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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Or it doesnt reflect reality :)


Are you saying that many UKIP claims don't reflect reality?


After all sometimes the truth is hard to swallow ;)


Well that is very true.


Roughly 85% of us have no intention of voting UKIP.


I reckon that figure is a bit low. With YouGov saying only 17% percent are intending to vote UKIP, we then have to discount the about 40% who won't vote for anyone. Those figures would mean at least 90% of people have no intention of voting UKIP.


Remember "party for the people" :hihi:


---------- Post added 24-11-2014 at 20:56 ----------


Are you sure?


Ukip is now MORE popular than LABOUR: Nigel Farage gets polls boost as Ukip surges ahead"



You realise that's a poll about who would make the better prime minister.


I imagine a good number of Labour supporters would be quite happy to agree that Ed won't make a good PM.


It says nothing about voting intentions, where UKIP is still getting half the support of Labour.

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Are you sure?


Ukip is now MORE popular than LABOUR: Nigel Farage gets polls boost as Ukip surges ahead"



I wouldn't trust the Excess, if I were you.


This is the latest You Gov voting intentions poll. It doesn't match with the claims in the article. It does match lots of other polling evidence.


Re-read your link, see whether you can spot the deception.

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I wouldn't trust the Excess, if I were you.


This is the latest You Gov voting intentions poll. It doesn't match with the claims in the article. It does match lots of other polling evidence.


Re-read your link, see whether you can spot the deception.


This bit?


Labour MP Austin Mitchell said: "The leader and his aides are running around in small circles panicking about Twitter. "It has been blown out of all proportion. Why did Ed Miliband need to put it out that he was extremely angry?


"He should have ignored it all and it would have blown away." Some Shadow Ministers lamented that Mr Miliband had made the party a laughing stock after he was manoeuvred in an interview into saying that when he saw a house with a white van and flags that he felt "respect" for the occupants.


One said simply "Oh dear" while another insisted: "If we were stronger we could have seen this out." One ally moaned: "We have become a magnet for bad luck and bad timing." :hihi::hihi:

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This bit?


<snip: A load of irrelevant waffle>


No. The deliberate obfuscation by the journo.


Designed to mislead those who exhibit a lack of attention to detail.


Looks like it worked. Confirmation bias is a powerful thing.

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This bit?


Labour MP Austin Mitchell said: "The leader and his aides are running around in small circles panicking about Twitter. "It has been blown out of all proportion. Why did Ed Miliband need to put it out that he was extremely angry?


"He should have ignored it all and it would have blown away." Some Shadow Ministers lamented that Mr Miliband had made the party a laughing stock after he was manoeuvred in an interview into saying that when he saw a house with a white van and flags that he felt "respect" for the occupants.


One said simply "Oh dear" while another insisted: "If we were stronger we could have seen this out." One ally moaned: "We have become a magnet for bad luck and bad timing." :hihi::hihi:


Do you really think that article is saying more people are intending to vote UKIP than Labour?

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