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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Your attention to detail is pretty poor.


On the contrary, I'm paying attention to the details of what they say, not what I blindly believe them to mean.


I note you're still incapable of explaining what they plan to do... is that because the answer is too difficult to explain, you don't know or you don't want to admit it?

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"do you think the UK will be glad to see the back of me when I take my six figure's worth of assets and five figure's worth of annual tax contributions out of the UK?"

Really, as there's nothing egotistic about it: it's a straightforward question about a factual (if still hypothetical right now) consequence of UKIP's maybe-policies.


I'm still waiting for an answer about it as well, as I recall? Same question as dosxuk above, really, so obviously it's little surprise the 'kippers still can't answer it. It's the core problem of populism: its governmental practicality is inversely proportional to its political simplicity ;):hihi:

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Really, as there's nothing egotistic about it: it's a straightforward question about a factual (if still hypothetical right now) consequence of UKIP's maybe-policies.


I'm still waiting for an answer about it as well, as I recall? Same question as dosxuk above, really, so obviously it's little surprise the 'kippers still can't answer it. It's the core problem of populism: its governmental practicality is inversely proportional to its political simplicity ;):hihi:


If and it's a big if, you had the assets and paid five figures worth of tax, then I wouldn't see any problems for you staying in the UK,


"– UKIP will leave the EU, and take back control of our borders. Work permits will be permitted to fill skills gaps in the UK jobs market."


So if you fit the criteria, no problems.

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Really, as there's nothing egotistic about it: it's a straightforward question about a factual (if still hypothetical right now) consequence of UKIP's maybe-policies.


I'm still waiting for an answer about it as well, as I recall? Same question as dosxuk above, really, so obviously it's little surprise the 'kippers still can't answer it. It's the core problem of populism: its governmental practicality is inversely proportional to its political simplicity ;):hihi:


What is the question that kippers can't answer?

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If and it's a big if, you had the assets and paid five figures worth of tax, then I wouldn't see any problems for you staying in the UK,
There's no if about it (there's one or two SF users (lurking-posting mostly in the Business section) who know me personally and sufficiently well to vouch for it), but that's anecdotal all the same: the principle of it is what matters, i.e. that I'm far from being the only one of my 'type' (EU immigrant making a reasonable contribution to the national economy for over a decade with adding value and creating profits, paying taxes, creating jobs/employing, consuming, investing <etc.>).


Now...You "wouldn't have a problem"? :lol:


Here's a problem for you, Reckless and UKIP: if you lot think immigrant contributors like me are going to stick around and continue the above contributing, investing, planning, employing <etc.> in the UK after their personal status moves from "equal in law and equity" to "tolerated according to criteria" (sub: for a while and until the next raft of xenophobic legislation makes it worse), you lot are so economically dense that the light actually bends around you :hihi:


Most of us (including me) will be gone faster than you can say "wind up and realise assets". Just like 'we' did in Ireland, Portugal, Spain and France before. I don't owe anything to the UK, least of all loyalty after it should declare me an undesirable in all but name for the sake of pandering to a few crassly-idiotic voters :)

So if you fit the criteria, no problems.
You, Reckless and UKIP can shove your criteria and work permits: as I said, there's nothing egotistic about it, it's standard self-preservation by economic migrants (same as it's always been once nationalism goes beyond rethoric and starts turning into policies), and UKIP-run No.11 would just have to learn to do without the associated economic activity and income :thumbsup:

What is the question that kippers can't answer?
Re-read this page from the top, perhaps last page as well for context, it's plenty clear enough. Edited by L00b
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There's no if about it (there's one or two SF users (lurking-posting mostly in the Business section) who know me personally and sufficiently well to vouch for it), but that's anecdotal all the same: the principle of it is what matters, i.e. that I'm far from being the only one of my 'type' (EU immigrant making a reasonable contribution to the national economy for over a decade with adding value and creating profits, paying taxes, creating jobs/employing, consuming, investing <etc.>).


Now...You "wouldn't have a problem"? :lol:


Here's a problem for you, Reckless and UKIP: if you lot think immigrant contributors like me are going to stick around and continue the above contributing, investing, planning, employing <etc.> in the UK after their personal status moves from "equal in law and equity" to "tolerated according to criteria" (sub: for a while and until the next raft of xenophobic legislation makes it worse), you lot are so economically dense that the light actually bends around you :hihi:


Most of us (including me) will be gone faster than you can say "wind up and realise assets". Just like 'we' did in Ireland, Portugal, Spain and France before. I don't owe anything to the UK, least of all loyalty after it should declare me an undesirable in all but name for the sake of pandering to a few crassly-idiotic voters :)

You, Reckless and UKIP can shove your criteria and work permits: as I said, there's nothing egotistic about it, it's standard self-preservation by economic migrants (same as it's always been once nationalism goes beyond rethoric and starts turning into policies), and UKIP-run No.11 would just have to learn to do without the associated economic activity and income :thumbsup:


You appear to be under the impression that all economic activity is down to immigrants and that they all have they same attitude as you, many would still be happy to set up business in the UK and many would be happy to come and work in the UK. Based on the above post I wouldn't loose any sleep if you decided to move your assets and money to another country.


---------- Post added 20-11-2014 at 09:45 ----------


Re-read this page from the top, perhaps last page as well for context, it's plenty clear enough.


The reason the question hasn't been answered could be because it isn't clear to see.

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You appear to be under the impression that all economic activity is down to immigrants
Absolutely not. However, a sizeable, macro-economically-relevant amount, yes.

and that they all have they same attitude as you,
Most whom I know have. They love the place dearly still, but increasingly despair at the mounting traction the populist rethoric is getting, and aren't ready nor willing to stick around as 2nd class citizens.


Not all are professionals, but most are senior management and above, and several own UK companies (Sheffield, Manchester, Birmingham) and have started actively looking at relocation (I'm helping a couple of them). If they do go, that'll be at least 35 high-net UK jobs gone (mostly IT/programming, but some of these jobs might remain on a 'remote' self-employed contract...for a while anyway, until they become non-competitive).


From the many non-Brits I know (both personally and less so), I'm seeing the same dynamic and getting the same 'vibe' starting in the UK, as I experienced in Ireland in early 2008: the time to bug out is looming, Rochester is a just side show, the 2015 GE is the revealer that will get things started for many, subject to its outcome.


It's not that far away, so many have started planning. Myself included. Hope for best, plan for worst, and si vis pacem, para bellum ;)

many would still be happy to set up business in the UK and many would be happy to come and work in the UK.
Hang on, I thought you were after getting rid? :confused:


Let us know when you(-kippers) make up your mind, won't you? :thumbsup:

Based on the above post I wouldn't loose any sleep if you decided to move your assets and money to another country.
Neither am I: as previously seen with the Irish brain and taxpayer drain (of which I and very many other highly-skilled EU migrants were part), it's no skin off my nose, only the UK's to lose :)


I'm just saying to you what it feels like "from the other side of the fence" as a warning, to try and provoke some critical though processes, because I see the UK on its way to cutting its nose, lips and ears to spite its face. But, as always, there are none so blind as those who don't want to see, and if push comes to shove, I'll just move on to greener pastures with all my marbles, the same as all economic migrants before and after me :)

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