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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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UKIP representatives like Mr Farage and Mr Reckless




So you don't even think the SNP have rattled the big three in Westminster?


If so, it's not me who needs to get real. You might like to open your eyes to what's going on, not just what big nige says.


And no, I don't rate UKIP as a party - they're not a party, they're a one man popularism machine with as much chance of running the country successfully as my pet goldfish.


Did I mention snp? no,you did and I cannot vote for them.

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How many mp's did they have? and did they make any difference to government policy? NO


Two months ago how many MPs did UKIP have? And did they make any difference to government policy? YES


No different to any of the other pressure groups formed to try and change what they Government does.

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Over half of the remaining Tory support being used tactically? No chance.


Remember many people will already have tactically voted in that survey since they were asked "considering the candidates in your constituency" when asked who they would vote for.


UKIP might only have 5% of actual support, with the other 23% being Tories who think they've got more chance of getting rid of Milliband by siding with UKIP. Although that said, there seems to be a swing from UKIP to Labour when considering the constituency in the Ashcroft poll.


---------- Post added 27-11-2014 at 17:29 ----------



If Farage resigns, it will be the death of UKIP.


Nigel has said he's done after the next term of government anyway. Some other leading UKIP MEPs are well thought of so don't be so sure of that...


The idea that UKIP are disgruntled Tories has been done to death and showed to be wrong.


I'm ex Labour as are a lot of UKIP's supporters.


---------- Post added 27-11-2014 at 19:27 ----------


Are Polish plumbers unskilled? Are foreign nurses unskilled? Both groups have been told in the last few weeks they may not be able to stay.


Some Polish builders murdered an innocent man and his wife recently. He owned the building company they worked for. They are bringing other abilities with them.

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Two months ago how many MPs did UKIP have? And did they make any difference to government policy? YES


No different to any of the other pressure groups formed to try and change what they Government does.


Only 4 seats have actually changed hands in the UK parliament since the 2010 General Election.


Respect have won one

Labour have won one

UKIP have won two. and came damned close to making that 3.


So which party seems to have made most ground since 2010?

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Two months ago how many MPs did UKIP have? And did they make any difference to government policy? YES


No different to any of the other pressure groups formed to try and change what they Government does.


Of course its different,ukip is a political party,not a pressure group and the tories and labour have had to take notice.

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You do know that UKIP's leader is married to an immigrant?


UKIP aren't anti immigrant. They are anti open borders... there is a vast difference... The constant mantra about public services collapsing without immigration is a red herring. If they have the skills needed they are welcome.

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