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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Over 34000 people have viewed this page Altus - with over 1000 replies.

34000 views of this thread does not indicate 34000 different people.


Bad publicity turning into good publicity?



Or more people pointing and laughing. ;)



Still, there was an interview with a prospective UKIP candidate in the Observer yesterday that says they will be releasing their manifesto at their conference in September.

"All our policies will be out for everyone to have a look at and review at our September conference. But we are just keeping a lid on our manifesto until then."


Asked what her political creed would be, she said: "I tend to see myself more as a progressive libertarian really." But on what that means in policy terms, she seemed determined: "I've seen the policies, I'm very happy with them. I think a lot of them are libertarian policies.


After the "drivel"[1] of their last lot it will be interesting to see what they've come up with.



[1] How Nigel described them when he disowned them.

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They mentioned Blair too. His style during speeches was very Hitleresque.


well that made me laugh until I realised how totally unfamiliar you must be with Hitler's public speaking style - very effective though it was especially in the early days. I could hardly imagine two platform speakers more different, than Hitler and Blair. They are both of their time. One of them sounds like he is in a beer hall. The other one sounds like he is sitting on a sofa trying to persuade his auntie's friend that getting double glazing might not be such a bad idea.

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Altus - just re-read your posts, then I realised how anti UKIP you are.

To reiterate my earlier post - now over 34500 views of this page, and in view of your comment and leaving out people who have viewed more than once, it still leaves more "views" than any other page.

I have said elsewhere about the manifesto coming out in September, but individuals still insist on asking questions only the hierarchy may know.

It is common knowledge UKIP wish to curb immigration, leave the EU and sort out the NHS (some people accuse them of going to "sell it off" which is untrue).

Don't know your standpoint regarding parties, but even as a UKIP member, I will still read their manifestos even though they continually give backword on them (as the current government).


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Bad publicity turning into good publicity?
No such thing, ever. Especially for politicians.


The name-dropping of Hitler has had the expected shock value, I for one am not surprised in the least: the more UKIP goes on, the more their taking leaves out of JM LePen's book about how best to get on and milk the EU gravy train for decades is flagrant.

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Altus - just re-read your posts, then I realised how anti UKIP you are.
This is a thread for people to discuss UKIP not just for UKIP supporters.


To reiterate my earlier post - now over 34500 views of this page, and in view of your comment and leaving out people who have viewed more than once, it still leaves more "views" than any other page.

The number of views says nothing about how many of them are from people who support UKIP. It could be that 90% support UKIP and 10% don't but it could just as easily be the other way round. The only thing the number of views indicates is that lots of people have an interest, whether positive or negative, in UKIP.


I have said elsewhere about the manifesto coming out in September, but individuals still insist on asking questions only the hierarchy may know.

It is common knowledge UKIP wish to curb immigration, leave the EU and sort out the NHS (some people accuse them of going to "sell it off" which is untrue).


People insist on asking questions that only the hierarchy may know because they want to know what UKIP stand for - how can they judge whether to vote for them if they don't know that?


Do people know UKIP's policy on the NHS? It appears the poorer Labour voters they are targeting might not be too happy with it: Nigel Farage: 'The Tories have failed; only Ukip dares cut spending on NHS and pensions'.


Don't know your standpoint regarding parties, but even as a UKIP member, I will still read their manifestos even though they continually give backword on them (as the current government).



And I'll read UKIP's - even though they didn't just go back on parts of their last one - they completely disowned it. ;)

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I'm certainly no fan of Blair, but to compare and put him on par with Hitler is just plain ridiculous.


I took a long look at the two, their achievements their faliures.

blair was self-serving puppet of bush and his associates

whatever you think of hitler he was no-one's lackey ... there's no argument there

But there were some similarities as well as differences .


blair got us into a war we did not want

hitler got everyone into a war that no-one wanted


balir could not keep personal promises to the nation or manifesto promises

unlike blair hitler set out his beliefs and aims in mein kampf and largely stuck to them,


blair may not have opened the door to mass immigration but he did take it off its hinges.

hitler did allow some immigration as germany prospered but his criteria were strict.


blairs oratory skills were almost non-existant

hitler... was perhaps one of the best and most inspirational public speakers the world has every known.

and like me you don't have to agree with a word he said

like blair he was good a telling people what they wanted to hear but much better at it.

but both lied, and or decieved, to get what they wanted


Many of Labour's actions and policies, under blair dropped us right in it financially.

We had to get the tories in to put things right and we are still paying for blair's mistakes whilst he and his wife are coining it in.


Under hitler germany was rebuilt and at the time became a powerful nation probably second only to the US really and on a par with japan



I'm just comparing the two, which is hardly ridiculous.


within a perhaps a generation blair will be largely forgotten, personally I can't recall one significant good thing he did. he will probably only be remembered for getting us involved militarily in the middle east.


hitler's place in history, is unfortunately, assured.

The things he did acheive that were admirable will in time be forgotten.

The rest as they say, is history.


You don't have to kill people to be psychopath....and having looked at the criteria in the psychopath test

.... I believe hitler was and blair is.


As for putting blair on a par with hitler ... no never on a par ..but similarities do exist.


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