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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Let me think of my list of priorities for the up and coming elections, oh yes, that's right:


1= EU Referendum

1= Immigration








10= Everything else :)






It's a deeply flawed and ultimately foolish line of thinking.

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hahaha i love that, really does sound like alf garnett / victor meldrew stuff :hihi:


Scared of immigrants? Vote Ukip.


Insecure about the financial crisis? Vote Ukip.


Hate the smoking ban, HS2, Brussels, travellers, burqas, regulation, tax, Boris, debt, wind farms, quangos, foreign aid, crime, Abu Qatada, tuition fees, lazy people, Muslims, foreigners, the hunting ban? Vote Ukip.



trouble is now im confused, i always put it down to hard of thinking, but now im thinking easily annoyed :hihi:

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Let me think of my list of priorities for the up and coming elections, oh yes, that's right:


1= EU Referendum

1= Immigration








10= Everything else

You do remember these are MEP elections, right? :hihi:


Sums up too many voters indeed, by the looks. In this country as in many others. For shame.

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Not been on since they came up with this one topic per party idea but from the looks of it no one wants to talk about the other 3 parties, maybe its because they are all the same old same old ?


Any how I have just been reading something on facebook about a big brawl down Popple Street, Page Hall and can't help thinking its come at a good time, just before the vote on Thursday.


You know who you should vote for, say no more ;)


Never a better time for the riots Blunkett predicted to happen.

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It is a waste of time because the article does not tell us what the other parties are going to do to address peoples concerns re immigration an EU membership. Telling people that UKIP is racist, xenophobic and bigotted doesn't address the concerns.



All they are doing is saying what a lot of people are thinking.


---------- Post added 20-05-2014 at 17:57 ----------



The fact is that successive governments have had years to deal with the concerns and have failed to do so. People have run out of both patience and trust and are now protesting on mass. Insults coupled with scaremongering about a vote for UKIP being one goose-step away from Nazidom is both boring and unconvincing. People want firm plans, timescales and action on the issues concerning them. The main parties need to woo the support that has been lost to UKIP instead of insulting it... that only makes them want to punish the disrespect and arrogance even more.


All the parties have set out their policies,there are no more concerns for them to address,they have said what they believe in and we have reached polling day,nothing else is going to change,you have your choices on what is available,now you vote for the party that represents what you want...........nobody is going to tailor their policies to suit your personal fears and concerns,the wooing has been done............it's make your mind up time.

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I wonder if Halibut is still an avid supporter of having the Slovaks next door in the light of the Popple street brawl ?


I stated why I wouldn't want them next door to me, if this does not put you off then your either a liar or a saint :)




Got to do something about this lot, lets just hope UKIP get a good turn out on Thursday.

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that's an objective.


that's putting the horse so far before the cart, the horse is in a different country :hihi:


So, Zamo, practically...let's cut through the BS and the rethoric:how is UKIP going to get the UK out of the EU?


Why do you want to know? Will it make you vote for them? I do not pretend to be an expert on the topic (I leave such pretence to you) but I do know this... unless the EU believe we will will leave if there is no reform then there will be no reform.

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Let me think of my list of priorities for the up and coming elections, oh yes, that's right:


1= EU Referendum

1= Immigration








10= Everything else :)






well, that just shows how blinkered, obsessed and one track minded you are, and foolish

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Why do you want to know?
To try and understand your support for a party which is gaining popularity for policies which they cannot realistically deliver, in the context of an election which will have no impact whatsoever on their capacity to deliver such policies in the first place.


Nothing partisan in that, it's just stating the obvious. MEPs cannot influence or partake in national policy on a EU referendum or exit from the EU (that's for MPs) and UKIP MEPs in particular will either have to align with the main Cons & socialists/labour MEP blocs for the UK to have a say in EU legislative updates about movement of EU nationals (so...not a whole lot, when considering numbers of MEPs involved), or stay insignificant (since Farage doesn't want to deal with LePen & co, and the German 'UKIP' MEPs-to-be want nowt to do with UKIP).

Will it make you vote for them?
I don't believe in wasting my vote, so no, for at least the reasons stated above.

but I do know this... unless the EU believe we will will leave if there is no reform then there will be no reform.
The EU has known that for a couple of years at least, and negotiation towards reform has been ongoing since Cameron first mooted his referendum. Edited by L00b
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