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No,UKIP have realised that Political Correctness is just being polite..........their MP Douglas Carswell has said so.:D


What utter tosh, political correctness is what allowed Asian men to get away with raping young vulnerable girls throughout the country for years.

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Very good points,the election of Carswell shows how much UKIP have been forced to change tack and get rid of all the racists and hangers on to make themselves electable.






Carswell himself was quite open about some of his liberal thinking in the statement he made when he announced his defection. Here’s an extract.


I’m joining UKIP not because I am a conservative who hankers after the past. I want change. Things can be better than this.


I am an optimist. Britain’s a better place than it was when I was born in the early 1970s.


We’re more open and tolerant. We’re, for the most part, more prosperous. More people are free to grow up and live as they want to live than ever before.


As the father of a young daughter, I’ve come to appreciate what feminism’s achieved. Most girls growing up in Britain today will have better life chances than before thanks to greater equality.


There’s been a revolution in attitudes towards disabled people.


What was once dismissed as “political correctness gone mad”, we recognise as good manners. Good …


On the subject of immigration, let me make it absolutely clear; I’m not against immigration. The one thing more ugly that nativism is angry nativism.


In an interesting blog for the British Future thinktank today, Sunder Katwala says that, if Carswell does set out to change Ukip, this will be “the most audacious modernisation project in British politics”


Here's what he said...........and more:






But the Farage team is wary of Carswell, who has made clear he will have no truck with Ukip traditionalists hoping to hark back to 1950s Britain.

Edited by chalga
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No,UKIP have realised that Political Correctness is just being polite..........their MP Douglas Carswell has said so.:D


Maybe UKIP don't have time for social niceties like politeness and civility. Or maybe, like Bloom said, in trying to appear rational they're stifling what UKIPPERS really feel.

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Maybe UKIP don't have time for social niceties like politeness and civility. Or maybe, like Bloom said, in trying to appear rational they're stifling what UKIPPERS really feel.


It's symbolic in a way that Carswell enters the UKIP door just as Bloom is out through the exit door,wildly differing in character,it shows how much UKIP have [had to] evolve to become credible,and it's going to be interesting who the next defectors will be,and how they will fit in with the various factions that make up UKIP.





Second, will Mr Carswell upset UKIP’s ideological balance? Like all political outfits, UKIP is a coalition. It is a partnership of right-wing shire Tories and white, ageing working-class voters disillusioned with Labour. The instincts of these two groups differ in various areas, but they are united by a preference for authoritarian and nationalist policies. Yet a smaller “third UKIP” also exists: Thatcherite and libertarian, comprising much of the party’s youth and some of its younger parliamentary candidates. Until now, this lot have not been prominent (or, in the case of the quietly libertarian Mr Farage, frank) enough to melt the socially conservative glue holding the first and second UKIPs together. But Mr Carswell is nothing if not outspokenly small-statist. Unlike most of his new party, his instincts on immigration are liberal, he cares deeply about civil liberties and wants to disestablish the church. It is not impossible to imagine his election as UKIP’s first fully-fledged MP (and the way that he votes in parliament) hastening the confrontation between these different wings of the party.

Edited by chalga
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It's symbolic in a way that Carswell enters the UKIP door just as Bloom is out through the exit door,wildly differing in character,it shows how much UKIP have [had to] evolve to become credible,and it's going to be interesting who the next defectors will be,and how they will fit in with the various factions that make up UKIP.




All these various factions will be fighting like ferrets in a sack :cool:

Still makes for an interesting politics, I can't deny that.

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