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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Goodness me, do people never learn?


The whole reason this issue has spiralled out of control is because people brushed it under the carpet and were unwilling to talk about it and deal with it.


Now you’re suggesting UKIP should do exactly the same.


If political gain is to be made out of this there’s only one party to blame and that’s not UKIP.


Blame the party whose systems failed.


Blame the party who created a climate of politically correct fear so that people were unwilling to deal with issues like this for fear of upsetting the ethnic minorities and being branded a racist.


Whilst I can understand why Labour supporters would want to divert attention from this scandal, it is an important political issue and the failures should be discussed by all the political parties, including UKIP.







I'm not saying the conservatives are ideal but they do seem to have the role of following labour and getting us out of the financial excrement.


Lib dem..they are just also rans really.


The greens and ukip provide encouragement for labour and conservatives alike to address some issues people care about, albeit only lip service to retain votes mainly.


Labour it seems have always been hell bent on taking a reasonably healthy economy and blowing it as fast as possible. They and the some well meaning but misguided, what we once thought of as mostly middle-class clueless liberals have created a climate of politically correct fear. I would also add that IMHO it is a hypocritical one as well. The way they threw us into an illegal war then as insult to injury did not see the job through. Raided pensions to make up for their own financial inabilities, then not only did they sell off a great chunk of our gold reserves when the price was already low but they then announced they were going to do so to force the price down even more.

Insane policies on immigration, because it suited them and potentially brought in more labour sheep, er voters.

I have long considered Blair and his lackey Brown to be traitors to the nation.


New labour should have called themselves the new tories.


I find it hard to think of labour and not be reminded constantly of George Orwell's Animal Farm and the pigs that ran it.


The horse, a war hero then worked to death then sold to the knackers yard. Putting up the retirement age was not a blow to those that can afford private pensions and can retire early anyway.


How often has the party that is supposed to represent the working class ever reversed a conservative policy that helped the wealthy and hit the people on lower incomes. MP's fiddling expenses which party's members would expect to be the least likely to do that... The paedophile gang incidents; on whose watch did that become most prolific... and whose children did it most affect...not the wealthy's for sure.


I usually spoil my paper. I have not seen a party yet that I would choose to vote for, if I voted at all I'd vote against labour and the pointless lib-dems.


Cameron has been painfully slow to spur he country into action against the international criminal organisation isis, even clegg has mumbled a little. labour if left to their own devices would not surprise me if they sent them 'humanitarian' aid, weapons and british passports.


Labour would have to get a completely new manifesto and get rid of most of its current MPs and candidates before I would even consider voting for them and for what they have done and what they have failed to do in the past I will never forgive. Labour's usual policy of trying to spend, borrowed money, to get us out of debt is doomed to failiure. Anyone but a fool knows you can't spend what you haven't got and when times are hard you cut back.


You can tell when labour are desperate for votes they start going on about the NHS and other emotive social care related matters, soo transparent and coldly cynical.



Farage comes across as a bit of a fuk-wit at times but less so than cameron or milliband and clegg doesn't even count.


Ukip appear at times to be hypocritical but openly so, which is at least honest. I'm really tempted to give them a go they can't really make things any worse for the ordinary working person on the street and they might improve some things.



Edited by Tommo68
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UKIP are on a roll. All they need now is a Labour defection to put the icing one the conference cake!


On a roll my backside. Come back to me when they have a noticable number of MPs actually making some decisions.


Big deal. Two tory troublemakers have been smarmed by the public school educated, ex city trader, offshore banker, multi millionaire "Man of the people" Farage. That's the end of their political careers.


I doubt that Cameron will be shedding many tears.

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On a roll my backside. Come back to me when they have a noticable number of MPs actually making some decisions.


Big deal. Two tory troublemakers have been smarmed by the public school educated, ex city trader, offshore banker, multi millionaire "Man of the people" Farage. That's the end of their political careers.


I doubt that Cameron will be shedding many tears.


It's not about how much Camerloon will be weeping. It's about how many members of the electorate like Nigel. It would be better to use the word "backside" to depict where Tory voters heads are.

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It's not about how much Camerloon will be weeping. It's about how many members of the electorate like Nigel. It would be better to use the word "backside" to depict where Tory voters heads are.


We considering so far the "Electorate" have had a say on the EU elections and have had several local council elections lets see shall we.


Just a a quick glance of the MASSIVE popularity of UKIP within our system


Local councils: 1.8%

Lords: 0.4%

Northern Ireland 0.8%

UK Commons: NONE

Wales Assembly: NONE

Scottish Assembly: NONE

Police Commission: NONE


Hardly earth shattering stuff.


The only thing they have any presence in is the EU. The one thing that they are demanding we leave. Way to go UKIP. Watch your cash cow disappear!!

Edited by ECCOnoob
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