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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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This is what gets me about the media at the moment.


Instead of concentrating on why UKIP got as high as 30% in the polls (I think that figure will drop as a result of the campaign against them), they're spending all their time discrediting them for the benefit of their pet parties.


Tackle the issues that caused the rise in UKIP and there will be no need for UKIP.






I don't see why there shouldn't be a UKIP promoting something different to pro EU parties,a referendum will be good for all concerned,other parties need to stick to what they believe in,not be UKIP appeasers.

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Oh right. So if Brown didn't support his MPs who were fraudulently claiming expenses why did he keep them in the party?


For the same reason David Cameron didn't expel himself and other Tory MPs who had to pay back expenses.

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Anyone who intends voting UKIP as a protest, and a 'kick up the rear' to the established parties has a certain amount of sympathy from me.


However, if anyone seriously thinks that UKIP will offer some kind of answer to our current problems then I think that they are going to be sadly disappointed.


Remember the SDP?


The four politicians who formed that party, Roy Jenkins, David Owen, Bill Rodgers and Shirley Williams were all serious politicians with respected track records prior to the formation of the SDP.


The intellect of any individual one of those four would appear to surpass that of the entire UKIP party if you consider the apparent inability of UKIP to organize a drinking session in a brewery going on current performance.


Yes, we need to sort out our non fit for purpose immigration policy.


Yes, we need to renegotiate the EU membership which has grown into some grotesque version of what was originally proposed.


UKIP are not the answer, they are simply an annoying addition to the problem.


They do not have a single MP, and on the occasions when they have been elected to the European parliament they have abused the trust placed in them by the voters by producing the worst voting record in the EU parliament of any of our parties represented.


Can any of their supporters please explain exactly how this third rate - even by our present political standards - indisciplined ,internal wrangling, illegal immigrant hiring, kidnapping gangster employing rabble, are going to improve matters?

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They may be right but the point is that being a member of the EU isn't just about what is good for business. It also has to be good for the ordinary man and woman in the street and the reality is that business benefits are intangible to them whilst the negatives (living in communities where they have become the minority and where cultural difference cause tension, schools where English isn't the first language for most kids, benefits being cut whilst seeing immigrants coming in and claiming having contributed nothing etc) are real and directly felt.


No immigrants from the EU are coming in and claiming after contributing nothing,the Conservatives have changed the laws on benefits to immigrants,and you are now misrepresenting what is now official policy and the law by claiming that.

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They may be right but the point is that being a member of the EU isn't just about what is good for business.


The economy is what dictates how well we all live individually and collectively. An economy hit hard by withdrawal from the EU would mean hospitals and schools closing, unemployment booming, etc, etc.


You and other UKIP supporters like Doom have admitted you could put up with that as long as your little racially pure white world isn't threatened. At a referendum you'd get hammered though as people will vote for a better economy over racial purity.

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by the way ive just noticed, is mr clownings "vote ukip" avatar against forum rules? seems to be telling people to vote ukip, just like a party political broadcast really


Mmm for 1) I didn't know it was against any rules, 2) the moderators have seen it several times and can remove them, and 3) what's it got to do with you ?


I have seen loads of folk with various flags ect, every avatar is a promotion of something or other.



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To try and understand your support for a party which is gaining popularity for policies which they cannot realistically deliver, in the context of an election which will have no impact whatsoever on their capacity to deliver such policies in the first place.


Whether UKIP can deliver on their promises if they were to win power at the next general election is a moot point because they will not win power. Their job (as far as I'm concerned) is to take enough vote away from the main parties to force them to toughen up their policies re EU law making and immigration policy and to send a clear message to the EU that if reform is not forthcoming then the British people will do the Frank Bough.


The EU has known that for a couple of years at least, and negotiation towards reform has been ongoing since Cameron first mooted his referendum.


What reforms have they managed in the four years they have had so far? What reforms did Labour manage before that?


Things have got worse, not better. People have lost patience and trust.

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by the way ive just noticed, is mr clownings "vote ukip" avatar against forum rules? seems to be telling people to vote ukip, just like a party political broadcast really


And you seem to be advertising Henderson relish, so what's your problem ?

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Mmm for 1) I didn't know it was against any rules, 2) the moderators have seen it several times and can remove them, and 3) what's it got to do with you ?


I have seen loads of folk with various flags ect, every avatar is a promotion of something or other.



because theres a ban on party promotional sites and videos, i was just curious if that comes under the ban

since we all know its not just aflag, its saying VOTE UKIP, not purely saying im going to vote ukip (in a personal sense) which is allowed or thered be no dialogue at all


---------- Post added 20-05-2014 at 19:44 ----------


And you seem to be advertising Henderson relish, so what's your problem ?


sheffield wednesday colours at that BUT its not a political party (that im aware of) coming up to an election, where its widely known that promotional videos and sites are banned

seems to have rattled your cage tho :hihi:

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because theres a ban on party promotional sites and videos, i was just curious if that comes under the ban

since we all know its not just aflag, its saying VOTE UKIP, not purely saying im going to vote ukip (in a personal sense) which is allowed or thered be no dialogue at all


I hope they questioning why you are advertising a certain condiment then, there's loads of other condiments on the market and you displaying that avatar is not fare and should be against some sort of marketing rule.


Now is that all you have to discuss about the topic ?


You could have PM'd me or reported me instead of being an ass about it.

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