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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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They're a party who have grown incredibly quickly in recent times and no doubt some less than savoury characters have found their way in, but given time I'm sure they will be exposed and removed.


Remember the 3 main parties have had years to select their candidates and find out what kind of people they are, but even they have had issues, as pointed out by UKIP 17 Councillors from the other parties have been arrested or charged in the last week.


People call them racist, but nobody can point to a racist policy, because there isn't one. There are racists who support the party, because they are the furthest right of all the main parties, but their aim isn't to be racist.


I find it disappointing that whilst the 3 main political parties and media are falling over themselves to brandish the race card for their own gain, only 1 party seems to be willing to tackle head on the issues that many of us are concerned about.


Farage was undoubtedly clumsy in his wording whilst talking about Romanians, but that shouldn't detract from the point he was trying to make, which was a valid one.


Quite clearly there is a major issue in cities like London with criminal gangs of Romanians involved in certain crimes. Had it not been for the interview, I wouldn't have been aware that Romanians were responsible for such a high percentage of ATM crime and pick pocketing.


Instead of trying to play games with Farage's words, we should be asking:


1. Why? and


2. How do we stop it?


With the freedom of movement across Europe these gangs are free to travel to cities like London where there are rich pickings to be had....Are you happy about that?






Criminality in the UK existed long before the EU freedom of movement and will still exist if it finished,trying to focus on Rumanians like Farage and UKIP are trying to do is the same kind of fearmongering that they tried to create with the 29MILLION and the 26 MILLION after YOUR job.It's how UKIP works,make people fear something,blame something for the plight that they find themselves in,and that something is........the foreigner.



Politicians who hope "to produce an earthquake" in the European elections forget to mention that the figure of 27,725 released by the Scotland Yard on the basis of Freedom of Information Act represents "arrested people" and is for a five years period (from 2008 to 2012). "Arrested" is different from "charged" or "convicted". A simple check in traffic becomes an "arrest" in statistics if you are asked to go to the Police station for ID verification. In many cases the same person was "arrested" several times. To compare, only in 2012 more than 5.6million crimes were committed in the UK. If multiplied by five years, one could reach the conclusion that 28million Britons have committed crimes. It is a non-sense, as it is a non-sense to say that 28,000 Romanians are held for crimes in London.


According to data published by the Metropolitan Police, the number of Romanians charged with an offence in London in January 2014 dropped 3%, compared to the same month last year. In many cases Romanians are victim of crimes, with 543 persons in the first three months of 2014. As Don Flynn, director of Migrants Rights Network, told Jessica Elgot from the Huffington Post UK: "the figures contradict the claims made in some sections of the tabloid media that crime figures would rocket. If we take into account an increase in the size of the Bulgarian and Romanian populations in the UK during the course of 2013, then this suggests that crime rates are actually falling rather than growing."

Edited by chalga
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Criminality in the UK existed long before the EU freedom of movement and will still exist if it finished,trying to focus on Rumanians like Farage and UKIP are trying to do is the same kind of fearmongering that they tried to create with the 29MILLION and the 26 MILLION after YOUR job.It's how UKIP works,make people fear something,blame something for the plight bthat they find themselves in,and that something is........the foreigner.


Of course criminality existed, but the odds of importing it would be far less if we had stronger controls in place.


I think it was mentioned that something like 90% of all ATM crime in London was attributed to Romanian gangs.


If those gangs were unable to come over here just imagine how much the ATM crime would drop.


Our prisons are full with our own unsavoury characters, we don't want to start having to lock up those from other countries as well.





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Of course criminality existed, but the odds of importing it would be far less if we had stronger controls in place.


I think it was mentioned that something like 90% of all ATM crime in London was attributed to Romanian gangs.


If those gangs were unable to come over here just imagine how much the ATM crime would drop.


Our prisons are full with our own unsavoury characters, we don't want to start having to lock up those from other countries as well.






