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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Spot on. The old 3 parties are all underlining their committment to open door mass immigration and to continued EU membership.


If you're fed up of mass immigration and want out of the EU, none of the old 3 are an option because they have formed a Westminster consensus to ignore us all.







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The only concern I have is that UKIP have never had the power, but people are willing to believe what they say, its nothing more than election promises that all parties do. And we all know that election promises are empty ones.


A few days ago it was claimed that Farrage would do no more silly stunts. Just two hours later he was pictured posing on a tank.

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A few days ago it was claimed that Farrage would do no more silly stunts. Just two hours later he was pictured posing on a tank.


Whilst Labour used our entire military might for an illegal war that killed hundreds of thousands, left a region in lawless chaos, fuelled Islamic extremism and increased the threat from terrorism here at home. I think I prefer silly stunts over stupid...

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there has been no writ and no date has been set for the Rochester and Strood by election which will take place, at considerable public expense, because of the self indulgence of its MP.


at least the Heywood by-election happened for a legitmate reason, unlike the Clacton one.


what Carswell should have done was leave the Tory party and just carried on as a UKIP MP without resigning his seat.


none of the SDP defectors in the 1980s, ever resigned their seats. They waited until the General Election to fight their seats under the SDP banner and in which they all lost.


it looks like the Rochester and Strood by-election will take place in December, or January, when the turnout will be even more pitiful than it was last night in Clacton and Heywood.


UKIP are trying to make out that there is this massive grounswell of opinion in their favour when in actual fact only 50% of the electorate bothered to turn out to vote at all in Clacton and a pathetic 35% in Heywood.


There was no request for a recount and none took place.


oh yes there was.




it is an indication of how green and naive UKIP are, to have asked for a recount when they were defeated so comprehensively by 600 votes on such a low turnout. Perhaps they are going to ask for recounts if and when they come second in seats by 1,500 votes in the General Election as well when the turnout will be double what it was last night.

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The only concern I have is that UKIP have never had the power, but people are willing to believe what they say, its nothing more than election promises that all parties do. And we all know that election promises are empty ones.


We'll never know how good or bad they are compared with the others unless they're given a chance.


I'm certainly willing to take that leap of faith, because the other parties have done nothing in recent times to deal with my biggest concern which is uncontrolled immigration.





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The only concern I have is that UKIP have never had the power, but people are willing to believe what they say, its nothing more than election promises that all parties do. And we all know that election promises are empty ones.


A few days ago it was claimed that Farrage would do no more silly stunts. Just two hours later he was pictured posing on a tank.


UKIP have been indulged by large swathes of the British Media, often unquestioningly. Maybe now they have 1 MP they will get as much publicity as the Green party? They have the same number of MP's.

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John Redwood on Carswell/Farage:




It will be interesting to see how the Farage/Carswell relationship works. Mr Carswell already sounds at variance with his new Leader over immigration, and sounds as if he fancies being the UKIP leader. In the Commons, of course, Mr Carswell will be the UKIP Leader – and Chief Whip, and spokesman on every topic. It will have the fortunate consequence for him that he will never have to rebel against his own Parliamentary whip, but for Mr Farage it will mean there is now a very independent voice speaking for UKIP who may not be the same as Mr Farage.

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John Redwood on Carswell/Farage:




It will be interesting to see how the Farage/Carswell relationship works. Mr Carswell already sounds at variance with his new Leader over immigration, and sounds as if he fancies being the UKIP leader. In the Commons, of course, Mr Carswell will be the UKIP Leader – and Chief Whip, and spokesman on every topic. It will have the fortunate consequence for him that he will never have to rebel against his own Parliamentary whip, but for Mr Farage it will mean there is now a very independent voice speaking for UKIP who may not be the same as Mr Farage.


That wouldn't be a Conservative trying to stir things up would it? :hihi:


It's not been a good day at the office for Cameron and his mates. :help:





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UKIP are trying to make out that there is this massive grounswell of opinion in their favour when in actual fact only 50% of the electorate bothered to turn out to vote at all in Clacton and a pathetic 35% in Heywood.


It isn't just UKIP... the entire media is reporting it. Pull your head out and take a peek if you dare!



It has been misreported by some who can't recognise the difference. What occurred was a 'bundle check' because it was close enough to make sure no bundles had been missed but not close enough to justify a recount. Not that anyone cares... you just come across as desperate to find something negative to say and the bitterness comes shining through.

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That wouldn't be a Conservative trying to stir things up would it? :hihi:


It's not been a good day at the office for Cameron and his mates. :help:






Hate to say this, but I think it's inevitable that sooner or later Douglas Carswell will decide that he can lead UKIP better then Farage.

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