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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Please point out where exactly I 'have tried to make light' of this situation?


In an earlier post I described it as an obscenity, and that is precisely what I believe it was.


My point is not to attempt to defend the Pakistani community, they are as guilty as hell in this instance ,this activity must have been known to their community and what precisely was done about it?


My point is this, The attempts by the Rotherham police and Council officials to excuse their failings by blaming it on political correctness is a load of unmitigated nonsense.


They are both attempting to deflect criticism by dragging in a policy that is unpopular with people who have never sat down and worked out precisely what it means.


Going on the authorities lame excuse,and taking it to its logical conclusion, if a team of Asian bank robbers rocked up in Rotherham and knocked over a bank they would then be allowed to continue untroubled to rob all ten or so Rotherham banks because of ' Political Correctness and Racial Sensitivity'.


If not, why not?


Surely the same principle applies?


Don't always agree with you mjw47 but you're spot on with this one!!!


---------- Post added 22-10-2014 at 14:11 ----------


It really is awful - even disregarding the stupid (and obviously) racist accent, it just shows how moronic UKIP are.

It repeats such stupid Euro myths that even the Daily Express would think twice (like that silly old banana one).


What's the bizarre line about 'We'll start telling the truth about you' supposed to mean anyway? The only possible way to read it is as an admission that they are lying at the moment?


You really do spout nonsense CPC464!


Obviously racist accent? Grow up. Remember the American comedian who did a send up of Banana Boat Song? People taking off Aussies, Indians (Peter Sellars).


Your assumption in your last sentence is beyond belief. So if I tell you "I'll tell you the truth"£ does it mean I've lied to you in the last - of course not!

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You really do spout nonsense CPC464!


Obviously racist accent? Grow up. Remember the American comedian who did a send up of Banana Boat Song? People taking off Aussies, Indians (Peter Sellars).


Your assumption in your last sentence is beyond belief. So if I tell you "I'll tell you the truth"£ does it mean I've lied to you in the last - of course not!


I wonder if the black guy in Rising Damp would be considered racist for speaking with a Home Counties accent.

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Going on the authorities lame excuse,and taking it to its logical conclusion, if a team of Asian bank robbers rocked up in Rotherham and knocked over a bank they would then be allowed to continue untroubled to rob all ten or so Rotherham banks because of ' Political Correctness and Racial Sensitivity'.


If not, why not?


Surely the same principle applies?


Hardly a fair comparison.


Because your hypothetical asian rockers are robbing banks ...MONEY.... crimes involving parts of the establishment like bank's money and property (sorry I meant rich people's property) always get police attention.


I'm pretty sure it is why the CID were formed in the first place.


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I wonder if the black guy in Rising Damp would be considered racist for speaking with a Home Counties accent.


Not if he actually had a Home Counties accent.


I wasn't aware that skin colour affected pronunciation.


---------- Post added 22-10-2014 at 15:29 ----------


Actually, I was hoping that it wouldn't get pulled as it did a fantastic job of making UKIP look very silly. They don't need any help from the "leftie PC brigade" to make themselves look like prats.


Indeed. What a fantastic advert for voting anything but UKIP.


Mike Read is bad enough:gag:


Mike Read with bordeline racist, unfunny song in dodgy accent must be the worst sort of publicity.

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Hardly a fair comparison.


Because your hypothetical asian rockers are robbing banks ...MONEY.... crimes involving parts of the establishment like bank's money and property (sorry I meant rich people's property) always get police attention.


I'm pretty sure it is why the CID were formed in the first place.



That is a very cynical and sceptical way of looking at our society, and I completely agree with you. :(


However, I'm sure you take my point, which is that all considerations as to political correctness and racial sensitivity would be disregarded in the circumstances I described.

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I wonder if the black guy in Rising Damp would be considered racist for speaking with a Home Counties accent.


Possibly not as Don Warrington is from Croydon and so is speaking in his own accent. You don't seem to have cottoned to the fact that black people are actually born and brought up in this country. The next time England play football have a look at the players.

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Possibly not as Don Warrington is from Croydon and so is speaking in his own accent. You don't seem to have cottoned to the fact that black people are actually born and brought up in this country. The next time England play football have a look at the players.


You ever been to Croydon? Trust me, people from Croydon don't speaks like Don Warrington... his voice has been cultivated for theatre darling!

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Possibly not as Don Warrington is from Croydon and so is speaking in his own accent. You don't seem to have cottoned to the fact that black people are actually born and brought up in this country. The next time England play football have a look at the players.


So what you are saying is that a British accent covers just about every accent in the world and so a bit of Jamaican twang is just another British accent. Just like Don Warrington putting on the posh home counties one. That's no different from someone putting on a Scottish accent or a Yorkshire one. So no problem then with a Jamaican accent...unless you are the type that feels the need to look for one.


Incidentally I think you will find that Don Warrington was born in Trinidad and raised in Newcastle but don't let the facts stand in the way of a good tale.

Edited by roosterboost
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Possibly not as Don Warrington is from Croydon and so is speaking in his own accent. You don't seem to have cottoned to the fact that black people are actually born and brought up in this country. The next time England play football have a look at the players.


Surely his character in "Rising Damp" is from Croydon?

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