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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Nigel Farage has given his backing to a Ukip song performed by Mike Read, the former Radio 1 DJ.

Mr Farage called on his supporters to get Ukip Calypso to the number one slot in the singles charts.

Mr Read, a prominent Ukip supporter, performs the anthem in a faux-West Indian accent.

The song contains the chorus: “Oh yes! When we take charge, and the new Prime Minister is Farage, We can trade with the world again, When Nigel is at Number Ten.”

It goes on: “The leaders committed a cardinal sin, opened the borders let them all come in, illegal immigrants in every town, stand up and be counted Blair and Brown.”

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Haven't heard it and wouldn't buy it, but at least some of it is true!

"It goes on: “The leaders committed a cardinal sin, opened the borders let them all come in, illegal immigrants in every town, stand up and be counted Blair and Brown.”




UKIP Calypso doesn't even make sense.


'Open the borders let them all come in/Illegal immigrants in every town'


If we let them in, it's legal

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UKIP Calypso doesn't even make sense.


'Open the borders let them all come in/Illegal immigrants in every town'


If we let them in, it's legal


Which was my immediate thought on seeing it.


But then, asking for Ukip to make sense is probably asking a bit much. :)

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If political correctness plays such a vital part ( in your stated opinion the only part ) in their failure to deal with the Rotherham problem, how is that they have no problem harassing Asians in other circumstances?



Any evidence they're being harrased for anything?


Let's take another example. Around 1300 women and girls are being treated for FGM on the NHS. 500 more cases were reported in a single month. Yet there are still no convictions for this barbaric crime in the UK. France has secured 100+ convictions.

Edited by SevenRivers
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UKIP Calypso doesn't even make sense.


'Open the borders let them all come in/Illegal immigrants in every town'


If we let them in, it's legal

- and stoatwobbler.

Quite right, they can't be illegal if we let them in so that part doesn't make sense.

Still immigrants in every town though thanks to Labour's open door policy, perpetuated by the current Tory government.



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Any evidence they're being harrased for anything?


Let's take another example. Around 1300 women and girls are being treated for FGM on the NHS. 500 more cases were reported in a single month. Yet there are still no convictions for this barbaric crime in the UK. France has secured 100+ convictions.


Yes there is. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24902389


I completely agree with you as regard FGM, it is a disgusting practice which should be dealt with by application of the law.


Whoever is actually involved in carrying out this barbaric 'operation' has to be in contravention of UK law, they are either performing 'surgery' whilst unlicensed or, if they are qualified Doctors, then they are in breach of their Hippocratic oath and should be struck off.


To my mind all religions tend to be misogynist to a lesser or greater extent, the Muslim faith appears to enable some of it's adherents to take it to unacceptable lengths.

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- and stoatwobbler.

Quite right, they can't be illegal if we let them in so that part doesn't make sense.

Still immigrants in every town though thanks to Labour's open door policy, perpetuated by the current Tory government.




Except that Mike Read lives in Frinton-On-Sea, the snobbiest, most lilleywhite town you could possibly come across in England. The man who wrote that line about "illegal immigrants in every town" lives in a town with no immigrants!

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Except that Mike Read lives in Frinton-On-Sea, the snobbiest, most lilleywhite town you could possibly come across in England. The man who wrote that line about "illegal immigrants in every town" lives in a town with no immigrants!


Lillywhite town, what exactly do you mean by that because it sounds like a racial epithet?

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Except that Mike Read lives in Frinton-On-Sea, the snobbiest, most lilleywhite town you could possibly come across in England. The man who wrote that line about "illegal immigrants in every town" lives in a town with no immigrants!


So you claim to know every single person who lives there along with their racial origins?

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