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Mitchell may be left-wing by UKIP's standards but he's been the worst Labour MP for many years, and that's against a lot of serious opposition. Like Skinner he comes from that very statist neo-Stalinist old Labour tradition most of whom have disappeared. Labour opposed the EU from a left-wing perspective until 1983 before they got a big reality check. Mitchell never had the Damascene conversion though.


total rubbish. Mitchell is nothing like Denis Skinner Mitchell is only left wing by UKIP's standards, he has been quite a right wing Labour MP actually and nothing like Denis Skinner - not all the Labour Eurosceptic MP's were left-wing like Tony Benn and Skinner. Mitchell was just totally opposed to Blair, and Blair's style of government however that does not make Mitchell left wing either, it makes him a Labour MP who even though he was fairly right wing on at least some issues, just disliked Blair's style. His disliking Blair is not enough alone to turn Mitchell into some quasi-Marxist like Skinner or Tony Benn.

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I quote it,because this guy has vast experience in the NHS and his opinion is worth something with that in mind.I never said that I did agree with him,I posted it for the aforementioned reason,and that it is part of the debate and peoples opinions on UKIP...........people are allowed to have negative opinions on UKIP are they not?............you,and any others who disagree with any negative views on UKIP health policy,or who don't believe that other peoples opinions on it are correct are quite at liberty to carry on voting UKIP,there's no harm done to you is there?.

Maybe you should ask The Guardian about blindly quoting anything anti UKIP...........they are the ones who deemed it worthy of reproducing in their media,and if it's good enough for them,it's good enough for me.


I have a vast experience in the NHS. I work in it. Same as Chand. And his agenda was to smear UKIP. You know it, I know it and everyone else knows it. Here we go again.........Farage is no different to the other, so you cannot use this to smear him. They do it, so why cant he? Go on.....Tell me????

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I have a vast experience in the NHS. I work in it. Same as Chand. And his agenda was to smear UKIP. You know it, I know it and everyone else knows it. Here we go again.........Farage is no different to the other, so you cannot use this to smear him. They do it, so why cant he? Go on.....Tell me????


UKIP have no qualms about smearing first and asking questions later,ask Rumanians and Bulgarians about that.it's funny listening to UKIP fans screaming like stuck pigs when they cry foul about the same tactic being used on them..........I don't even call it a smear,it's an opinion,his opinion..........nothing wrong with that at all.

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UKIP have no qualms about smearing first and asking questions later,ask Rumanians and Bulgarians about that.it's funny listening to UKIP fans screaming like stuck pigs when they cry foul about the same tactic being used on them..........I don't even call it a smear,it's an opinion,his opinion..........nothing wrong with that at all.


Maybe, but still a devious little chuff, isnt he???? Im wondering if he just "forgot" to mention his connections with the Labour party, but still remembered who he wanted to smear????:suspect::suspect::suspect::suspect::suspect:

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I enjoy the debates and think they should be a permanent fixture of election campaigns..


there has only been one round of debates in Britain as a whole in 2010 and for me at least the experience of the tv debates in the Scottish referendum campaign did not make me warm up to them any more. Scotland has its own parliament and it has turned out to be pretty good too, contrary of my expectations of it, what was wrong with them debating things there. I was brought up to think that was what parliaments are for, to debate things. I say scrap the tv debates - they're stupid.

Edited by blake
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Did anyone catch BBC Panorama last night about Farage? A bit of desperate muck raking of very old stuff about dodgy finances and a few disgruntled ex party members from years ago.


Although it was quite amusing to see him trying to fight the corner fo UK fishermen but failing to turn up for the EU fisheries committee where he could fight their corner!



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Did last nights Panorama program not make any UKIP supporters stop and think?


The stupid antics of Farage and Co whilst representing this country in the European parliament, his absolute failure to protect British fishery interests whilst he in a position to do so.


Where is the £70m given to Farage and Co in recent years?


Why have over 20 of his most fervent supporters left UKIP claiming he is unable to work with equals that he is an egomaniac?


Questions are emerging regarding good old Nigel, he is not the man you think he is.

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Did last nights Panorama program not make any UKIP supporters stop and think?


The stupid antics of Farage and Co whilst representing this country in the European parliament, his absolute failure to protect British fishery interests whilst he in a position to do so.


Where is the £70m given to Farage and Co in recent years?


Why have over 20 of his most fervent supporters left UKIP claiming he is unable to work with equals that he is an egomaniac?


Questions are emerging regarding good old Nigel, he is not the man you think he is.




UKIP Nigel Farage MEP - Fighting for British Fishing 2010


Small UK fishing boats unfairly penalised by EU driftnet ban - UKIP MEP Ray Finch

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