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A UKIP candidate in Cornwall is facing the chop as he may not be able to fight an election campaign due to facing prison for animal abuse;


"The party announced just last week that David Evans, from Week St Mary, would contest the Camborne- Redruth seat but, on Monday, the 71-year-old pleaded guilty to six animal welfare charges.


"Bodmin magistrates were told the carcasses of 119 sheep were found on his farm and a further 141 – many of which were close to death – had to be put down earlier this year, in a case described by an animal health inspector as the worst he had seen.""




I liked the bit about his having Asperger's and not being very good with humans.


"....one of the symptoms of his Asperger's was a lack of social interaction with humans and after he had become a recluse he began breeding the sheep as pets".


I suppose UKIP would be perfect for someone not very good at interaction with humans. He'll be transferring to the Wormwood Scrubs branch.

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A UKIP candidate in Cornwall is facing the chop as he may not be able to fight an election campaign due to facing prison for animal abuse;


"The party announced just last week that David Evans, from Week St Mary, would contest the Camborne- Redruth seat but, on Monday, the 71-year-old pleaded guilty to six animal welfare charges.


"Bodmin magistrates were told the carcasses of 119 sheep were found on his farm and a further 141 – many of which were close to death – had to be put down earlier this year, in a case described by an animal health inspector as the worst he had seen.""




I liked the bit about his having Asperger's and not being very good with humans.


"....one of the symptoms of his Asperger's was a lack of social interaction with humans and after he had become a recluse he began breeding the sheep as pets".


I suppose UKIP would be perfect for someone not very good at interaction with humans. He'll be transferring to the Wormwood Scrubs branch.


Notice you "forgot" to mention that UKIP office in London is now investigating this and his general conduct!!

I think this will lead to de-selection and I agree.




---------- Post added 15-10-2014 at 10:04 ----------


Notice you "forgot" to mention that UKIP office in London is now investigating this and his general conduct!!

I think this will lead to de-selection and I agree.



Oh and by the way, don't you think successive governments have failed (miserably) to engage with the public? That's you and me!

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Notice you "forgot" to mention that UKIP office in London is now investigating this and his general conduct!!

I think this will lead to de-selection and I agree.


Oh and by the way, don't you think successive governments have failed (miserably) to engage with the public? That's you and me!


I didn't forget that at all. I started by saying he's facing the chop. No wonder governments don't engage with you if you can't see the bleeding obvious.


By the way those successive governments include a lot of MPs that UKIP is desperately trying to recruit.

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UKIP Nigel Farage MEP - Fighting for British Fishing 2010


Small UK fishing boats unfairly penalised by EU driftnet ban - UKIP MEP Ray Finch


Maybe as an elected representative he should seek to protect our interests by engaging with other members of the organization he has been elected to serve.


Norman Schwarkopf reminded us that we are better off in the tent peeing out that outside the tent peeing in. maybe Nigel and the rest of you should consider that before going off on these attention seeking rants and telling everyone want they want to hear.


He is a joke, and not a good one.

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Maybe as an elected representative he should seek to protect our interests by engaging with other members of the organization he has been elected to serve.


Norman Schwarkopf reminded us that we are better off in the tent peeing out that outside the tent peeing in. maybe Nigel and the rest of you should consider that before going off on these attention seeking rants and telling everyone want they want to hear.


He is a joke, and not a good one.


Wrong, he has not been elected to serve any organisation. Elected politicians should serve the people who elected them and that is all.


---------- Post added 15-10-2014 at 13:27 ----------


Did anyone catch BBC Panorama last night about Farage? A bit of desperate muck raking of very old stuff about dodgy finances and a few disgruntled ex party members from years ago.


Although it was quite amusing to see him trying to fight the corner fo UK fishermen but failing to turn up for the EU fisheries committee where he could fight their corner!




UKIPs position is that the EU has no legitimacy designating British territorial waters as common fishing ground, allowing other EU states to fish our waters. Since it has no legitimacy, then what point of dealing with an illegitimate body? If we get out of the EU as UKIP want, UKIP want what's known as an Exclusive Economic Zone around our coastal waters and foreign fishing vessels would have to apply for permits to fish our waters. This is a far better solution for British fisherman than anything that might come out of the odd committee here and there, but we must get out of the EU to achieve it.

Edited by SevenRivers
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Maybe as an elected representative he should seek to protect our interests by engaging with other members of the organization he has been elected to serve.


Norman Schwarkopf reminded us that we are better off in the tent peeing out that outside the tent peeing in. maybe Nigel and the rest of you should consider that before going off on these attention seeking rants and telling everyone want they want to hear.


He is a joke, and not a good one.


Nigel is cutting holes in that tent, enjoy the shower of pee.

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Nigel is cutting holes in that tent, enjoy the shower of pee.


Yes and if he gets any semblance of power you and your bovine pals will be stood in it with me.


---------- Post added 15-10-2014 at 16:47 ----------


Wrong, he has not been elected to serve any organisation. Elected politicians should serve the people who elected them and that is all.


---------- Post added 15-10-2014 at 13:27 ----------



UKIPs position is that the EU has no legitimacy designating British territorial waters as common fishing ground, allowing other EU states to fish our waters. Since it has no legitimacy, then what point of dealing with an illegitimate body? If we get out of the EU as UKIP want, UKIP want what's known as an Exclusive Economic Zone around our coastal waters and foreign fishing vessels would have to apply for permits to fish our waters. This is a far better solution for British fisherman than anything that might come out of the odd committee here and there, but we must get out of the EU to achieve it.


So your stance is that he should not engage with others to argue the point and influence, rather he stands separated and rants?


Hitler did that.

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Notice you "forgot" to mention that UKIP office in London is now investigating this and his general conduct!!

I think this will lead to de-selection and I agree.


I suspect the same outcome. Compare that though to the actions of the Labour party who failed to get rid of Blair for his murderous lies that led to hundreds of thousands of human deaths... and no doubt some sheep and goats too.

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