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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Thanks for proving my point that I never said political correctness caused it.

Would you like to explain why you lied?


I wrote


My favourite is No to Political Correctness - it stifles free speech meaning they're going to stifle people's free speech to advocate political correctness in order to defend free speech.


You wrote quoting the above


Or at its worst - enables mass rape to go unchallenged.


Saying it enables paedophilia to go unchallenged means it allows it to carry on and spread. In other words it's a cause as it helps to perpetuate it.

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I wrote




You wrote quoting the above




Saying it enables paedophilia to go unchallenged means it allows it to carry on and spread. In other words it's a cause as it helps to perpetuate it.


Yes, political correctness enabled it to go unchallenged, Rotherham is abject proof of that.


If you read from that that it caused it, perhaps you could explain to us how you think political correctness could have caused paedophilia?

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I wrote




You wrote quoting the above




Saying it enables paedophilia to go unchallenged means it allows it to carry on and spread. In other words it's a cause as it helps to perpetuate it.


Friendly word of advice... stop digging. :)

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Yes, political correctness enabled it to go unchallenged, Rotherham is abject proof of that.


If you read from that that it caused it, perhaps you could explain to us how you think political correctness could have caused paedophilia?


Because others could have joined in once the original perpetrators knew they could get away with impunity. The network can spread as others get involved knowing they have a de facto immunity from prosecution. The word goes round and others jump at the chance.


---------- Post added 08-09-2014 at 13:55 ----------


Friendly word of advice... stop digging. :)


See above for an obvious answer to something you couldn't work out.

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  • 3 weeks later...
so ukip are the hypocrite party :roll:

today they are to announce they are the party of the working class, on the other they have said they would give taxbreaks to 16000 millionaires Oo


There's something for everyone, apart from freeloading Europeans. :D





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One of the victims' father has accused Nigel Farage of exploiting child abuse for political gain and causing distress to local families.


“I find it abhorrent that Ukip are trying to make political gains from this and use it as a tool. It is not what my family wants.


“Ukip have rarely mentioned child abuse before they came here. It is obvious why they are mentioning it now. It’s for the game.”



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Farage talks about it here in his column:




I think he's bang on the money:


Yes I know people will scream at me and say that these issues should not be politicised. But if this isn't a political, then what is?


I think he's also quite right to point out:


To think that a decent foster couple with an excellent record of care had three children removed from their care in Rotherham because they supported Ukip is frankly astonishing, but clearly demonstrates the point. Even the Labour leader was pushed by party workers to admonish the action when the issue blew up in 2012.





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Farage is desperate for power................the lies that he told and were found out about with the [non] 1/1/2014 TIDAL WAVE of immigrants shows how desperate and willing to say anything to get it.That was Putinesque in its paranoia............a guy who Farage looks up to,is ready to appease and excuse.

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