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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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They are having an easy ride because people are prepared to back them, because they are sick to the back teeth of this country becoming an open house, to be bled to death and spat out by people who have no interest and also the strain on resources that the Tories/Libdems/Labour think we have an abundance of. And mostly that the tactics used by anti-UKIP supporters are underhand, sneaky and generally cloak and dagger to demean the party at all costs. Chand used his position to smear UKIP, and although the evidence is out there by the bucket full, it still meets with your approval. Well. Theres a thing!


I wouldn't say it smeared UKIP,the article showed what UKIP policy is........have UKIP refuted the claims?...............if UKIP can't take their policies being talked about and disseminated for what they are,then they shouldn't be in politics.

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And there you have it, Labour politics, well we gave them 13 years to prove what they are and what kind of country they expect us to live in and many of us have decided that we don't like and want to change it. The Labour Party I hope and believe is close to the end of its natural life and just like the other parties, it has no automatic right to survive, There is nothing that the Labour party could say that will change my mind and make me vote for them ever again.

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They are having an easy ride because people are prepared to back them, because they are sick to the back teeth of this country becoming an open house, to be bled to death and spat out by people who have no interest and also the strain on resources that the Tories/Libdems/Labour think we have an abundance of. And mostly that the tactics used by anti-UKIP supporters are underhand, sneaky and generally cloak and dagger to demean the party at all costs. Chand used his position to smear UKIP, and although the evidence is out there by the bucket full, it still meets with your approval. Well. Theres a thing!


A little bit of historical perspective.


Note the similarities.


The SDP disappeared up their own orifice pretty shortly afterwards, forming a pact with the Liberals for a while, before being consumed by them.


That's what will happen this time, but substitute Tory for Liberal.

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A little bit of historical perspective.


Note the similarities.


The SDP disappeared up their own orifice pretty shortly afterwards, forming a pact with the Liberals for a while, before being consumed by them.


That's what will happen this time, but substitute Tory for Liberal.


yes, and this guy is worth a copy and paste (just to lighten the mood:hihi:)

Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F'tang-F'tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel Monster Raving Loonies.

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yes, and this guy is worth a copy and paste (just to lighten the mood:hihi:)

Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F'tang-F'tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel Monster Raving Loonies.


I once named a cat after him.


True story:cool:

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A bit more historical perspective:


The Tory's don't split and disappear. The opposition do that.


There were Whigs and Tory's. The Whigs have split and split again. The Tory's are still here.


That's because the Tory's have one overwhelming rule of life. Survive. Any loyalty, ideological or moral basis to their party takes second place to this (Look how they got rid of Maggie). They believe that the best way to survive is to be the boss and make the rules. They've been doing it so long that they think its their divine right.


Did you hear Boris on Sunday saying there is little to no difference between them and the UKippers. It's already started.

Edited by Flanker7
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Anyone who votes Ukip in order to 'send a message' to the three main parties to get their act in order, fair enough.


Anyone who seriously thinks they will gain power and improve things, needs to reevaluate the situation.


I don't think they'll get into power, but their surge in support is starting to influence the thinking of the other parties.


I've said it before, but the most important issue to me this coming election is immigration and that is tied up with the control the EU have over us.


Both the Conservatives and Labour are moving their position on these issues.....This wouldn't have happened had it not been for the rise in UKIP support.


If we can regain control over our own borders and substantially reduce immigration and get some control back from the EU, then UKIP will have done their job as far as I'm concerned, but until that happens I'll continue to offer them my support.





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A bit more historical perspective:


The Tory's don't split and disappear. The opposition do that.


There were Whigs and Tory's. The Whigs have split and split again. The Tory's are still here.


That's because the Tory's have one overwhelming rule of life. Survive. Any loyalty, ideological or moral basis to their party takes second place to this (Look how they got rid of Maggie). They believe that the best way to survive is to be the boss and make the rules. They've been doing it so long that they think its their divine right.


Did you hear Boris on Sunday saying there is little to no difference between them and the UKippers. It's already started.


Interesting projection in the Sunday Mail for next year's election result. Con 31%, Labour 31%, UKIP 25%, LibDems 8%, rest 11%. The result would give Labour 253 seat, Cons 187, UKIP 128, LibDems 11 and the others 71. Love it to be true!



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This is what Milliband should be doing,the good doctor is doing Millibands work for him............if more people knew what UKIP were about and other parties were prepared to take them to task for it,UKIP would not be having the easy ride they are..............have UKIP refuted the claims in the article?...............scaremongering???..............now UKIP wouldn't do anything like that would they............pot,kettle,black....:D


In the article he says "Policies proposed by Ukip could prevent much-needed specialists from working in Britain". Which of UKIP's policies would stop qualified health specialists from coming to work here?


It simply isn't true that UKIP policy would stop health specialists who can make a positive contribution from coming to the UK. UKIP simply propose scrapping the open door immigration policy for people from the EU and instead having the same immigration policy for everyone i.e. if you are useful then you are welcome and if you are not useful then you are not welcome. We would screen instead of accepting immigration as a job lot as has been the case under both Labour and the Coalition governments.


Anyway, carry on with your smears and lies... it only helps to bolster UKIP support. :D

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