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I'm not sure what the definition of a tidal wave is, but clearly there is an issue with the levels of immigration we're currently experiencing.








Farage clearly stated Rumania and Bulgaria,total population 29MILLION............it never happened.

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Farage talks about it here in his column:




I think he's bang on the money:




I think he's also quite right to point out:








Perhaps he is right to claim that it's a political issue, it's a judgement call. However his claim that Labour have "abandoned the working classes" (whatever they are), needs to be balanced with the expressed disgust of families with children who have been abused and don't want it turned into a political issue. As well as the obvious point that some of his candidates have financially benefitted from immigration; as well as the deafening silence over his tax and spend policies and how they are going to affect his new found supporters in the working classes.

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Farage clearly stated Rumania and Bulgaria,total population 29MILLION............it never happened.



"Mr Clegg brandished a UKIP leaflet from the Eastleigh by-election, highlighting its claim that 29 million Romanians and Bulgarians were poised to come to the UK - a claim he said was wrong and a "scare" tactic.


Mr Farage said: "I am not claiming 29 million have the right to come to Britain, I am saying 485 million people have the total, unconditional right to come to this country."


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Perhaps he is right to claim that it's a political issue, it's a judgement call. However his claim that Labour have "abandoned the working classes" (whatever they are), needs to be balanced with the expressed disgust of families with children who have been abused and don't want it turned into a political issue. As well as the obvious point that some of his candidates have financially benefitted from immigration; as well as the deafening silence over his tax and spend policies and how they are going to affect his new found supporters in the working classes.


It's not a judgement call...It is a political issue.


The 'System' has quite clearly let down the girls who have been abused.


It's Governments and Councils who are responsible for setting the 'System' up and monitoring the 'System'.


There has quite clearly been a massive failure in that 'System' across the country.


This is a political issue, regardless of what some of the parents of the abused children may suggest.






---------- Post added 26-09-2014 at 12:55 ----------


Farage clearly stated Rumania and Bulgaria,total population 29MILLION............it never happened.


Only someone very naive or lacking in intelligence would have taken Nigel Farage's comments to mean all 29 million would be coming over here....I'm sure you're neither. :)


He quite clearly meant that there were another 29 million people who could freely come over should they so choose and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it.


Tens of thousands have taken up the option to come here, with all the social benefits they bring with them, as we're seeing in areas like Page Hall and Hexthorpe.





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Perhaps he is right to claim that it's a political issue, it's a judgement call. However his claim that Labour have "abandoned the working classes" (whatever they are), needs to be balanced with the expressed disgust of families with children who have been abused and don't want it turned into a political issue. As well as the obvious point that some of his candidates have financially benefitted from immigration; as well as the deafening silence over his tax and spend policies and how they are going to affect his new found supporters in the working classes.


AFAIK they aren't totally anti immigration, more anti open door and to be stricter regulation.

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Only someone very naive or lacking in intelligence would have taken Nigel Farage's comments to mean all 29 million would be coming over here....I'm sure you're neither. :)


He quite clearly meant that there were another 29 million people who could freely come over should they so choose and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it.


Tens of thousands have taken up the option to come here, with all the social benefits they bring with them, as we're seeing in areas like Page Hall and Hexthorpe.




Farage and UKIP predicted,and were fearmongering,along with the right wing media and other right wing anti EU politicians,a TIDAL WAVE of immigrants on 1/1/2014...........totally discounting the 29MILLION,the TIDAL WAVE was predicted............it never happened.The mention of 29MILLION was an attempt to appeal to the senses of people who are very naive or lacking intelligence............otherwise,there was no need to mention any figure at all.The fact that it never happened means that Farage loses credibility,he was wrong,and then he quickly dropped all mention of the TIDAL WAVE and moved on to immigrants '

being 'AFTER YOUR JOB',which Ian Duncan Smith has dismissed as another myth by saying that immigrants are taking jobs that British people will not take.


---------- Post added 26-09-2014 at 12:36 ----------


"Mr Clegg brandished a UKIP leaflet from the Eastleigh by-election, highlighting its claim that 29 million Romanians and Bulgarians were poised to come to the UK - a claim he said was wrong and a "scare" tactic.


Mr Farage said: "I am not claiming 29 million have the right to come to Britain, I am saying 485 million people have the total, unconditional right to come to this country."



The TIDAL WAVE of immigrants on 1/1/2014 never happened.

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Farage and UKIP predicted,and were fearmongering,along with the right wing media and other right wing anti EU politicians,a TIDAL WAVE of immigrants on 1/1/2014...........totally discounting the 29MILLION,the TIDAL WAVE was predicted............it never happened.The mention of 29MILLION was an attempt to appeal to the senses of people who are very naive or lacking intelligence............otherwise,there was no need to mention any figure at all.The fact that it never happened means that Farage loses credibility,he was wrong,and then he quickly dropped all mention of the TIDAL WAVE and moved on to immigrants '

being 'AFTER YOUR JOB',which Ian Duncan Smith has dismissed as another myth by saying that immigrants are taking jobs that British people will not take.


---------- Post added 26-09-2014 at 12:36 ----------



The TIDAL WAVE of immigrants on 1/1/2014 never happened.


Don't go sign on then, you'd be shocked ! I was! Glad new job starts next week!

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Their conference venue seems a little odd. Is it so Nigel can continue his daytime drinking and have a flutter on the geegees at the same time?


He's always seen with a pint in his hand, now he's the face of Paddy Power.




Maybe that's where he'll get all his money from for his manifesto promises - from beer duty and tax on betting?

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It's not a judgement call...It is a political issue.


The 'System' has quite clearly let down the girls who have been abused.


It's Governments and Councils who are responsible for setting the 'System' up and monitoring the 'System'.


The thing about systems is that they tend to be inflexible, predictable and do not move with the times. Secondly, I suspect the people carrying out the abuse have realised the authorities to too pressure, to busy and understaffed to make an effective challenge. No matter which system is put in place, it won't be long before people start chipping away at it, finding blind spots and loopholes etc.

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