So are you saying that perfectly innocent people should be denied a right to move freely on the basis that some Rumanians are criminals?.........there are British criminals,if you arrived at a foreign border,would you be happy to be turned away on the basis of that country representative saying to you,sorry,but there are British criminals,you are not welcome?

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So are you saying that perfectly innocent people should be denied a right to move freely on the basis that some Rumanians are criminals?.........there are British criminals,if you arrived at a foreign border,would you be happy to be turned away on the basis of that country representative saying to you,sorry,but there are British criminals,you are not welcome?


I suggest we are selective in who we choose based on what they can do for us, as well as themselves.


If there's a shortage of plasterers, doctors, nurses, then allow the people in who have those particular skills.


I've said it numerous times, but our population held steady for many years around the mid to high 50 million mark, but now it's 63 million and predicted to reach 70 million by 2027. That's a substantial increase that will put an awful lot of pressure on our infrastructure, not to mention the impact it will have on greenbelt land.


The answer to all the World's problems isn't to bring them all here where we are reasonably affluent, it's to help them sort out their own countries so that they don't want to move here.





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The problem is that they have to 'jump through hoops' to get in........will UKIP make sure Bangladeshis will not have to jump through hoops and be treated as equals with the EU?


They will have to jump through the same hoops as EU citizens, no less and no more, the system will be much fairer.

Edited by ivanava
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Will they have to jump through the same hoops as EU citizens, no less and no more, the system will be much fairer.


Their problem is that they have to jump through hoops,will UKIP policy make them not have to jump through hoops?


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 07:45 ----------


I suggest we are selective in who we choose based on what they can do for us, as well as themselves.


If there's a shortage of plasterers, doctors, nurses, then allow the people in who have those particular skills.


I've said it numerous times, but our population held steady for many years around the mid to high 50 million mark, but now it's 63 million and predicted to reach 70 million by 2027. That's a substantial increase that will put an awful lot of pressure on our infrastructure, not to mention the impact it will have on greenbelt land.


The answer to all the World's problems isn't to bring them all here where we are reasonably affluent, it's to help them sort out their own countries so that they don't want to move here.






Then let UKIP campaign on how much better the UK would be out of the EU..............where are their facts and figures on how many more jobs there would be,on how much financially the UK would be better off so that people could see the advantages in plain language about how the UK would be better out of the EU...........all we seem to have heard from Farage is about Rumanians and the ridiculous 26Million coming to get your job...........stop the negative fearmongering and start positively campaigning for independence,giving true facts and figures so that the man in the street who they claim to represent can make an informed opinion on the facts and figures that UKIP present.

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Their problem is that they have to jump through hoops,will UKIP policy make them not have to jump through hoops?


UKIP policy will mean they have to jump through the same hoops as everyone else with no favoritism.


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 08:47 ----------


Then let UKIP campaign on how much better the UK would be out of the EU..............where are their facts and figures on how many more jobs there would be,on how much financially the UK would be better off so that people could see the advantages in plain language about how the UK would be better out of the EU...........all we seem to have heard from Farage is about Rumanians and the ridiculous 26Million coming to get your job...........stop the negative fearmongering and start positively campaigning for independence,giving true facts and figures so that the man in the street who they claim to represent can make an informed opinion on the facts and figures that UKIP present.


If that is all you have seen then you must be using selective reading and believing the scaremongering from UKIP opponents.

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UKIP policy will mean they have to jump through the same hoops as everyone else with no favoritism.


So no difference for the Bangladeshis,who do not want to 'jump through hoops'......we have established that.

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Europe may as well be on the moon as far as my business dealings go. I have no problems in relations with companies outside the EU and can send and receive goods just as quickly. Like every city in the UK is a clone, do you really want every country as a clone?


Scotland wants to run itself as they would feel in control and so the same for UK with Europe. There will one day be a time for a United Europe but its not right now.

Edited by SportsTrophy
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So no difference for the Bangladeshis,who do not want to 'jump through hoops'......we have established that.


Yes it will be different, we favour immigrants from the EU now, so if we remove that favoritism it make the system fairer to your Bangladeshi friends.

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