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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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I'm not into trends. I'm into defending innocent civilians who are being killed!


As am I.



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So you don't support the children in Gaza?


What right minded person wouldn't want an end to bloodshed, especially of children?


Why can't you take a more neutral stance against the violence?

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What right minded person wouldn't want an end to bloodshed, especially of children? but you dont have to go whole hog by putting on rose tinted specs and having Palestine flags, glossing over the repression of women, persecution of gays and honour killings etc!


That's right up UKIP street is that stuff Alan!

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If you want to avoid what happened in Rotherham, Rochdale and elsewhere then you need a lot more than a slogan.


Very true.


However I notice UKIP's policies are to cut taxes and thereby cut public services. Maybe you'd let us know how cutting public services will stop child-grooming.



It appears that;

Cutting of public services would have made no difference in the rotherham case except perhaps that there would have been less people employed by the public involved in the cover ups and failiures to act;

and by implication less people letting down the general public at their own expense.



If puplic services had been cut the then, by implication, much fewer people involved in the inactions and cover ups would perhaps in a bid to keep their jobs have been more likely to have acted much sooner and in the way they are both expected and paid to do.

ie. serve and protect the community and NOT the sexual fantasies of a some perverted asian muslims.



I also see a UKIP candidate is up in court on child sex grooming charges;




The article is headed 'EX ukip man' .

Are you now holding any political party responsible for the activities of its EX members?

Or is it just ukip?



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Cutting of public services would have made no difference in the rotherham case....


The article is headed 'EX ukip man' .

Are you now holding any political party responsible for the activities of its EX members?

Or is it just ukip?


If councils have to cut services then vulnerable people will be more vulnerable. Mid-Staffs hospital didn't help a lot of vulnerable people but cuts in the NHS wouldn't be the answer. Improved services would. UKIP will not improve public services.


My point about the UKIP candidate was to do with political correctness. The kippers on here blame pc for paedophilia but what do they blame if it's one of their own? If he's guilty then what do they blame?

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If councils have to cut services then vulnerable people will be more vulnerable. Mid-Staffs hospital didn't help a lot of vulnerable people but cuts in the NHS wouldn't be the answer. Improved services would.


If by improved services you mean services that actually do their jobs in the manner in which they are expected to then I agree with you. But more of the same as they had in rotherham would just be more money wasted and more people to try and spread the blame to minimise the consequences for the those that either directly or indirectly through action or inaction aided and abbetted the pedaphiles.


UKIP will not improve public services.


I don't honestly know if they will or not, but to get out of the financial mess the country is in we must cut back on public spending and stop borrowing. If someone is willing to make those spending cuts is one possible result to be reduced services but improved quality.

And of course which would the public prefer.

Expensive inefficient services that do not want to do their jobs and act against the public good, as in rotherham.


Less expensive services opersted by honest people that are efficient but unable to cope with demand.


It will be interesting to watch developments.


My point about the UKIP candidate was to do with political correctness.



The kippers on here blame pc for paedophilia but what do they blame if it's one of their own? If he's guilty then what do they blame?


Hardly fair to call this chap one of their own anymore.

He's no longer of concern to the party now, unless of course it can be shown that he carried out his perversions and people in the party turned a blind eye or helped cover it up. Like they apparently do in the conservative, labour and lib-dems. I don't think anyone is saying that Ukip acted like the other parties... as yet.



But I have to agree you can't blame the PC stuff for child molesting perverts..

But the PC stuff should be accountable, and it appears it is time to drop it altogether, if the very people we pay to protect children are going to hide behind PC or try to use it as an excuse to allow perverts from one community to both groom and prey on the children of another.


It would seem that by dropping PC we would be removing at least some members of the perverted criminal brigade a means by which they and others can cover up their actions.



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If councils have to cut services then vulnerable people will be more vulnerable. Mid-Staffs hospital didn't help a lot of vulnerable people but cuts in the NHS wouldn't be the answer. Improved services would. UKIP will not improve public services.


My point about the UKIP candidate was to do with political correctness. The kippers on here blame pc for paedophilia but what do they blame if it's one of their own? If he's guilty then what do they blame?


He didn't manage to evade justice because of his ethnicity though did he. When you find a white man that has evaded justice because of his ethnicity then please come back and tell us because maybe then it will be relevant to the political correctness discussions around events in Rotherham.

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