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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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UKIP is still writing its manifesto having thrown away the last one on the basis it was "garbage" (their words). If you want to understand why UKIP is extreme look at the extreme elements it attracts including far-right Hitler-apologists like retep and anti-semites like your friend in Stocksbridge. You yourself have said you want to be part of the white flight.


---------- Post added 01-10-2014 at 14:24 ----------



Farage's aim is to replace the Tories as the main right-wing party in Britain. There are only so many nutters he can win over and then he'll hit a brick wall. Big business will not support UKIP given the devastation that withdrawal from the EU would cause. Look at how sterling was boosted by the no vote in Scotland. Can you imagine the run on the pound and lack of foreign investment there'd be if we had a 2 year EU referendum campaign with the possibility of withdrawal.


Still at billy liar


Perhaps I should call you a kiddy fidler, I may be telling porkies also, but if the cap fits wear it.

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Why is that?






Because they appear to be targeting mostly Conservative seats which are already held by Eurosceptic MP's, if they win those seats then Labours chance of winning the election increases and if they win we don't get a referendum on EU membership.

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UKIP do not want to make parliamentary gains for crying out loud. Even the leader of the UKIP party doesn't want to be an MP.


they are just this blind-as-a-bat ex Tory pressure group, making a jolly old big nuisance of themselves - for the Tories.


they are not making a nuisance, for anybody else.

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This made me chuckle:


Following Arron Brook's donation of £1 million, UKIP's Party Treasurer Andrew Reid has written an Open Letter to The Rt Hon William Hague MP which can be read below:


Dear Mr Hague,


In the first instance I would like to thank you for your efforts in raising funds for the UKIP cause. It is clear to me that your fundraising ability deserves formal recognition and I would like to offer you the role of Deputy Treasurer on or before your forthcoming retirement from front bench politics.


However to do this, requires you to be a member of the Party, but in your case, as you have raised such a substantial sum for the party, I have spoken with Mr Farage and he has authorised me to offer you honorary membership in recognition of your efforts in securing funds for our party.


I look forward to seeing you at many party events.


Kind regards,


Yours sincerely,


Andrew Reid

UKIP National Treasurer


The millionaire businessman Arron Banks had originally decided to donate £100,000 to UKIP but following Mr Hague's intervention this morning he increased it to £1 million.


Mr Banks said: "I woke up this morning intending to donate £100,000 to Ukip and I understand Mr Hague called me a nobody.


"So, in light of that and in view that I am a strong advocate of leaving the European Union, I have decided today to donate £1 million to the party and not the £100,000 we originally agreed."





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People who are thinking about voting for UKIP need to look at who's joined them this week. The right-wing spivs are defecting to the swivel-eyed loons.


I agree. Why would Tory donor Aaron Banks suddenly want to stand? Did he defect to UKIP because his money wouldn't buy him a seat under the Conservatives?

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I agree. Why would Tory donor Aaron Banks suddenly want to stand? Did he defect to UKIP because his money wouldn't buy him a seat under the Conservatives?


As Mr Banks put it:


"I've supported the Conservatives for a number of years but have come to the realisation that only UKIP supports my views. Being a member of the EU is like having a first class ticket on the Titanic. Economically, remaining in the EU is unsustainable. We are being dragged down to the lowest common denominator of financial growth when we should be looking to trade worldwide and should be basing our future prosperity on a long term global outlook. The Conservative party try to sell us the myth that EU reform is achievable when frankly all Cameron can offer is tinkering around the edges. He is not even able to bring himself to say that he would support UK exit if his supposed reforms do not work."





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Still at billy liar


Not really. You have on a few occasions stated on here that the Jews declared war on Germany. This lie was made up originally by Hitler as an excuse for the Holocaust. He demonised Jews by stating they were anti-German and his revenge was the Holocaust.


When you repeat Hitler's justification for the Holocaust you're simply supporting him and supporting UKIP at the same time.


---------- Post added 02-10-2014 at 16:19 ----------


I notice you're not the only one. One Claudia Bryan has changed from hanging around with Nick Griffin to hanging around with UKIP's Mark Reckless. Note her quote;


"I have seen this before when the Jews sold us (the white race) out in South Africa".



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If you want to educate yourself, you should watch all the videos of the policy speeches from the conference. The Youtube channel is called ukipwebmaster. Louise Bours Health spokesperson was particularly good.


Really? I thought she was excruciating to watch, all ill-informed and shouty. She made a good point about a licence for health management which I agreed with, and was really pleased that she objected to TTIP (although, how that sits with a UKIP which wants more free trade, I'm not sure, but at least they're against it.) However, removing any inspection regime from all care homes, nursing homes, home care etc is an awful concept. And her "fact" about the per capita rate of physicians in the UK was simply untrue. But it got her a cheer from people who, perhaps, don't fact check.


As she appeared to not really know what she was talking about, I looked at her background. Nothing in health or social care, which figured, but did used to be an actor, which also figured. Quite amused that she changed her surname so that it wouldn't be too foreign sounding for her new UKIP friends

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Not really. You have on a few occasions stated on here that the Jews declared war on Germany. This lie was made up originally by Hitler as an excuse for the Holocaust. He demonised Jews by stating they were anti-German and his revenge was the Holocaust.


When you repeat Hitler's justification for the Holocaust you're simply supporting him and supporting UKIP at the same time.


---------- Post added 02-10-2014 at 16:19 ----------


I notice you're not the only one. One Claudia Bryan has changed from hanging around with Nick Griffin to hanging around with UKIP's Mark Reckless. Note her quote;


"I have seen this before when the Jews sold us (the white race) out in South Africa".




I think you need to brush up on your history instead of reading comics,

Here's a clue,


"Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her".



At no time on this forum or any other have I said the Jews were responsible for the Holocaust nor have I ever denied the Holocaust happened, that would be denying history, just like you are billy the fiddler.

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