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................... Your statement that 'political correctness allowed Asian men to get away with raping young vulnerable girls' is obvious nonsense.....




I do not think you will find that many people agree with you on that when it clearly is not " obvious nonsense".



Fear of not being seen to be politically correct or appearing to be racist most definitely was a factor in all concerned (not just the police) allowing (and in a sense condoning) the perpetrators to continue their perverted sordid illegal assaults on children. I have heard of no convincing argument to the contrary.



---------- Post added 17-10-2014 at 13:05 ----------


Originally Posted by mjw47


it is simply not credible to change the meaning of word at your whim, just as a reminder here is the correct meaning of 'political correctness'


political correctness


1. the avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.


May I ask why you did not provide a link to this definition of political correctness that best served your purpose.


A 10 second search on the internet provided me with over 10 pages of definitions for political correctness.



I am neither advocating or decrying the following it is simply one dictionary definition of political correctness.




politically correct

A way that we speak in America so we don't offend whining pussies.

Only pathetically weak people that don't have the balls to say what they feel and mean are politically correct pussies




Why should we accept the definition you chose as being the correct meaning of 'political correctness?

Edited by Tommo68
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Fear of not being seen to be politically correct or appearing to be racist most definitely was a factor in all concerned (not just the police) allowing (and in a sense condoning) the perpetrators to continue their perverted sordid illegal assaults on children. I have heard of no convincing argument to the contrary.



That doesn't mean to say that there has been no convincing argument to the contrary,hiding behind and playing the 'fear of not being Politically Correct ' card is the get out for all those responsible for letting the perpetrators get away with it...........it has been played in order to cover up their dereliction of duty..........the Social workers who claimed were scared of not being 'Politically Correct' were in fact threatened by their higher ups with consequences for bringing up what was going on,so they were not put off by the Politically Correct thing,they were put off by the threats against them from above............simply dereliction of duty by those above.

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This Political Correctness nonsense with regard to the Rotherham cases is tripe.


Could someone please explain to me how being constrained with regard to how you treat people, and not being able to use racist terms when addressing them, and not being able to discriminate against them, prevents them from being arrested and charged when they break the law?


It's complete and utter rubbish, the police failed to do their job and the council followed suit.


Both the police and councils have got 'form' when it comes to failing to deal with this type of crime.


There have been numerous cases of the mistreatment and sexual exploitation of children particularly in care homes where councils have a responsibility.


These range from Nottingham to Wrexham to Derry.


There was no Asian involvement in these cases, and yet the council and police failed to act to protect the children.


Political Correctness is nothing but a feeble pathetic excuse.


What exactly are these clowns trying to say?


Remove PC and allow us to racially abuse people and we will be able to do our job better?


A crime is a crime no matter who has done it. They're using BS in an attempt to downplay their culpability and some people are falling for it.

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I do not think you will find that many people agree with you on that when it clearly is not " obvious nonsense".



Fear of not being seen to be politically correct or appearing to be racist most definitely was a factor in all concerned (not just the police) allowing (and in a sense condoning) the perpetrators to continue their perverted sordid illegal assaults on children. I have heard of no convincing argument to the contrary.



I'm with you on this. I'm hoping the UKIP guy gets in as police commissioner because if that happens there will be major changes in respect to all this. I also hope that UKIP clears out all the PC deadwood from the council and replace them with folk who aren't scared to ruffle a few feathers down at the mosque.

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I'm with you on this. I'm hoping the UKIP guy gets in as police commissioner because if that happens there will be major changes in respect to all this. I also hope that UKIP clears out all the PC deadwood from the council and replace them with folk who aren't scared to ruffle a few feathers down at the mosque.


Would you care to explain precisely what changes Ukip will make 'in respect to all this'?

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MJW47 -You are mixing different cases, Saville was enabled and protected by other paedophiles and their sympathisers within the establishment including members of all political parties and the police. The BBC have a long history of facilitating paedophiles, Uncle Mac was allowed to invite children on the pretext of winning competitions and protected when complaints were made so Saville was one in a long line of sex offenders who because he was a marketable asset was given free rein and the NHS allowed itself to be manipulated by him purely because he brought in large amounts of money through charity work; this has nothing to do with political correctness this is a textbook case of the powerful protecting their own and the NHS’ give us the money and we’ll keep quite betrayal of the most vulnerable in their care.

The Asian rapist/paedophile cases are different, yes there are many reasons that this was allowed to happen. The different agencies that should have cared and protected these children failed in their duty: Childrens Services were more interested in departmental politics: the police made decision based on their judgement of the worthiness of the children and many decided that they were “deviant or promiscuous”, refusing to intervene even when young girls were being beaten up and abused by perpetrators: the CPS, would take up to nine months reviewing cases that were passed to them and then decide not to proceed: the Council ignored 3 extremely critical reports highlighting the scale of the problem, “Senior officers in the Police and the Council were deeply unhappy about the report and the researcher was subjected to personalised hostility at the hands of officials.

But surely any rational person must take the report in full and accept that there was also an element of Political Correctness and fear of being labelled a racist. The report states

• workers in the town involved with the issue believed that one of the difficulties which prevented CSE being dealt with effectively was the ethnicity of the perpetrators; There had been a high-profile media campaign about the trafficking from Eastern Europe of young women and girls for the purposes of prostitution. Whilst the abuse of local girls for the same purpose appeared to be largely ignored.

• Senior people in the Council and also the Police instructed that the ethnic dimension should be downplayed. Unsurprisingly, frontline staff were confused as to what they were supposed to say and do and what would be interpreted as 'racist'.

• There was too much reliance by agencies on traditional community leaders such as elected members and imams as being the primary conduit of communication with the Pakistani-heritage community.

It is obvious that there were a number of faults and failing that allowed these grotesque crimes against our children to be carried out with impunity and all of them must be acknowledge if we are going to protect children in the future.

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I am not 'mixing different cases' I am making the point that the police have failed to carry out their duties in a correct manner in cases which involved young children being abused.


There is a clear pattern between the various cases, the police do not treat them with the seriousness they deserve.


No doubt there are more than one reason why that is so, but the whole ' it's because of political correctness' is a smokescreen, it's BS, it's grasping at straws in an attempt to justify dereliction of duty.


Are they seriously attempting to tell us that because of PC sensitivity they allowed crimes to be committed?


How is it that if the police are so concerned and restricted by 'political correctness' this can happen?




How do you explain the disparity between being able to stop and question people in an obviously unequal manner based on 'suspicion' only, and then being unable to question and arrest people following serious allegations from numerous people?


The supposed PC problem in Rotherham is complete BS arse covering to try and cover incompetence and I am amazed at the naivety of people who fall for it.

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No doubt there are more than one reason why that is so, but the whole ' it's because of political correctness' is a smokescreen, it's BS, it's grasping at straws in an attempt to justify dereliction of duty.


Are they seriously attempting to tell us that because of PC sensitivity they allowed crimes to be committed?


How is it that if the police are so concerned and restricted by 'political correctness' this can happen?



The Equality Human Rights Commission - Page 13 - Police and racism -

"black people are two and a half times more likely than white people to be questioned by the police. In contrast, the rate for Asians was very similar to that for whites."

The supposed PC problem in Rotherham is complete BS arse covering to try and cover incompetence and I am amazed at the naivety of people who fall for it.

So it is your opinion that the researchers and Alexis Jay despite all their best efforts and with their detailed knowledge of all that happened, are incapable of arriving at the correct conclusion and are at best simply naive.

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