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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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on the other hand, there is the old "donkey in a blue rosette" syndrome.


also ukip is a one trick pony, at least at the minute. if the other candidates start to challenge him about ukip's other policies and start asking him if he agrees with some of the statements from the more eccentric party members then he could come unstuck.


equally of course this could tear the conservative party apart in the same way as the sdp leaving the labour party in the 80's did. in many ways that might be a better option, dumping the exteme right of the party onto ukip and repositioning the remaining party as left of labour party could be a winner - new conservatives :)


No they're not!


They've got a list of "issues" on their website, all of which they consistently and actively promote as their "policy", or for inclusion in their manifesto when it's published for next year's general election.


They are listed here:



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They've got a list of "issues" on their website......


Wow. A list of issues.


My favourite is No to Political Correctness - it stifles free speech meaning they're going to stifle people's free speech to advocate political correctness in order to defend free speech.


I also notice Carswell voted for the bedroom tax which UKIP opposes. Will they expel him for opposing UKIP policy?

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Wow. A list of issues.


Well I'm convinced!


"No tax on the minimum wage."


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Farage is one of us, an ordinary, down-to-earth, salt-of-the-earth working class bloke.


He's definitely worth the £millions he pays himself in EU expenses

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Wow. A list of issues.


My favourite is No to Political Correctness - it stifles free speech meaning they're going to stifle people's free speech to advocate political correctness in order to defend free speech.


Or at its worst - enables mass rape to go unchallenged.

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Or at its worst - enables mass rape to go unchallenged.


If you want to avoid what happened in Rotherham, Rochdale and elsewhere then you need a lot more than a slogan. However I notice UKIP's policies are to cut taxes and thereby cut public services. Maybe you'd let us know how cutting public services will stop child-grooming.


I also see a UKIP candidate is up in court on child sex grooming charges;



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If you want to avoid what happened in Rotherham, Rochdale and elsewhere then you need a lot more than a slogan. However I notice UKIP's policies are to cut taxes and thereby cut public services. Maybe you'd let us know how cutting public services will stop child-grooming.


I also see a UKIP candidate is up in court on child sex grooming charges;




non sequitur

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they have not even set a date for the by-election yet.


the timing of this has not been good for Carswell and UKIP. In fact they have been downright clumsy. They have left it late.


what they should have done was time it so the by election took place during the conference season.


as it is they will probably have the by election in early November, which is late as they can have it this year, and will give Cameron and the Tories time to get Tory MP's down there to campaign in force, like they did in Newark.


even when it is a by election I give Carswell only a 50% chance to win this seat under UKIP's banner. And that is when not only does the UKIP candidate have the big advatnage of incumbency, but also when the seat's complexion favours UKIP as well as any other seat in the country.

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