had said " we should stop apologizing for anti semitism"


If you know anything about the Yorkshire Post, it's editorials  and letters pages for example you'll know that it's a Tory supporting newspaper.


It is all about context and representation.


If Labour is anti Semitic why are there Jewish individuals and groups within the party ?


Their evidence that they have never encountered anti sémitism in the party is ignored because it doesn't fit the narrative.

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47 minutes ago, Ridgewalk said:

If you know anything about the Yorkshire Post, it's editorials  and letters pages for example you'll know that it's a Tory supporting newspaper.



Really? They really stuck the boot into Boris and the Tories with hospital waiting issues during the election.

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On 26/01/2020 at 17:26, banjodeano said:

most probably due to brexit, how come they didnt suffer as badly in the 2017 election?

Yes - such a success - only 55 seats behind the Tories then, after an eye wateringly bad campaign by May. 2017 seemed quickly to pass into left wing mythology as a near victory and just one last push needed to deliver the land of milk and honey.


You might be interested in reading this analysis;




Labour doing best in remain voting areas with late switchers coming over to Labour.


Corbynism managed to frighten them all away by the last election.

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4 hours ago, Longcol said:

Yes - such a success - only 55 seats behind the Tories then, after an eye wateringly bad campaign by May. 2017 seemed quickly to pass into left wing mythology as a near victory and just one last push needed to deliver the land of milk and honey.


You might be interested in reading this analysis;




Labour doing best in remain voting areas with late switchers coming over to Labour.


Corbynism managed to frighten them all away by the last election.

May lost her majority in 2017 and bribed the DUP to support her. “No magic money tree” she told health workers but still managed to find 17 billion when it came to saving her own neck. 


You Tories must be pretty peed off living in a Socialist city. Perhaps you might be happier if you left

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3 hours ago, Ridgewalk said:

May lost her majority in 2017 and bribed the DUP to support her. “No magic money tree” she told health workers but still managed to find 17 billion when it came to saving her own neck. 


You Tories must be pretty peed off living in a Socialist city. Perhaps you might be happier if you left

Not a Tory at all - always voted Labour and like many I want Labour to win but realise that a promise to spend billions on whatever pet project makes it onto the manifesto isn't going to win elections.

Edited by Longcol
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4 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Not a Tory at all - always voted Labour and like many I want Labour to win but realise that a promise to spend billions on whatever pet project makes it onto the manifesto isn't going to win elections.

You will recognise that the Labour leadership supporting Remaining in the EU and a second EU referendum vote virtually handed the last election to the Tories.


Most people agreed with the majority of manifesto pledges. What a lot of Labour voters didn't agree with was an establishment stitch up to keep us in the EU and to overturn a democratic vote. Not respecting the outcome of the referendum was the single issue which lost Labour the election.

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