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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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1 hour ago, banjodeano said:

In other news, its nice to see the Tories adopting labour policies and re nationalising the railways..

Not really though is it.


Taking back control of a failing operator mid contract is not what Labour proposed. 


Labour proposed to re-nationalise operators as they came to the end of their contracts regardless of performance.


During this parliamentary 5 year period there are 6 franchises out of 17 up for renewal so it would have hardly been a full re-nationalisation. 


so no, not really adopting a Labour policy especially after the Government took back running the line now operated by LNER before the 2019 election manifesto from the Labour party


And it doesn't really make a difference does it who might have thought of it, Labour cant implement it (or anything) for another 5 years, at least. 

Edited by sheffbag
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12 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Using the Boris Johnson manual I see.

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What a surprise.   


An internal report into Labour's worst election defeat since the Second World War absolved Mr Corbyn of responsibility and claimed Brexit played a “decisive role” in handing the Tories a majority. 

Keep burying your heads in the sand and ignoring us at your peril and enjoy ten years in opposition, not five.

Edited by alchresearch
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51 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Then remind me - how many Tory marginals in pro-remain seats did Labour win?

"Then remind me - how many Tory (or anybody else's) seats did Labour win?" - I'll correct that for you. The answer is 1 - Putney. Just 1

Whereas the Tories took the likes of Stroud, Norwich and even took Kensington which voted over 67% to remain. So yeah, Brexit was the only thing that mattered and Jeremy is completely blame free

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19 hours ago, banjodeano said:

i would say the report was pretty accurate, the vote was about brexit not policies

Who was in charge of their brexit stance? Who sat on the fence for over 2 years? Who tried to please remainers and leavers?

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7 hours ago, lottiecass said:

It was banjo but you have to admit keeping Corbyn didn't help either.

Corbyn was far from perfect, and he carried a lot of baggage, but his policies were right for the people of this country, and i honestly believe history will prove this

1 minute ago, melthebell said:

Who was in charge of their brexit stance? Who sat on the fence for over 2 years? Who tried to please remainers and leavers?

yes, that was his fault, he should have been more headstrong, one of his biggest failings were to appease the Blairites, and the more he backed down the more they saw it as weakness

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