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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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What reforms have they managed in the four years they have had so far? What reforms did Labour manage before that?
I don't like repeating myself unnecessarily, see my earlier posts with factual links.


chalga has since highlighted your being disingenuous about these policies and their factual implementation and enforcement. Again.

Things have got worse, not better. People have lost patience and trust.
So you keep saying. Socio-economical indicators consistently say otherwise.


There has also been the non-trivial matter of a global crisis the likes of which this country had not seen for decades, and was ill-ready to face in the first place thanks to the previous incumbents. Believe it or not, headline shouts and tw@tter-based vacuous banter are no way to run a country, it takes -at best- months for policies to get underway, never mind produce any sort of results (good or bad, with ongoing adjustments in consequence).


Farage is big on talk and "we must this" and "we must that" with easy soundbites appealing to the lowest common denominator: he sells snake oil. By comparison, the Government is busy running a top 10 global economy.

Edited by L00b
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For the same reason David Cameron didn't expel himself and other Tory MPs who had to pay back expenses.


Nor did Gordon Brown or any of the Labour MPs WHO WEREN'T ACTUALLY GUILTY OF A CRIME. Just those who were convicted of deliberate fraud and went to jail because of that.

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So the UKIP barmy-army have kept up the good work today, organising a street "carnival" in Croydon, where they forgot to tell the band they booked who they were, and who promptly packed up and left when they found out who they were, along with the candidate for the area calling Croydon "unsafe and a dump" when they had to deal with that much opposition that Big Nige decided he'd better not put in an appearance.

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So the UKIP barmy-army have kept up the good work today, organising a street "carnival" in Croydon, where they forgot to tell the band they booked who they were, and who promptly packed up and left when they found out who they were, along with the candidate for the area calling Croydon "unsafe and a dump" when they had to deal with that much opposition that Big Nige decided he'd better not put in an appearance.


Probably because they didn't want some nutter calling them racists for playing music at a UKIP event.

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Probably because they didn't want some nutter calling them racists for playing music at a UKIP event.


Or, more likely because they didn't want to play to a bunch of racists and bigots.


Surely you respect their opinion.

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Or, more likely because they didn't want to play to a bunch of racists and bigots.


Surely you respect their opinion.


One of them didn't even know who Nigel Forage was, I imaging he got the idea that UKIP are racists because a bunch of nutters had placards saying they were racists.

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One of them didn't even know who Nigel Forage was, I imaging he got the idea that UKIP are racists because a bunch of nutters had placards saying they were racists.


They are only saying what a lot of people are thinking.

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