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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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The thing about systems is that they tend to be inflexible, predictable and do not move with the times. Secondly, I suspect the people carrying out the abuse have realised the authorities to too pressure, to busy and understaffed to make an effective challenge. No matter which system is put in place, it won't be long before people start chipping away at it, finding blind spots and loopholes etc.


A well designed system should have a feedback loop and be adaptive.


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Their conference venue seems a little odd. Is it so Nigel can continue his daytime drinking and have a flutter on the geegees at the same time?


He's always seen with a pint in his hand, now he's the face of Paddy Power.




Maybe that's where he'll get all his money from for his manifesto promises - from beer duty and tax on betting?


Are you saying Nige is the only MP that drinks? Ha ha if you are you must be drunk :)

Which party was it that legalised betting again ive forgot?


Hopefully he will go one futher and stick the ashtrays back in pubs and send the mealing moaners packing.

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I'd give them a bit of credit for having their conference at Doncaster racecourse in Miliband's constituency, however they only had a limited number of racecourses they could possibly have chosen as a location to have the UKIP conference. Brighton racecourse was never going to be a runner, far too cosmopolitan and there are not many UKIP votes, in Brighton. If I were them I'd have played it safer than they did, and gone for Chelmsford racecourse in Essex as a venue for their conference.


as far as I understand it, the BNP used to have their conferences, at one time, at dog tracks, or greyhound rather than horse racecourses.

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Over the years I have usually voted Labour, however after seeing Farage in debates on the telly and lisening to him on the radio, I decided to have a look at UKIPS website, I agree with 90% of their policies and can see why the other parties are running scared.No more Labour vote for me, I intend to vote UKIP in the future.

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ok well then you tell me a single Labour seat, that UKIP has a cat in hell's chance, of taking. There is 260 odd Labour parliamentary seats at the moment. All of UKIP's top target seats, the very few that they have the remotest chance of taking, every single one, are Tory seats.

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Over the years I have usually voted Labour, however after seeing Farage in debates on the telly and lisening to him on the radio, I decided to have a look at UKIPS website, I agree with 90% of their policies and can see why the other parties are running scared.No more Labour vote for me, I intend to vote UKIP in the future.


They are the only party that when they speak you know its not just plastic promises.

We know already the other parties will tell you one thing while doing another,they have proved it time and time again.Every election we hear the same 'time for change slogan' this time it is indeed time for change.


---------- Post added 26-09-2014 at 17:13 ----------


ok well then you tell me a single Labour seat, that UKIP has a cat in hell's chance, of taking. There is 260 odd Labour parliamentary seats at the moment. All of UKIP's top target seats, the very few that they have the remotest chance of taking, every single one, are Tory seats.


Says who ??? :)

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Says who ??? :)


says me. There are around 260 parliamentary seats in Westminster at the moment, held by Labour MP's.


which one of those 260 odd parliamentary seats, do you think UKIP have a chance of prising, from Labour's grasp in the GE in May?

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It's not a judgement call...It is a political issue.


The 'System' has quite clearly let down the girls who have been abused.


It's Governments and Councils who are responsible for setting the 'System' up and monitoring the 'System'.


There has quite clearly been a massive failure in that 'System' across the country.


This is a political issue, regardless of what some of the parents of the abused children may suggest.






---------- Post added 26-09-2014 at 12:55 ----------



Only someone very naive or lacking in intelligence would have taken Nigel Farage's comments to mean all 29 million would be coming over here....I'm sure you're neither. :)


He quite clearly meant that there were another 29 million people who could freely come over should they so choose and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it.


Tens of thousands have taken up the option to come here, with all the social benefits they bring with them, as we're seeing in areas like Page Hall and Hexthorpe.






You mean Farage is going to exploit the issue for political purposes irrespective of what some families want? Okay well good luck to him - we only need to look at some of his candidates & supporters views to know that it's very easy for UKIP to get on their high horses and appeal to base instincts to get votes; less easy for them to put their hands in their pockets and fund the support services necessary for the victims and their families. Indeed when it comes to putting their money where their big mouths are, let's see the extent their generosity and concern for the victims....

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says me. There are around 260 parliamentary seats in Westminster at the moment, held by Labour MP's.


which one of those 260 odd parliamentary seats, do you think UKIP have a chance of prising, from Labour's grasp in the GE in May?


I dont know any more than you do and certainly dont pretend like you that i do,but time will tell ;)

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