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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Its not a ukip tactic its how people feel.


No disrespect to the people of R&S but I’ll bet many don’t know what UKIP’s other policies are – apart from immigration. But they don’t care. They’re angry about it and they’re worried. And they’ve never been able to talk about it until now – and that’s only because of UKIP. So now it’s the two major parties who are worried and spewing out new immigration policies like Smarties, finally understanding that the *inexorable rise of UKIP is 100 per cent their fault.


Because the people Cameron dismissed as “loonies and fruitcakes” have connected with huge swathes of a disgruntled electorate. In Farage they see a bloke who’s not laughing at their worries, not slating them as racists, not making them feel ugly inside for being worried about what happens to Britain and harking back to a time and a country that no longer exists. He’s listening to them and for many people that’s a luxury they’ve never been afforded by politicians.




XT500 - UKIP have many more policies than the "one" you mention!

Put a search on for "Policies for People" and you can see them (and other people who complain they don't know!).



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The manifesto is not out yet. I'm sure when it is it will be clear, even for the most ignorant, of what UKIP policy is.
UKIP was created in September 1993 (according to its Wiki). The Parliamentary elections take place in May 2015


Are you saying that, 6 months before their biggest exposure and electoral chances, UKIP haven't had enough of 22 years to straighten out their core policies, in a sufficiently-coherent form that they can get a manifesto out? :confused:

As I said before it doesn't matter. We're all still voting UKIP. Get used to it, we're in for change.


I must also say.... because of one confused sentence, the labouring of the point is just another attempt to try and discredit UKIP. Its not working though.. Wonder what will be next....:thumbsup:

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I actually understand UKIP's problems when it comes to policies.


It centres on UKIP's decision to be a populist political party. The trouble is that the public opinion often changes all the time, so as a rule UKIP has no choice but to change their policies in an effort to chase after that public opinion.

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I know.

Thing that some seem to want to tell us is that people will vote Ukip because of just immigration, it's not,it runs another deeper than that.

Take today,we're being told we all need to lose more privacy in the aid of terrorism,yet nowadays it's not terrorists people fear,it's the cronies that rule us.

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I know.

Thing that some seem to want to tell us is that people will vote Ukip because of just immigration, it's not,it runs another deeper than that.

Take today,we're being told we all need to lose more privacy in the aid of terrorism,yet nowadays it's not terrorists people fear,it's the cronies that rule us.


Good, you've given us a tangible reason as to why you don't like one of the current government's policy. So what is the UKIP's policy on this subject, and why do you think it works better than the government's policy?

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UKIP was created in September 1993 (according to its Wiki). The Parliamentary elections take place in May 2015


Are you saying that, 6 months before their biggest exposure and electoral chances, UKIP haven't had enough of 22 years to straighten out their core policies, in a sufficiently-coherent form that they can get a manifesto out? :confused:



I'm sure the other parties have changed quite a bit in that time as well.


Too true we are not listening, and never will again, to lies from the three other parties.. :D

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I'm sure the other parties have changed quite a bit in that time as well.


The others haven't changed since they announced policies at their party conferences a few months ago. You seem to be claiming that UKIP aren't even capable of sticking to announced policies for two months!

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The others haven't changed since they announced policies at their party conferences a few months ago. You seem to be claiming that UKIP aren't even capable of sticking to announced policies for two months!


Ii wasn't aware the others have a manifesto out yet? Unless its down in black and white it doesn't matter. This is how Tories explain their reneging on the initial promise for a referendum on the EU... because it wasn't in the manifesto.


Its irrelevant what the other parties think now anyway, they are all doomed. Maybe the Greens will replace Labour in the center left.


---------- Post added 24-11-2014 at 11:33 ----------


UKIP are now second in the polls behind the Tories. Bye bye Labour, the current and previous crop have destroyed the party.



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Ii wasn't aware the others have a manifesto out yet? Unless its down in black and white it doesn't matter. This is how Tories explain their reneging on the initial promise for a referendum on the EU... because it wasn't in the manifesto.


So you're saying UKIP policies don't matter and they have no intention of sticking to any of them - or is this is just a desperate attempt to avoid discussing them because you know they are not properly thought out and/or don't want to reveal that they actually only have "Policies for Only Some People".

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