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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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I have already stated the many and various reason that enabled this abuse to happen but you are absolutely petrified of admitting you and you political ilk, despite your bullying and name calling of anyone who dares to disagree, have been rumbled and people are no longer afraid to look at stark facts and state was is blindingly obvious. I await your usual schoolboy name calling.




If that comment was aimed at me I would love to know what 'political ilk' I belong to.


Go on, enlighten me with your insight.

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Before that report was published, Professor Jay said she had gone through all the council and police files, and the result was her findings.

Now, according to the latest news, some of the files have "gone missing"!!

Yet another cover up.


Yes I heard about that on the local radio news today. Someone apparently broke into her office and stole some records.


Which begs the question, if the files which she managed to see were so damning what was in the ones that were stolen?


No need to worry though, it's all that there political correctness' fault, now that the authorities have been reassured that it's OK to actually arrest criminals for breaking the law, even if some people find it upsetting we'll be alright.


Incidentally, isn't that Keith Vaz an unctuous git?

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The UKIP PCC candidate and ex police officer Jack Clarkson, Wath police inspector during the miners strike, does not support a full public inquiry into Orgreave.


False rumour (LIES).


Jack DID serve during the mines strike.


He was a community PC, on the beat serving his community in Broomhall.


He was nowhere near the miners strikes and he wasn't even an Inspector at that point.


Obviously political opponents of UKIP like Dopes Not Hope or whatever they're called, Labour, Tories et al are desperate to smear UKP to the point of making stuff up.

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Was she looking directly at you when she used to say that?


I like that :bigsmile:


But you know I won this one it's just that you can never admit your wrong ;)


---------- Post added 18-10-2014 at 14:27 ----------


Why would I want to do that when it was the offer from the party and the alliance of idiots and fools that I wanted to highlight.


For goodness sake grow up and stop the childish name calling it get's really boring and only serves to trivialise your argument.

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For goodness sake grow up and stop the childish name calling it get's really boring and only serves to trivialise your argument.


What argument?,I'm not arguing with anybody or calling anybody names,all I've done is reproduce a news story...........whats the problem?

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Incidentally, isn't that Keith Vaz an unctuous git?


I don't know what unctuous means, but if it means he's a house-flipping sleazebag who'll say and do whatever it takes to climb up the greasy pole of Westminster, the yes, he most certainly is.

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I like that :bigsmile:


But you know I won this one it's just that you can never admit your wrong ;)


---------- Post added 18-10-2014 at 14:27 ----------




In what way exactly did you 'win' this one?


Your statement which I took exception to was ( 1522 ) " political correctness is what allowed Asian men to get away with raping young vulnerable girls throughout the country for years."


You have proved no such thing, 'political correctness' is a straw clutching attempt to excuse inexcusable lack of competence on behalf of the police and local authorities.


I notice you made no effort to explain the discrepancy between a blatant lack of Political Correctness displayed by the police here;




And their inaction in Rotherham. How does that work? No problem picking on random Asians in the street with no real reason, but hesitant to investigate the most disgusting of crimes because it might upset Asians?


In today's Times on page 20 is the following headline Rotherham police took bribes from abusers, claims charity.


PACE ( Parents against child sexual exploitation )


An inquiry is being requested by the Commons home affairs select committee following allegations made by a project worker employed by PACE to investigate and several claims by some of the abused that some of the police were on 'friendly terms' with their abusers.


Yeah, definitely down to PC, and corruption and incompetence and indolence and misogyny.


As I keep pointing out and you keep failing to comprehend Political Correctness is a red herring an excuse used because the police and council know how it winds so many people up.


Take your mums advice, go to specsavers. :)


---------- Post added 18-10-2014 at 15:22 ----------


I don't know what unctuous means, but if it means he's a house-flipping sleazebag who'll say and do whatever it takes to climb up the greasy pole of Westminster, the yes, he most certainly is.


Unctuous = Characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an effected manner; excessively smooth, suave or smug.


Having said which, I believe your description to be equally accurate as regard to the individual in question.

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In what way exactly did you 'win' this one?


Your statement which I took exception to was ( 1522 ) " political correctness is what allowed Asian men to get away with raping young vulnerable girls throughout the country for years."


You have proved no such thing, 'political correctness' is a straw clutching attempt to excuse inexcusable lack of competence on behalf of the police and local authorities.


I notice you made no effort to explain the discrepancy between a blatant lack of Political Correctness displayed by the police here;




And their inaction in Rotherham. How does that work? No problem picking on random Asians in the street with no real reason, but hesitant to investigate the most disgusting of crimes because it might upset Asians?


In today's Times on page 20 is the following headline Rotherham police took bribes from abusers, claims charity.


PACE ( Parents against child sexual exploitation )


An inquiry is being requested by the Commons home affairs select committee following allegations made by a project worker employed by PACE to investigate and several claims by some of the abused that some of the police were on 'friendly terms' with their abusers.


Yeah, definitely down to PC, and corruption and incompetence and indolence and misogyny.


As I keep pointing out and you keep failing to comprehend Political Correctness is a red herring an excuse used because the police and council know how it winds so many people up.


Take your mums advice, go to specsavers. :)


Once again I have to tell you that you are quite wrong , my arguments are valid and indisputable to anyone who is willing to accept the truth when it is as clear as the nose on his face.:)

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Once again I have to tell you that you are quite wrong , my arguments are valid and indisputable to anyone who is willing to accept the truth when it is as clear as the nose on his face.:)


You appear to be a somewhat delusional character, although I'm sure in a very nice way.


Answer this question.


If political correctness plays such a vital part ( in your stated opinion the only part ) in their failure to deal with the Rotherham problem, how is that they have no problem harassing Asians in other circumstances?


Is it something they switch on and off at will?


You appear to be somewhat gullible and prepared to believe anything the authorities tell you.


And I'm still waiting to learn what 'political ilk' I belong to.

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