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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Delusional as well as not too bright. OK sounds consistent.


You appear to be a somewhat delusional character, although I'm sure in a very nice way.

I am pleased to see that your opinion of me seems to be softening :)


Answer this question.


If political correctness plays such a vital part ( in your stated opinion the only part )in their failure to deal with the Rotherham problem, how is that they have no problem harassing Asians in other circumstances?

I cannot let you get away with that, you know that I went to great lengths to agree that there were many other reasons and pc was one important part of the whole. I have no information about police harassment of Asians, but will do some research [/b]


You appear to be somewhat gullible and prepared to believe anything the authorities tell you.

No I learned many years ago not to believe anything unless I have checked the facts out wherever possible and if the facts are hidden then I treat authorities (or anyone telling me that something is at odds with what I can see with my own eyes) with great caution


And I'm still waiting to learn what 'political ilk' I belong to.

Sorry not going there, there are far too many 'Ilks' to argued about:)

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What utter tosh, political correctness is what allowed Asian men to get away with raping young vulnerable girls throughout the country for years.


That is your original post that I took exception to.


There is no mention there of any other contributing factor, just a statement that 'it was political correctness what did it'.


If 'you went to great lengths to agree' then I must have missed it. :)

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That is your original post that I took exception to.


There is no mention there of any other contributing factor, just a statement that 'it was political correctness what did it'.


If 'you went to great lengths to agree' then I must have missed it. :)


Oh my lord, are you my husband, he only ever takes notice of half of what I say, so I will repeat my post, please try to concentrate. I am aware I have opened myself up to your not so razor sharpe wit. :rolleyes:


MJW47 -You are mixing different cases, Saville was enabled and protected by other paedophiles and their sympathisers within the establishment including members of all political parties and the police. The BBC have a long history of facilitating paedophiles, Uncle Mac was allowed to invite children on the pretext of winning competitions and protected when complaints were made so Saville was one in a long line of sex offenders who because he was a marketable asset was given free rein and the NHS allowed itself to be manipulated by him purely because he brought in large amounts of money through charity work; this has nothing to do with political correctness this is a textbook case of the powerful protecting their own and the NHS’ give us the money and we’ll keep quite betrayal of the most vulnerable in their care.

The Asian rapist/paedophile cases are different, yes there are many reasons that this was allowed to happen. The different agencies that should have cared and protected these children failed in their duty: Childrens Services were more interested in departmental politics: the police made decision based on their judgement of the worthiness of the children and many decided that they were “deviant or promiscuous”, refusing to intervene even when young girls were being beaten up and abused by perpetrators: the CPS, would take up to nine months reviewing cases that were passed to them and then decide not to proceed: the Council ignored 3 extremely critical reports highlighting the scale of the problem, “Senior officers in the Police and the Council were deeply unhappy about the report and the researcher was subjected to personalised hostility at the hands of officials.

But surely any rational person must take the report in full and accept that there was also an element of Political Correctness and fear of being labelled a racist. The report states

• workers in the town involved with the issue believed that one of the difficulties which prevented CSE being dealt with effectively was the ethnicity of the perpetrators; There had been a high-profile media campaign about the trafficking from Eastern Europe of young women and girls for the purposes of prostitution. Whilst the abuse of local girls for the same purpose appeared to be largely ignored.

• Senior people in the Council and also the Police instructed that the ethnic dimension should be downplayed. Unsurprisingly, frontline staff were confused as to what they were supposed to say and do and what would be interpreted as 'racist'.

• There was too much reliance by agencies on traditional community leaders such as elected members and imams as being the primary conduit of communication with the Pakistani-heritage community.

It is obvious that there were a number of faults and failing that allowed these grotesque crimes against our children to be carried out with impunity and all of them must be acknowledge if we are going to protect children in the future.

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Oh my lord, are you my husband, he only ever takes notice of half of what I say, so I will repeat my post, please try to concentrate. I am aware I have opened myself up to your not so razor sharpe wit. :rolleyes:


To be honest I couldn't be bothered to read all that crap. And still haven't.


All you had to say, in answer to my first objection to your totally over the top incorrect statement was I accept that it wasn't 'all' down to political correctness, but I think it may have played a small part in the problem


At that point I would have said " Well in my opinion, the part it played was miniscule, and it was mainly introduced as an excuse to try and deflect blame by appealing to the lowest common denominator of stupidity amongst the general public, 'it's all them foreigners fault, our police are wonderful'.


At that point we could have left it at that but you couldn't resist continueing to dig.


My sympathies lie with your husband.

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To be honest I couldn't be bothered to read all that crap. And still haven't.


All you had to say, in answer to my first objection to your totally over the top incorrect statement was I accept that it wasn't 'all' down to political correctness, but I think it may have played a small part in the problem


At that point I would have said " Well in my opinion, the part it played was miniscule, and it was mainly introduced as an excuse to try and deflect blame by appealing to the lowest common denominator of stupidity amongst the general public, 'it's all them foreigners fault, our police are wonderful'.


At that point we could have left it at that but you couldn't resist continueing to dig.


My sympathies lie with your husband.


I will leave you to your arrogance and pathetic inability to even entertain the thought that you may be wrong.

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Once again I have to tell you that you are quite wrong , my arguments are valid and indisputable to anyone who is willing to accept the truth when it is as clear as the nose on his face.:)


Speaking of arrogance. :)


---------- Post added 18-10-2014 at 23:23 ----------


I will leave you to your arrogance and pathetic inability to even entertain the thought that you may be wrong.


Rearrange this well known saying 'pot, kettle,the, black. calling.'


Your husband has obviously learned over the years that ' taking notice of only half of what I say' is the only way that he can retain some semblance of sanity.


You said in an earlier post that you would look into police harassment of Asians and other ethnic minorities.


Please do, and when you have done that, why don't you come back and explain why it is that whilst in certain circumstances the police are perfectly prepared to ignore political correctness ( as in stop and search, based upon racial profiling and 'suspicion' only ) whilst in other circumstances ( crimes being reported on a regular basis ) they become wary of causing offence and decide to allow crimes to be committed against children?


I await your reply with bated breath.

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I await your reply with bated breath.


I have wasted enough of my time exchanging post with you, you obviously have a closed mind and think that opinions that differ from yours are at best irrelevant.


"He that cannot reason is a fool. He that will not is a bigot."

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I have wasted enough of my time exchanging post with you, you obviously have a closed mind and think that opinions that differ from yours are at best irrelevant.


"He that cannot reason is a fool. He that will not is a bigot."


I hold opinions on many subjects, the majority of those opinions are based upon facts that I know about the particular subject in question.


The only time that I am willing to change my mind is when I am presented with a fact that I was previously unaware of, which throws new light upon the subject.


If that fact contradicts my previous opinion then I will change my mind, there is no other option, is there?


You have failed to provide any such fact, and have avoided directly answering questions put to you.


You also left out the last part of the quotation, ' he that dare not is a slave'.


That last part appears to apply to you, you seem unable to be prepared to reason.


The facts are clear, where the police are concerned, under certain circumstances political correctness does not appear to apply, under different circumstances, it effects their ability to carry out their duty.


Using the principle of Occam's Razor, it would seem obvious to all but the deliberately obtuse that it is being used as an excuse for failure to perform their duties as expected by the general public.

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