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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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It would seem that by dropping PC we would be removing at least some members of the perverted criminal brigade a means by which they and others can cover up their actions.


It does amuse me when UKIP supporters think they want to get rid of political correctness, when they've spent more time in the last year kicking out members for not being politically correct than all of the other parties put together.

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they have not even set a date for the by-election yet.


the timing of this has not been good for Carswell and UKIP. In fact they have been downright clumsy. They have left it late.


what they should have done was time it so the by election took place during the conference season.


as it is they will probably have the by election in early November, which is late as they can have it this year, and will give Cameron and the Tories time to get Tory MP's down there to campaign in force, like they did in Newark.


even when it is a by election I give Carswell only a 50% chance to win this seat under UKIP's banner. And that is when not only does the UKIP candidate have the big advatnage of incumbency, but also when the seat's complexion favours UKIP as well as any other seat in the country.


I'm reading between the lines here.


You're saying that a cold winter will kill off all the elderly UKIP voters?


That is what you're saying, isn't it?

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It does amuse me when UKIP supporters think they want to get rid of political correctness, when they've spent more time in the last year kicking out members for not being politically correct than all of the other parties put together.


It does me too.

But Ukip are the only party that can compete with labour and the conservatives that has been doing more than hinting that they will do something about both immigration and the EU.

Because of that they stand a very good chance of winning this seat.


I hope they do, it will make little or no difference in parliament but them gaining a seat might just stimulate one of the other two parties to wake up.

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I don't honestly know if they will or not, but to get out of the financial mess the country is in we must cut back on public spending and stop borrowing.


UKIP's tax policy is for a flat rate of income tax. That will massively reduce government income. Now what effect do you think that will have on public services?


---------- Post added 02-09-2014 at 08:29 ----------


He didn't manage to evade justice because of his ethnicity though did he. When you find a white man that has evaded justice because of his ethnicity then please come back and tell us because maybe then it will be relevant to the political correctness discussions around events in Rotherham.


Why pick on ethnicity as a reason for evading justice? Jimmy Savile evaded justice. So did Cyril Smith. So did many other members of the white establishment. Being white and privileged certainly helped them.

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The Clacton by-election could prove very significant for UKIP.


In the past they've been described as a two trick party who only perform strongly in European elections.


If they can win the Clacton by-election, as is currently being predicted, then it may encourage those who voted for them in the European elections to stick with them in a General Election, because they do have a realistic chance of winning seats.


Hopefully this is the start of a sea change in British politics.





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it is not a sea change at all. All it is is a split in the Tory party, the schism which was apparent 20 years ago and which finished the Tories off as a force capable of winning elections. The split has just intensified. There is only one party that will benefit from these two jokers trying to out rabidly right-wing each other, which they will be doing in this campaign, and it is not UKIP, even if they win a 5,000 majority. It is Labour.

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UKIP's tax policy is for a flat rate of income tax. That will massively reduce government income. Now what effect do you think that will have on public services?


No, they've got rid of that policy now - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-27654958


I think someone might have donated them a calculator.


In the past they've been described as a two trick party who only perform strongly in European elections.


"Two trick"? They've learnt another one?! :o

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they have not even set a date for the by-election yet.


the timing of this has not been good for Carswell and UKIP. In fact they have been downright clumsy. They have left it late.


what they should have done was time it so the by election took place during the conference season.


as it is they will probably have the by election in early November, which is late as they can have it this year, and will give Cameron and the Tories time to get Tory MP's down there to campaign in force, like they did in Newark.


even when it is a by election I give Carswell only a 50% chance to win this seat under UKIP's banner. And that is when not only does the UKIP candidate have the big advatnage of incumbency, but also when the seat's complexion favours UKIP as well as any other seat in the country.


Actually, by election is on October 9th, so not much time for people to prepare. A quick election like this may well be to Carswell's advantage



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yes it seems that by-elections are being held much quicker now than they usually were before. Miliband major's seat had theirs only a couple of weeks after he packed in.


I read one article that claimed Cameron and co are not even planning to campaign all that much this time in Clacton, unlike in Newark. Which only goes to show just how bad the financial predicament of the Tories is just prior to an expensive GE campaign to pay for. They can't afford to spend another £100,000 to put up a proper fight like they did in Newark. They may be thinking why waste the money, as they know that even if they lose it this time to UKIP, the smart money will surely be on them getting it back in May.

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