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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Ok so I have checked on YouTube in order to hear the speech and will concede only that there is 'wiggle' room for both interpretations of his meaning and before you start crowing, that is not an admission of defeat it is merely a conciliatory gesture. I would remind you of my opening post on this particular discussion, that I don't need Douglas Carswell, Nigel Farage or anyone else to form my opinions for me.

=I am able to look at the facts and reach my own conclusions and a silly grinning smilie only serves to show how weak and childish your statement is.



Delusional as well as not too bright. OK sounds consistent.

You have brought nothing to this discussion except sneering insults.

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Really!! the most ridiculous statement you've ever heard, you really should get out more.


A quote without context has no real meaning, so no, let's not 'narrow down' the quote until it fits into your narrative and not the originators.


Oh dear when the debate is lost, insults becomes the tool of the loser.”


I think this 'no context' quote discussion is over for me, how can there be any sort of intelligent conversation when the other person is just not willing to accept an obvious truth, the man was discussing disabled people and just because you want it to mean something more doesn't make it so.


I am able to look at the facts and reach my own conclusions and a silly grinning smilie only serves to show how weak and childish your statement is.


You have brought nothing to this discussion except sneering insults.



Black, pot, kettle, rearrange:rolleyes:

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Oh please it's too late for another one to join in, where have you been a night and more to the point what is your point?


Public forum, my dear. If you don't like it, take your snotty attitude elsewhere.:)


My point is pretty clear from the post up there ^^^. I was pointing out your hypocritical attitude.

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What utter tosh, political correctness is what allowed Asian men to get away with raping young vulnerable girls throughout the country for years.


I have to agree that most certainly does seem to be the case.


I'll never agree with political correctness whilst so many people allow it to be hypocritical.



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Public forum, my dear. If you don't like it, take your snotty attitude elsewhere.:)


My point is pretty clear from the post up there ^^^. I was pointing out your hypocritical attitude.


So you don't do humour, my mistake. I am not about to trade insults and I am not about to go elsewhere.

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CARSWELL: might well have said this


....The one thing more ugly that nativism is angry nativism.


Nativism | Define Nativism at Dictionary.com


(anthropol) the policy of protecting and reaffirming native tribal cultures in reaction to acculturation.


Acculturation - Definition and More from the Free Merriam ...


Definition of ACCULTURATION. 1 : cultural modification of an individual, group, or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another culture; also : a merging (or dilution) of cultures as a result of prolonged contact.



Now there is one reason why Carswell or anyone of the same opinion would never get my vote.



Edited by Tommo68
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You have brought nothing to this discussion except sneering insults.




Take another look at my post at 1534 and then attempt to address the points made, which you failed to do first time round.


Once you've done that then please explain the part 'Political Correctness' played in the Jimmy Savile, Cyril Smith and Rolf Harris cases.


Your statement that 'political correctness allowed Asian men to get away with raping young vulnerable girls' is obvious nonsense.


Police incompetence mixed with a certain amount of misogyny which is prevalent amongst certain police officers is what allowed this obscenity to continue.


Savile had complaints from all over the country made about him and reported to the police.

Despite which he entertained serving police officers at his flat in Leeds every Friday, and spent several Christmas Eves at Chequers as a guest of Margret Thatcher.


People who have a problem with treating others with some respect (otherwise known as Political Correctness) tend to be the same people who regard ordinary citizens retaining some protection against the overwhelming power of the State ( otherwise known as Human Rights ) as unnecessary and inconvenient.


Do some people abuse Political Correctness and Human Rights?


Yes they do, and some people abuse the use of the NHS, doesn't mean it should be done away with.

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Carswell is already regretting moving from the Tories to UKIP. The body language when sat with Farage indicated such. Also some of the Tory pundits suspect the same.


Carswell has been frustrated in the Tory party by not being offered a ministerial job.


This will end in tears, he will sit things out till after the general election then, as UKIP implodes as it surely will. he will find himself without a political home.


Stupid action by a frustrated man.

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