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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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We considering so far the "Electorate" have had a say on the EU elections and have had several local council elections lets see shall we.


Just a a quick glance of the MASSIVE popularity of UKIP within our system


Local councils: 1.8%

Lords: 0.4%

Northern Ireland 0.8%

UK Commons: NONE

Wales Assembly: NONE

Scottish Assembly: NONE

Police Commission: NONE


Hardly earth shattering stuff.


The only thing they have any presence in is the EU. The one thing that they are demanding we leave. Way to go UKIP. Watch your cash cow disappear!!


Oh yes, the craniums are so far skywards, the sphincter is around the Tory massive,s throat. Why does change threaten the Tories? Why does public opinion only count in elections that nobody is interested in? What about opinion polls, and how they've swung since as early as March? A change is coming, and we all know the Tories secretly know this. An outright victory for UKIP isn't likely, but then even the Tories couldn't manage that four years ago. Even the Tories hate each other! A sensible and heartfelt government is needed, and Camerloon does not have a hope in hell of staying at No 10 next term. Just look at the passion and conviction of Gordon Brown at Scotland's vote. He may not gave been popular when in office, but if Camerloon had just an ounce of the believability and spirit of conviction of Brown, the Tories wouldn't be in the losing chair they are now sitting in.

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existing Tory MPs like those two, with the huge advantage of incumbency, have a much better chance of getting elected as an MP under UKIP's banner than some bozo who just walks in off thje street.


both of those two will probably win their by elections coming up. But that does not mean that they will not get turfed out in May.

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Another good day at the office for the supporters of UKIP.


Clearly the Tory defectors see them as a party who are here to stay, otherwise they wouldn't have jumped ship.


The momentum is definitely with UKIP at the moment, hopefully that will continue with the up and coming by-elections. :)





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Here's another vote winner from our pleasant and beloved tories http://web.orange.co.uk/article/news/tory_plan_to_lower_benefits_cap_to_23_000


11% payrise anyone?


---------- Post added 28-09-2014 at 12:52 ----------


Why didn't this thread go to the top of the board when I posted?


Why has this posted in the UKIP thread, when I posted under all thinhs conservative? Ok what's hapening?

Edited by Mecky
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Here's another vote winner from our pleasant and beloved tories http://web.orange.co.uk/article/news/tory_plan_to_lower_benefits_cap_to_23_000


11% payrise anyone?


---------- Post added 28-09-2014 at 12:52 ----------


Why didn't this thread go to the top of the board when I posted?


Why has this posted in the UKIP thread, when I posted under all thinhs conservative? Ok what's hapening?


The Conservatives and UKIP have merged, didn't you know Mecky?

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