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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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UKIP are a fairly right wing group as I'm sure will become clear when they actually produce some policies other than the "its all the eu's" fault. While UKIP might appeal to the undercover tories in the labour party, they wouldn't appeal to a real labour person.


andyofborg - so what will Labour do to sort out this country? Spend even more money? Allow even more immigration? Give more power back to the Unions? They would also need someone better than Milliband to lead them.


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Instead of having to work your socks off as an Conservative MP to keep your snout in the expenses trough, you can switch to UKIP and simply lie back and blame the EU for your laziness and ineffectiveness, while raking in the cash.


As much as I disagree with Carswell's politics, from what I can gather from people who've dealt with him at constituency level he isn't as bad as an MP as UKIP MEP's are at Strasbourg.

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andyofborg - so what will Labour do to sort out this country? Spend even more money? Allow even more immigration? Give more power back to the Unions? They would also need someone better than Milliband to lead them.



no idea what labour would do and it's not really relevant at this point, the question is what will ukip do?


a single issue party may do well in elections that don't really matter to people and they need a "none of the above" option, but a party wanting to take part in governing the country needs something a bit better.

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If the Tories win the election I am absolutely certain there will be a referedum, just like there is going to be a referendum on Scotish independence. The party would disintigrate without one and the public would be rioting in the streets. It is only Gordon Brown that promises a referendum and then reneges on it. It didn't do much for his political career.


He originally promised a referendum in THIS parliament wards bitter, but squirmed out of it. 2017 won't be any different after the EU have tightened their stranglehold on us.


Labour of course what us to stay in the EU.

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The party would disintigrate without one


possibly, though that might not be a bad thing


and the public would be rioting in the streets.


I doubt it, well not over this anyway.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 12:20 ----------


He originally promised a referendum in THIS parliament wards bitter, but squirmed out of it.


if you mean the one to do with the last treaty change then there was no squirming.


by the time of the election, the new treaty had been ratified by the uk and the rest of the eu, it was in operation and a referendum would have been a pointless and expensive waste of time when money was allegedly tight and there were more pressing matters to be dealt with.


it was probably the last right thing he did

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If the Tories win the election I am absolutely certain there will be a referedum, just like there is going to be a referendum on Scotish independence. The party would disintigrate without one and the public would be rioting in the streets. It is only Gordon Brown that promises a referendum and then reneges on it. It didn't do much for his political career.


Quite ripe of Brown really as it was him,blair and their cronies that signed the last of the treaties and never even bothered to inform people what they entailed.Not a chance they would reverse it.


As for the Tories they will try to say that they have reached a better deal for us,it will be wall to wall brainwashing in hope that they can either get out of a referendem or heavily control the vote.They most certainly dont want out of the EU and never mentioned it till the competition made it obvious it was a vote winner.

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As much as I disagree with Carswell's politics, from what I can gather from people who've dealt with him at constituency level he isn't as bad as an MP as UKIP MEP's are at Strasbourg.




I am aware Carswell has a HUGE majority (12,000!) but I would have thought much of that was down to him being a Tory MP in a rich part of the country, rather than him being a very good MP :)


I will be interested to see how by-election goes; Carswell is taking a big political risk here, giving up that safe seat for his political beliefs

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I am aware Carswell has a HUGE majority (12,000!) but I would have thought much of that was down to him being a Tory MP in a rich part of the country, rather than him being a very good MP :)


I will be interested to see how by-election goes; Carswell is taking a big political risk here, giving up that safe seat for his political beliefs


Most of Clacton constituency is safe Tory, quite affluent and elderly (very affluent and elderly in the case of Frinton). However there are parts of it such as Jaywick which are not. Enough for the seat to go Labour between 1997 and 2005 when it also included Harwich. However, Labour have declined in that area since then.


UKIP's platform is the sort of thing that appeals to many in that area, and combined with Carswell having a good reputation with many will make it difficult for the Tories to retain the seat in this by-election.

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Most of Clacton constituency is safe Tory, quite affluent and elderly (very affluent and elderly in the case of Frinton). However there are parts of it such as Jaywick which are not. Enough for the seat to go Labour between 1997 and 2005 when it also included Harwich. However, Labour have declined in that area since then.


UKIP's platform is the sort of thing that appeals to many in that area, and combined with Carswell having a good reputation with many will make it difficult for the Tories to retain the seat in this by-election.


on the other hand, there is the old "donkey in a blue rosette" syndrome.


also ukip is a one trick pony, at least at the minute. if the other candidates start to challenge him about ukip's other policies and start asking him if he agrees with some of the statements from the more eccentric party members then he could come unstuck.


equally of course this could tear the conservative party apart in the same way as the sdp leaving the labour party in the 80's did. in many ways that might be a better option, dumping the exteme right of the party onto ukip and repositioning the remaining party as left of labour party could be a winner - new conservatives :)

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on the other hand, there is the old "donkey in a blue rosette" syndrome.


also ukip is a one trick pony, at least at the minute. if the other candidates start to challenge him about ukip's other policies and start asking him if he agrees with some of the statements from the more eccentric party members then he could come unstuck.


To be honest, there are a few UKIP policies which will play very well indeed with people in that area, from the incessant immigrant bashing to opposition to wind farms. Even if these are UKIP policies which I profoundly disagree with.

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