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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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However, removing any inspection regime from all care homes, nursing homes, home care etc is an awful concept.


You missed the important point on this libuse! In the same speech (I was there) the plan was to make local councils responsible for these homes, not just do away with inspections. Don't see why not!




---------- Post added 08-10-2014 at 10:05 ----------


Conservative says conservatives are just full of conjuring tricks and the public to be fooled by trick EU referendum



2017? It won't happen no matter who is in power!



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the parliamentary correspondents will be watching closely the slight adjustment of Carswell's seating position in the House now he has been returned as a UKIP MP as a Tory-in-disguise. He can't have moved far, for sure.


---------- Post added 09-10-2014 at 22:12 ----------


Gisela Stuart?


what is wrong with her? It is because of seats like Birmingham Edgbaston, which she holds, and which Labour have stubbornly held on to, since 1997, that the Tories are unable to get a majority.

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Anyone else just been woken up by an earthquake?


It's just hit High Green.


A stunning result for UKIP, in both elections.:)


No longer can people suggest a vote for UKIP is a wasted vote.....They can now target Labour, Conservative and Liberal seats across the country.





Edited by Doom
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it was a stroke of luck for UKIP that the two by-elections were held in mirror-image regions of the country, the North West and Kent one of which leans Labour and the other Tory. This has enabled them to call victory on both fronts, even though they have lost the Heywood by-election : and by quite a substantial margin, too. It was ridiculous that UKIP called for a recount having come short by over 600 votes on a typically low by-election turnout.


even without the incumbent Carswell, Clacton was always better ground for UKIP than Heywood.


Labour's vote held up quite well in Heywood although people were voting all over the place.



UKIP are definitely spooking the Tories more than Labour - it is not inconceivable that Labour could gain a Kent seat or two in May in the GE DESPITE losing a small percentage - like 1% of 2% of the vote.


that would be I think unprecendented in a General Election. A party losing on share of the vote, and yet gaining the seat nontheless. It is possible for that to happen in several seats I could name, Labour gaining them in 2015 despite less people voting for them than in 2010. And it is possible, because of UKIP. Make no mistake that UKIP votes cost the Tories much more, than Labour.

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it was a stroke of luck for UKIP that the two by-elections were held in mirror-image regions of the country, the North West and Kent one of which leans Labour and the other Tory. This has enabled them to call victory on both fronts, even though they have lost the Heywood by-election : and by quite a substantial margin, too. It was ridiculous that UKIP called for a recount having come short by over 600 votes on a typically low by-election turnout.


even without the incumbent Carswell, Clacton was always better ground for UKIP than Heywood.


Labour's vote held up quite well in Heywood although people were voting all over the place.



UKIP are definitely spooking the Tories more than Labour - it is not inconceivable that Labour could gain a Kent seat or two in May in the GE DESPITE losing a small percentage - like 1% of 2% of the vote.


that would be I think unprecendented in a General Election. A party losing on share of the vote, and yet gaining the seat nontheless. It is possible for that to happen in several seats I could name, Labour gaining them in 2015 despite less people voting for them than in 2010. And it is possible, because of UKIP. Make no mistake that UKIP votes cost the Tories much more, than Labour.


Lots of talk there about what is 'possible'. You are clearly in denial. It was a disastrous result for Labour as well as the Tories.


The problem for Labour is that they have further to travel than the Tories to begin addressing the issues concerning everyone now flocking to UKIP. Expect things to keep getting worse and for UKIP to keep getting stronger.


What next ? A Labour defection maybe? If Farage really has been talking to Labour MP's then the results may tempt them to finally walk across the floor. A single defection would be devastating for Labour and yet another massive boost for UKIP.

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It's just hit High Green.


A stunning result for UKIP, in both elections.:)


No longer can people suggest a vote for UKIP is a wasted vote.....They can now target Labour, Conservative and Liberal seats across the country.






Its a wasted vote if UKIP win enough Conservative seats to ensure a Labour victory at the next election.

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