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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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UKIP's tax policy is for a flat rate of income tax. That will massively reduce government income. Now what effect do you think that will have on public services?


We need to cut public services anyway, whether we like it or not.


I venture to suggest that people read or watch on youtube. Adrian Salbuchi.


Like him or not his forecasts (NOT PREDICTIONS) all seem to have, or will, come to fruition .



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Like him or not his forecasts (NOT PREDICTIONS) all seem to have, or will, come to fruition .




Or they might be as accurate as your prediction that the Tour de France would result in a major health disaster due to the Northern General being cut off from the rest of Sheffield for a few hours.

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---------- Post added 05-09-2014 at 08:17 ----------





UKIP attempt to get democratically elected MP's to quit parties..............this shows complete contempt for the voters who elected them to represent their interests in the party they were standing in,and shows how desperate for power they are..........in fact it could be said that they are attempting to destabilise the country by doing this and forcing by elections all over............all on the flimsiest evidence that their canvassing shows.


















UK Independence Party is mounting a huge defection campaign after commissioning polling designed to convince Conservative and Labour MPs to switch parties.


Representatives of Nigel Farage’s Eurosceptic party have been trying to encourage MPs to switch allegiance after Douglas Carswell’s shock defection last week.


Conservative MPs have been presented with polling that claims to show that they are more likely to be re-elected if they quit the party.


Adam Holloway, the Conservative MP for Gravesham, said he had been approached four times in the past week alone by a Ukip MEP, it can be disclosed. Gordon Henderson, the MP for Sittingbourne and Sheppey, has also been approached and asked if he wants to “do the same as Douglas Carswell”.


A polling company has been making calls in the constituency of Mark Reckless, a Eurosceptic Tory MP and friend of Mr Carswell, asking people if they would be more likely to vote for him if he were a member of Ukip.

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Mr Farage’s party is also approaching local councillors in target constituencies, urging them to leave the Conservative Party.


Ukip sources have said that the party is now trying to persuade Labour MPs to defect.


It has been suggested that before his defection, Mr Carswell was shown polling telling him he would be more likely to be re-elected if he stood as an MP for Ukip. Mr Carswell has claimed he quit the Tory party because of Mr Cameron’s European Union policies, despite previously saying the only way to get a referendum was to vote Conservative. Other Tory MPs, including Philip Hollobone, are thought to have been targeted by Ukip officials.


Mr Hollobone has insisted that he is not intending to quit the Tory party.


Several other MPs are known to have turned down Ukip’s advances.


“I’m not interested in party political manoeuvring,” Mr Henderson said. “I’m simply not in that game. I’m not someone who is going to change because of the political winds at the time.

Edited by chalga
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UKIP attempt to get democratically elected MP's to quit parties......


There is definite hypocrisy in a party that claims to be anti-establishment trying to get members of the establishment to switch sides so that Ukip can become part of the establishment. UKIP were also complaining recently that they didn't have many members of the House Of Lords.

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There is definite hypocrisy in a party that claims to be anti-establishment trying to get members of the establishment to switch sides so that Ukip can become part of the establishment. UKIP were also complaining recently that they didn't have many members of the House Of Lords.


This is it..........Farage has already attempted to manipulate voting patterns by trying to get the Tories not to stand against UKIP in an attempt to hoover up more votes and grab power while not giving the voter as clear a choice as possible to vote for who they might want,now this,an attempt to coerce and manipulate MP's for Farages own interests...........the Party Of The People show that they couldn't care less about those people who voted and wanted a Tory MP,as long as his attempt to gain some power is furthered.

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The article is headed 'EX ukip man' .

Are you now holding any political party responsible for the activities of its EX members?

Or is it just ukip?




Le Maquis - EX Member as has been pointed out! What about even more in the other three parties, resulting in in inquiries? More of them there I suspect!:(:(

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Le Maquis - EX Member as has been pointed out! What about even more in the other three parties, resulting in in inquiries? More of them there I suspect!:(:(


My original point was about UKIP blaming political correctness for paedophilia. When there's an alleged paedophile in UKIP what do they blame for that?


Moving on, Roger Lord, deposed UKIP candidate in Clacton, says this of Carswell;


"Now that Douglas Carswell is Nigel’s bitch, he will perpetually be picking up the political equivalent of prison soap".


No wonder Carswell was opposed to gay marriage.



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The Clacton by-election could prove very significant for UKIP.


In the past they've been described as a two trick party who only perform strongly in European elections.


If they can win the Clacton by-election, as is currently being predicted, then it may encourage those who voted for them in the European elections to stick with them in a General Election, because they do have a realistic chance of winning seats.


Hopefully this is the start of a sea change in British politics.



Heard Nige, talking about concentrating his sights on Rotherham as well now, in view of the events that have taken place recently.




Now this really could shake things up, as a result of all those disgusted with local Labour councillors.

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