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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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You see, you should be worried. When honest, decent folk walk out on your party on principle, it should act as a wake up call for you.


Maybe 65% of the UK electorate find UKIP abhorrent. Maybe you should think about why that is.


I don't hold out any great hope though, because you have proven yourself to be largely unthinking when it comes to your voting decisions.


Maybe 65% of the electorate would vote for them, agree with some of their policies, but

A can't be bothered to vote

B realise that a vote for ukip in the general election at least would be a complete waste and the only chance of a referendum is a Tory vote.

C sorry about the immigration thing - labour completely screwed that up deliberately for the uk. Its too late. Our culture has now changed and short of repatriation, which is of the whole unacceptable, it has changed for good for our children.

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I don't care.


This is the UKIP thread. Please stay on topic.


The figure of 65% is meaningless then, because it needs to be taken in context against the other parties.


If 70% won't vote for the LibDems, maybe that means they're considered abhorrent by the electorate due to their lies on tuition fees.


If 70% won't vote for Labour, maybe the same is true of them due to the illegal war.


It's a silly point you've tried to make.





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What do you call the HRT, then? Only an example, there's more. But let's go one at a time.


I'd call it a waste of time. I've spent years working with services delivering different types of benefits and know that none of the measures brought in will be effective at stopping low paid/zero paid immigrants from becoming a huge burden on our system. They at best cause a tiny delay but it is akin to saying a lamp post stops people from walking down the road... they just walk around it.


I'm not after instant results, fighting obscurantism and remedying ignorance has always been a long haul job.


And you can drop the self-flagellation strawman, it gets tedious quick.


No self-flagellation here... I was extracting the urine.


You should think about how you talk to people with your condesending tone. The trouble is that even when you make a valid point it gets up peoples noses and human instinct is to go the opposite way. Switching from directly calling them stupid to referring to them as the 'lowest common denominator' may seem like a step forward to you but I'm telling you that you need to keep working on your social skills if you want to win people round to your way of thinking. If however the objective to make yourself feel superior then carry on. :D


Re. selective immigration, my semi-educated guess is there is not long to wait now.


The open door swung even further open during this governments' time in office. Words without action have worn thin.


Re. human rights, you can't be meaning that. Or are being tunnel-visioned. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.


What would happen if we didn't have the HRA? Don't we have equality laws, laws against killing, slave trading etc, etc. What does the HRA cover that we don't already have covered? The rights of foreign criminals to a family life stopping deportation - no thanks. Votes for prisoners - no thanks. Benefits for prisoners so they don't lose their house whilst in prison - no thanks. And then there is the bureaucracy and huge cost of it. Look at how long and how much it took to get rid of Hamza. The justice system may need to be blindfolded but it also needs to be affordable and to dispense justice in a more timely way.

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What would happen if we didn't have the HRA? Don't we have equality laws, laws against killing, slave trading etc, etc. What does the HRA cover that we don't already have covered? The rights of foreign criminals to a family life stopping deportation - no thanks. Votes for prisoners - no thanks. Benefits for prisoners so they don't lose their house whilst in prison - no thanks. And then there is the bureaucracy and huge cost of it. Look at how long and how much it took to get rid of Hamza. The justice system may need to be blindfolded but it also needs to be affordable and to dispense justice in a more timely way.


I was just looking at this article on ECHR.


The 10 cases that make a mockery of British justice, well, what can I say?







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You see, you should be worried. When honest, decent folk walk out on your party on principle, it should act as a wake up call for you.


Maybe 65% of the UK electorate find UKIP abhorrent. Maybe you should think about why that is.


I don't hold out any great hope though, because you have proven yourself to be largely unthinking when it comes to your voting decisions.


One should never let scaremongering and lies turn you away from the truth, and there are always going to be people that think a political party is abhorrent, some think Labour are abhorrent, some thinks the Conservatives are abhorrent.


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 06:53 ----------


Maybe you can fix the problem for Bangladeshis to get free access to the UK,it's a problem for some............what will UKIP do about it?


UKIP will make sure they are treated in the same way has Europeans, no better and no worse.

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There are plenty of loonies ready to earl abuse at anyone seen to be associated with UKIP, so it is understandable that some people wouldn't want to be associated with them out of fear of reprisals.


Its how dictators keep power, they threaten and squash their opposition.


Can't blame people really. Too many idiots in the party. Farage claimed not to know who they are?! If you can't keep control of your party, doesn't give me much hope for their long term future! :hihi:


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 07:23 ----------


well theyre really trying lol, even tho its all utter cowsflop, theyre certainly dedicated to trying to put a positive spin on everything ukip


Can't polish a t**d Mel :hihi:


That's 'polish', not 'Polish!'.......don't want to be accused of being racist!

Edited by Bonzo77
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UKIP will make sure they are treated in the same way has Europeans, no better and no worse.


The problem is that they have to 'jump through hoops' to get in........will UKIP make sure Bangladeshis will not have to jump through hoops and be treated as equals with the EU?

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Can't blame people really. Too many idiots in the party. Farage claimed not to know who they are?! If you can't keep control of your party, doesn't give me much hope for their long term future! :hihi:


They're a party who have grown incredibly quickly in recent times and no doubt some less than savoury characters have found their way in, but given time I'm sure they will be exposed and removed.


Remember the 3 main parties have had years to select their candidates and find out what kind of people they are, but even they have had issues, as pointed out by UKIP 17 Councillors from the other parties have been arrested or charged in the last week.


People call them racist, but nobody can point to a racist policy, because there isn't one. There are racists who support the party, because they are the furthest right of all the main parties, but their aim isn't to be racist.


I find it disappointing that whilst the 3 main political parties and media are falling over themselves to brandish the race card for their own gain, only 1 party seems to be willing to tackle head on the issues that many of us are concerned about.


Farage was undoubtedly clumsy in his wording whilst talking about Romanians, but that shouldn't detract from the point he was trying to make, which was a valid one.


Quite clearly there is a major issue in cities like London with criminal gangs of Romanians involved in certain crimes. Had it not been for the interview, I wouldn't have been aware that Romanians were responsible for such a high percentage of ATM crime and pick pocketing.


Instead of trying to play games with Farage's words, we should be asking:


1. Why? and


2. How do we stop it?


With the freedom of movement across Europe these gangs are free to travel to cities like London where there are rich pickings to be had....Are you happy about that?





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One should never let scaremongering and lies turn you away from the truth, and there are always going to be people that think a political party is abhorrent, some think Labour are abhorrent, some thinks the Conservatives are abhorrent.


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 06:53 ----------



UKIP will make sure they are treated in the same way has Europeans, no better and no worse.


that's not what nick griffin has recently said lol, he called ukip racist for their apparent policy of Africans and Asians over white Europeans lol

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