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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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That well-know communist cell the British Chambers of Commerce has carried out a survey among businesses and their feelings about how EU withdrawal might affect them;


"The lobby group's poll released ahead of European elections this week showed a dwindling minority of businesses, just 12%, believe a full withdrawal from the EU would help their prospects. Almost two-thirds, 61%, said that withdrawing would harm their business".




There is a large body of propaganda being put out by the anti-UKIP brigade, and that is being targeted at business owners as much as the general public. Things such as we won't be able to trade with Europe if we leave the EU; it has no basis in fact, and is there only for scaremongering purposes.


The EU did not invent trade. People of Europe didn't suddenly start trading with each other at the inauguration of the EU or it's previous incarnations. People all over the world have been trading with each other for hundreds if not thousands of years before the EU was even an idea, for as long as they've had goods and services to trade and a means to get them to market.


Leaving the EU isn't going stop people wanting to trade goods and services with each other across borders. As long as enough people want to do business, the interests of business to trade and prosper will prevail, because economic prosperity = more tax for the exchequer in each country and ultimately more money proportionately being extracted from each EU member into EU coffers, so you see it is in the self interests of the EU itself to keep trade going.

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There is a large body of propaganda being put out by the anti-UKIP brigade, and that is being targeted at business owners as much as the general public. Things such as we won't be able to trade with Europe if we leave the EU; it has no basis in fact, and is there only for scaremongering purposes.


The EU did not invent trade. People of Europe didn't suddenly start trading with each other at the inauguration of the EU or it's previous incarnations. People all over the world have been trading with each other for hundreds if not thousands of years before the EU was even an idea, for as long as they've had goods and services to trade and a means to get them to market.


Leaving the EU isn't going stop people wanting to trade goods and services with each other across borders. As long as enough people want to do business, the interests of business to trade and prosper will prevail, because economic prosperity = more tax for the exchequer in each country and ultimately more money proportionately being extracted from each EU member into EU coffers, so you see it is in the self interests of the EU itself to keep trade going.


Why then do the CBI say that staying in Europe is 'overwhelmingly' the best for British business? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24773179

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She didn't say they were 'baby eaters'.


She said if the press headline said it

That's completely irrelevant to her opinion, my question about it and her eventual answer (I can but hope).


Did you really think such a cheap debating (ho-hum) trick was going to work? Bless! :hihi:

Edited by L00b
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Why then do the CBI say that staying in Europe is 'overwhelmingly' the best for British business? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24773179


They have the interests of big business at heart, such as an unlimited supply of cheap labour. You'll notice they want to opt out of the EU working time directive, so their big business interests can have their foreign workers doing 60+ hours per week on minimum wage, hours and pay that the native British worker won't do in a "race to the bottom" to undercut each other.


They won't like UKIP much because we have opposed zero hour contracts, the CBI big businesses love zero hour contracts though.


I'm surprised you being a health worker though would support the interests of business so much in their quest to erode worker rights.

Edited by SevenRivers
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Not been on since they came up with this one topic per party idea but from the looks of it no one wants to talk about the other 3 parties, maybe its because they are all the same old same old ?


Any how I have just been reading something on facebook about a big brawl down Popple Street, Page Hall and can't help thinking its come at a good time, just before the vote on Thursday.


You know who you should vote for, say no more ;)

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Re my bold.


Do you seriously believe that UKIP will provide that?




In a way I hope they get in just to see their supporters wondering what in hell's name they've unleashed.


Just be very careful what you wish for!


What UKIP would do is pull out of the EU so obviously we would no longer be subject to EU laws and rule. So yes they would deliver that.


If that is you best effort to win people back then UKIP support looks like it is going to stay strong.

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That's completely irrelevant to her opinion, my question about it and her eventual answer (I can but hope).


Did you really think such a cheap debating (ho-hum) trick was going to work? Bless! :hihi:


I took it to mean she didn't give a damn what the newspaper headlines were/are, because she doesn't believe them anymore because of the obvious campaign against UKIP.


That's certainly my view. :hihi:






---------- Post added 20-05-2014 at 18:44 ----------


Not been on since they came up with this one topic per party idea but from the looks of it no one wants to talk about the other 3 parties, maybe its because they are all the same old same old ?


Any how I have just been reading something on facebook about a big brawl down Popple Street, Page Hall and can't help thinking its come at a good time, just before the vote on Thursday.


You know who you should vote for, say no more ;)


I thought the same thing, it's almost as if the Slovaks planned it.


Even The Mail have picked up on it.....That can't be such a bad thing for Farage in view of the comments he made last week. :)





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A bit like Labour supporters ignoring the fact that their party of choice took us into an illegal war that led to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people, ruined the lives of countless more, brought terrorism to our shores and left the Muslim community isolated and untrusted. Oh look, Labour will increase the minimum wage... I'll vote for them.


I actually think this is a very good point. I was a Labour voter in 1997, but with each passing year, my loyalty to the party was sorely tested to to the point where I voted for another party for the first time in my life.

I think that Labour really neglected its core vote, and became distant from the grassroots of the party - existing in some kind of Westminster bubble - quick to appease the tabloids, but taking for granted it's core vote or ignoring ordinary people's concerns.

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What UKIP would do is pull out of the EU so obviously we would no longer be subject to EU laws and rule.
that's an objective.


So yes they would deliver that.
that's putting the horse so far before the cart, the horse is in a different country :hihi:


So, Zamo, practically...let's cut through the BS and the rethoric:how is UKIP going to get the UK out of the EU?

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what are UKIP going to do about the NHS, public spending, low pay, housing shortage, schools, tax allowances, maternity pay, the environment, the economy, etc etc


Their pat response is that by leaving the EU all these problems will miraculously disappear, because by getting out of the EU we can take back our borders, which will lead to more Brits in work, more tax receipts etc etc


They don't tell us how they are going to fund the increase in defense spending......oh, actually they do, by cutting Maternity Pay, privatising parts of the NHS and imposing a flat tax. At the same time as opening more grammar schools.....can't get more "bloke down the pub with a pint and a fag" than someone who wants more grammar schools can you?


Audited expenses? Nah, don't want that.


Fracking...brilliant, thinks it will mean UK will be independent of foreign suppliers. But only if you think a litre of oil in your back garden means the global petrol prices will be reduced. It's gibberish. It doesn't stand scrutiny.


Bring back smoking in pubs! Hurrah.


Now I'm all for mavericks in Parliament and I'm a long time skeptic (hater) of the party system and whips, but just imagine if this shower got even a semblance of power. Given their track record in Europe half of then would never even turn up to do the job and the other half would be too busy fiddling expenses (and they all do it) or sacking each other over racist comments.


When they have succeeded and attained elected positions they've failed in their duties to


a) turn up

b) audit their expenses

c) not join the gravy train

d) vote sensibly


You wouldn't vote for Lord Sutch because of the one policy you might agree with as I wouldn't vote BNP because of the one policy I agree with, or UKIP because of their one policy I agree with. But people seem to have a blind spot to the full UKIP manifesto and just want to kick Europe.


Let me think of my list of priorities for the up and coming elections, oh yes, that's right:


1= EU Referendum

1= Immigration








10= Everything else :)





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