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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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David Cameron obliterated, he makes Brown look half decent.


I wish the Labour Party would come back to their true home and stop all this nonsense... They look weak and hypocritical..


They are now presenting an immigration policy that would have had them in uproar a few years ago. They just chase votes.


I wish they would have just said we think immigration is great for the country and we'll continue encouraging it.


I'd disagree with that sentiment but would respect them for standing by their principles.


If there was a poll tomorrow that showed 66% of the country wanted to come out of the EU they'd start to soften there approach to the usual dogmatic EU fluff.

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Amongst his supporters Nigel Farage is the most popular leader of all the parties. He's the most significant politician since Thatcher (who I hated)...




Amongst the supporters of the monster raving loony party Alan Hope is the most popular leader of all the parties. They also came up with several more sane policies than UKIP at the last election...

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