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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Really, keep digging fiddler.


I think that the fat that you have taken sides against the man who took sides against Hitler shows whose side you are on, even if you don't have the courage to admit it.


By the way, the following year Britain took sides against Hitler. Just in case you didn't know or don't want to acknowledge.

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I think that the fat that you have taken sides against the man who took sides against Hitler shows whose side you are on, even if you don't have the courage to admit it.


By the way, the following year Britain took sides against Hitler. Just in case you didn't know or don't want to acknowledge.


Oh dear Mr. Perfect makes a mistake, forget to turn the spell checker on?


I have taken no side, that bit is in your feeble imagination.


Why are you trying to teach me history you are the one who needs lessons.

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Oh dear Mr. Perfect makes a mistake, forget to turn the spell checker on?


The spell-checker wouldn't have picked that up as it's a correctly-spelt word, but the wrong one. As faux pas go though it's not a patch on sticking up for Adolf.


.....those lefty's ......


Pot, kettle, black (a word you really wouldn't want to be called).


I have taken no side......


No. You've just ignored Hitler's anti-Semitism and blamed the Jews for starting it all (after Kristallnacht at that).

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The spell-checker wouldn't have picked that up as it's a correctly-spelt word, but the wrong one. As faux pas go though it's not a patch on sticking up for Adolf.




Pot, kettle, black (a word you really wouldn't want to be called).




No. You've just ignored Hitler's anti-Semitism and blamed the Jews for starting it all (after Kristallnacht at that).


Keep learning.

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This made me chuckle:


Following Arron Brook's donation of £1 million, UKIP's Party Treasurer Andrew Reid has written an Open Letter to The Rt Hon William Hague MP which can be read below:



Dear Mr Hague,


In the first instance I would like to thank you for your efforts in raising funds for the UKIP cause. It is clear to me that your fundraising ability deserves formal recognition and I would like to offer you the role of Deputy Treasurer on or before your forthcoming retirement from front bench politics.


However to do this, requires you to be a member of the Party, but in your case, as you have raised such a substantial sum for the party, I have spoken with Mr Farage and he has authorised me to offer you honorary membership in recognition of your efforts in securing funds for our party.


I look forward to seeing you at many party events.


Kind regards,


Yours sincerely,


Andrew Reid

UKIP National Treasurer



The millionaire businessman Arron Banks had originally decided to donate £100,000 to UKIP but following Mr Hague's intervention this morning he increased it to £1 million.


Mr Banks said: "I woke up this morning intending to donate £100,000 to Ukip and I understand Mr Hague called me a nobody.


"So, in light of that and in view that I am a strong advocate of leaving the European Union, I have decided today to donate £1 million to the party and not the £100,000 we originally agreed."







I've got to give the bloke credit for putting his money where his mouth is.

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