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The Green Party. All discussion here please

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The Greens appear to support a Citizens' Income in place of most means tested benefits. It seems to makes sense to me. For instance, it would stop cohabiting/married couples from being penalised for living together, as happens with the current means tested system. It would benefit workers on low wages and encourage people back to work without fear of being worse off. It would also help pensioners who although they saved for their retirement are no better off than if they were getting pension credit.


I wonder what the argument against it will be.



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The Greens appear to support a Citizens' Income in place of most means tested benefits. It seems to makes sense to me. For instance, it would stop cohabiting/married couples from being penalised for living together, as happens with the current means tested system. It would benefit workers on low wages and encourage people back to work without fear of being worse off. It would also help pensioners who although they saved for their retirement are no better off than if they were getting pension credit.


I wonder what the argument against it will be.




Is this as well as my salary? If so I'm all for it... :D

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Quite a few very interesting posts on here and well worth reading.

I am not a Green supporter but "keep an eye" on their proposals.

When their manifesto is published, along with the others, I will make my mind up, but from what I've heard so far they haven't impressed me.



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Is this as well as my salary? If so I'm all for it... :D


Yes, of course, it'd be for everybody, that's the whole point of citizen's income/ universal income/ negative income tax, everybody gets it, it saves admin costs from means testing & organising the whole range of different benefits. Of course there is income tax too, so it'd depend how much you earn if you get a net benefit or pay tax.


Obviously if you're one of the bureaucrats in the job centre you'll need to look for a different & more useful job to do.

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The Greens appear to support a Citizens' Income in place of most means tested benefits. It seems to makes sense to me. For instance, it would stop cohabiting/married couples from being penalised for living together, as happens with the current means tested system. It would benefit workers on low wages and encourage people back to work without fear of being worse off. It would also help pensioners who although they saved for their retirement are no better off than if they were getting pension credit.


I wonder what the argument against it will be.




It's one of the best policies about from any of the parties. Everyone gets enough to survive on with minimal means tests - only for those earning enough to not need the citizens income. The tax policies also mean that working is rewarded but if people want to sit around festering their life away on citizen income that is their choice because when the rewards for working are clear that is their own stupid choice - you know what you will get when you work and you don't get the rubbish around money being clawed back from other benefits because there are no other benefits.


Simple system. Properly costed. No more complex benefits system. No more complex tax system for individuals. Less administration means an army of civil servants isn't needed to run the thing = smaller state or at least a re-prioritisation of funds.


How anybody can argue for keeping the current crazy benefits and personal taxation systems going is beyond me.

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I am not a Green supporter but "keep an eye" on their proposals.

When their manifesto is published, along with the others, I will make my mind up, but from what I've heard so far they haven't impressed me.


Why would you read their manifesto before making your mind up? You're a UKIP member and so your mind is already made up.

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Why would you read their manifesto before making your mind up? You're a UKIP member and so your mind is already made up.


For the same reason I have stated before - I read ALL the manifestos. How do I make my mind up otherwise?

Yes, I am a UKIP member subsequent to the last general election but prior to that I supported Conservatives (to my regret!).


My mi9nd is NEVER made up until election day!



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It's one of the best policies about from any of the parties. Everyone gets enough to survive on with minimal means tests - only for those earning enough to not need the citizens income. The tax policies also mean that working is rewarded but if people want to sit around festering their life away on citizen income that is their choice because when the rewards for working are clear that is their own stupid choice - you know what you will get when you work and you don't get the rubbish around money being clawed back from other benefits because there are no other benefits.


Simple system. Properly costed. No more complex benefits system. No more complex tax system for individuals. Less administration means an army of civil servants isn't needed to run the thing = smaller state or at least a re-prioritisation of funds.


How anybody can argue for keeping the current crazy benefits and personal taxation systems going is beyond me.


I couldn't agree more, however it doesn't seem to have registered with people, or if it has, few seem interested. It would go a long way to remove the stigma around benefits which targets claimants, often without understanding the reality of their situation.

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I couldn't agree more, however it doesn't seem to have registered with people, or if it has, few seem interested. It would go a long way to remove the stigma around benefits which targets claimants, often without understanding the reality of their situation.


That didn't last long did it?



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