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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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It is becoming more obvious by the day that something fundamental is happening in politics. After Thursday this will accelerate. Lab/Lib/Con are disintegrating in front of our eyes. I predict 50 seats for UKIP come next year. We will withdraw from the EU within 5 years. It will disintegrate then.


I do hope your predictions are right Ellco. I feel the country if crying out for change. I would love to see us withdraw from the EU. Whether it is for the better or not remains to be seen. However I think we will survive if we do leave the EU.

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Neither can UKIP. Their policies seem to swing about randomly in what ever direction King Farage thinks will get him the most publicity rather than by any actual logical reason and thought.


If the best reason for voting UKIP you can come up with is that they're not Lib/Lab/Con then that's a pretty good reason to not vote for any of them, including UKIP.


So you're saying Labour, Tories and LibDems never change their minds?

Tuition Fees (LibDems), Referendum (Tories, referendum this parliament and now the next one) and Labour promising 2.6 billion for the NHS but can't say where they'll get it from?


Policies at the end of the day are aligned to what most of the public want.

I certainly don't want Labour with their record!


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But UKIP are no different to the other main parties, surely that's just exacerbating the problem?


But they are very different.They WILL pull us from the EU,the others wont,or worse will just pull the wool over peoples eyes as they always have done.

The only reason the cons have offered a possible vote is because of UKIP,they will spend alot of time and money before then working out how they can avoid it.They dont actually want it,they have just been pressured to offer it.

I see that as a big difference.


Ever been to a new company and recieved excellent service? New companys try harder,old ones get complacent and thats how the other parties are.It was only with the growth of UKIP they have had to pretend to be listening.

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So you're saying Labour, Tories and LibDems never change their minds?

Tuition Fees (LibDems), Referendum (Tories, referendum this parliament and now the next one) and Labour promising 2.6 billion for the NHS but can't say where they'll get it from?


For someone who's favoured party's only chance of power is to go into coalition with someone you really ought to how being in a coalition limits what a party can do before complaining about others being affected by it.


Of course, if you really just view UKIP as a pressure group that aims to get us to leave the EU rather than a proper political party the above doesn't apply.

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Of course it works both ways, which is why you'll find most (All?) UKIP supporters are in favour of selective immigration.


You clearly make a valuable and substantial contribution towards our economy, so I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be allowed to stay.

Mr Reckless, ex-Member of Parliament and expectedly soon to be Member of Parliament again, apparently does:

Nigel Farage responded on Twitter to a question from the BBC's Robin Brant about Mr Reckless's comments and said: "People here lawfully, as those from EU, would have right to remain. Those here illegally would have to apply for work permits."


The original comments came when Mr Reckless was asked - at a televised hustings broadcast by ITV's Meridian - what would happen to EU migrants already living and working in Britain.


He suggested they would be looked at "sympathetically" but should only be allowed to remain in the UK for "a fixed period".

How very nice of him. Plenty of links, BBC, Grauniad, Daily Mail, take your pick.


As politicians go, right now I have far more respect for even Griffin and Galloway than for this beancounter-looking cnut.

Ukippers love European citizens, we just don't like the EU. <...>

UKIP are a very pro-immigration party. In fact we favour liberalising immigration with the rest of world, and harmonising immigration rules so that people are not favoured or discriminated against based on which continent they were born on.

Let's have your party mouthpiece explanation for this, then. Or maybe Mr Reckless does not speak for UKIP? That's gonna come in handy for your Nige, once he's in Parliament :roll:


I'm rekindling my professional links in Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France atm. Looks like it might come in handy, as I originally thought.

Edited by L00b
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Mr Reckless apparently does (...or can't make his mind up :huh:). See link below.

Let's have your party mouthpiece explanation for this, then.


Or maybe Mr Reckless does not speak for UKIP? :confused:


I'm rekindling my professional links in Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France atm. Looks like it might come in handy, as I originally thought.


I thought the point of them adopting existing MPs was because they would know not to make embarrassing comments like the more swivel eyed of the candidates they used to have.

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Policies at the end of the day are aligned to what most of the public want.


So you're saying most of the public in 2010 wanted taxi drivers to be in uniform?


---------- Post added 19-11-2014 at 15:00 ----------


Ever been to a new company and recieved excellent service? New companys try harder,old ones get complacent and thats how the other parties are.It was only with the growth of UKIP they have had to pretend to be listening.


Yes, but I've also been to a new company which promised everything, cheaper and easier than the old ones, and then subsequently realised they're either a bunch of conmen, or worse, they believed what they said, but had no idea how to sort it out.


Just look at how UKIP are handling these questions into what they would do about EU citizens working/living in the UK at the time of our exit. There's no actual answers being given, just lots of claims for their supporters to lick up that they're being "misunderstood". This means they are either lying, or inept. Take your pick. And it's hardly like this is a minor point of their policies, the answer will directly affect the lives and employment of millions of people in the UK, and it's a cornerstone of their entire existence.

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Mr Reckless, ex-Member of Parliament and expectedly soon to be Member of Parliament again, apparently does:

How very nice of him. Plenty of links, BBC, Grauniad, Daily Mail, take your pick.


As politicians go, right now I have far more respect for even Griffin and Galloway than for this beancounter-looking cnut.

Let's have your party mouthpiece explanation for this, then. Or maybe Mr Reckless does not speak for UKIP? That's gonna come in handy for your Nige, once he's in Parliament :roll:


I'm rekindling my professional links in Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France atm. Looks like it might come in handy, as I originally thought.


But remember,



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So you're saying most of the public in 2010 wanted taxi drivers to be in uniform?


---------- Post added 19-11-2014 at 15:00 ----------



Yes, but I've also been to a new company which promised everything, cheaper and easier than the old ones, and then subsequently realised they're either a bunch of conmen, or worse, they believed what they said, but had no idea how to sort it out.


Just look at how UKIP are handling these questions into what they would do about EU citizens working/living in the UK at the time of our exit. There's no actual answers being given, just lots of claims for their supporters to lick up that they're being "misunderstood". This means they are either lying, or inept. Take your pick. And it's hardly like this is a minor point of their policies, the answer will directly affect the lives and employment of millions of people in the UK, and it's a cornerstone of their entire existence.


Actually what i heard them say left no doubt,the doubt has been the good old media who of course had no motive.

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But remember,
No need to, Peter mate: my ego is firmly in check, thanks.


It's just that, as an immigrant, son of an immigrant, and grandson of immigrants and evictees, I'm reasonably clued-up about xenophobism, however latent it may first look and start. Unlike politicians and other intellectual/isolated types not quite in tune with the "vibe" at street level, you'll find the likes of us average immigrant Joes have an exceptionally fine-tuned sense of perception about anti-immigrant sentiment. Might well be genetic and/or evolution at play ;)


Here's a handy life tip for you: always leave on your own terms, don't wait to be shown the door.


There's a few million dead Jews, Romas, gays <etc.> who can vouch for that one.

Edited by L00b
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